High Ranking for Research Impact

February 5, 2012

In the recently released SCImago Institutions Rankings [SIR] World Report on the research impact of institutions and companies worldwide, the University of Ottawa Heart Institute placed 57th out of 3,042 organizations. The ranking, conducted by the SCImago Research Group, assessed the quality and impact of each organization’s scientific publications.

The Heart Institute also ranked eighth in Canada. The only other specialized heart centre to place higher in the international ranking was another Canadian institution, Institut Universitaire de Cardiologie et de Pneumologie de Québec. By contrast, highly regarded American cardiac centres the Cleveland Clinic and the Mayo Health System placed 133 and 154, respectively. “Our efforts that increased competitive research funding by 85% since 2004, infrastructure funding from the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) by more than twofold and our research endowment by 150% has paid off beyond our wildest expectations,” said Heart Institute President Dr. Robert Roberts.

“The Heart Institute exists to provide the best possible care for our patients. That is our mission,” he continued. “But that mission also includes ad-vancing the knowledge and practice of cardiovascular medicine to improve the care of all patients and, one day, end heart disease. This ranking shows that we are doing that very thing. And doing it well.”

Further details can be accessed by going to the SIR website: www.scimagoir.com.