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The Benefits and Risks of Statins

Since their first appearance in the late 1980s, the cholesterol-lowering drugs known as statins have become one of the most widely prescribed classes of drugs ever produced. The medication is used to treat coronary artery disease (atherosclerosis) by lowering the amount of LDL cholesterol—the “bad”

Living with Adult Congenital Heart Disease: A Patient’s Story

Lana Gillard was used to going to the University of Ottawa Heart Institute. Her mother was a long-time patient there, suffering from chronic heart failure after many years of treatment and several open-heart surgeries. Gillard accompanied her to appointments and knew her mother was in excellent

Ten Things to Know about Healthy Eating

There is a flood of advice in the world about diets and healthy eating. From the food pyramid to fad diets, from books to blogs to celebrity chefs, some of it is good information, some of it is outrageous, and a lot of it is complicated and hard to live by. Healthy eating shouldn’t be hard, but it

Cardiac Sarcoidosis Guidelines Shed Light on a Rare Condition

A complex condition that is not well understood, cardiac sarcoidosis (CS) can affect the electrical pathways in the heart and cause potentially serious irregular heartbeats, known as arrhythmias. In May of this year, the Heart Rhythm Society released the first international guidelines for diagnosing

The Cardiac Surgery ICU: Making Complex Recovery Possible

Intensive care lives up to its name when you visit the patients who are receiving it in the Cardiac Surgery Intensive Care Unit (CSICU). Most patients stay for no more than a day in the University of Ottawa Heart Institute’s CSICU, some will stay for three or four days, and the sickest of the sick

Fish Oil Good for Your Heart? Evidence Called into Question

Oily fish is widely recommended as part of a heart-healthy diet, based in part on a landmark study from the 1970s. In it, Danish researchers Hans Olaf Bang and Jørn Dyerberg connected the low incidence of coronary artery disease (CAD) among the Inuit of Greenland (referred to as Eskimos in the study

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