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Adapting the Ottawa Model for Smoking Cessation for the Solo Practitioner

Family medicine is an important setting for managing cardiovascular risk factors and preventing the onset of heart disease, as well as managing risk factors following a cardiac event. If a patient is a smoker, explained Dr. Andrew Pipe, Chief of Prevention and Rehabilitation at the University of

Introducing the New Chief of Cardiology

In March, Dr. Rob Beanlands was appointed Chief of Cardiology at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute. He brings extensive career experience in cardiovascular imaging and a passion for patient-centred care and education to his new position. Dr. Beanlands takes over from Dr. Terrence Ruddy, Chief

Introducing the New Chief of Cardiac Anesthesiology

To new cardiac anesthesiology residents, Dr. Jean-Yves Dupuis explains that it may be hard for them to predict the twists and turns their careers might take. “I tell them that the day I finished my internship back in 1979, I swore I would never go back to a university hospital—I wanted to travel the

Building a Community for a Revolutionary Surgical Technique

For a groundbreaking new technique to gain traction within the global surgical community, it must have a community of practice—“a community of surgeons,” explained Dr. Marc Ruel, “performing it regularly, who can give feedback to each other and develop new approaches and tricks within the technique

Helping to Modernize Cardiac Care in China

Qingdao is a metropolis on the northeastern coast of China. Like many Chinese cities, it has seen explosive growth. In the past decade, Qingdao’s population has more than tripled to nearly 9 million people. Such growth has spurred the need to expand and modernize medical facilities and programs. In

New Tests Advance the Promise of Personalized Medicine

In less than a decade, the search for common genetic variations that alter people’s risk of disease has changed the way we think about genetic risk. In the world of cardiovascular medicine, 36 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)—the tiny genetic changes that help to differentiate one individual’s

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