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Ten tips for living well as a caregiver

If you are a caregiver, you may help your loved one with a variety of tasks, including helping with grocery shopping and cleaning, managing prescriptions and medical appointments, assisting with mobility and transportation, running errands, performing activities of daily living (such as personal hygiene and eating), and providing emotional support. Here are 10 tips for living well as a caregiver.
  • Research

Heart Institute scientist develops how-to guide to improve scientific literacy

"How to Read a Scientific Paper in Biomedical Sciences" is an essential tool for anyone involved or interested in communicating science
  • Research

Sharing is Caring: Heart Institute research event brings cardiac rehabilitation insights to life

The Heart Institute will hold its second annual Sharing is Caring cardiac rehabilitation research event on Thursday, February 27. Patients, families, caregivers, and community members are invited to take part.

Ten tips for discussing your heart condition with your child

It can be difficult to talk to a child about a heart event or diagnosis, treatments, the prognosis, and the possible changes that may occur in your family as a result. If you are in this situation, here are 10 tips for discussing your heart condition with your child.

Action is needed now to improve cardiovascular health care and outcomes for Canadian women

The Canadian Women's Heart Health Alliance is calling for action to address the critical gap in heart health programs designed specifically for women

Top 10 tips to quit smoking

It’s never too late to quit smoking, and quitting is one of the best things you can do for your health. Here are 10 tips to make quitting smoking easier

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