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Five ways to enhance cardiovascular rehab for women during pandemic

Within weeks of COVID-19 being declared a pandemic, cardiac rehabilitation (CR) programs around the world suspended in-person services due to social distancing measures put in place to help flatten the curve. Considering the unprecedented disruption to the delivery of traditional CR delivered at

The Beat Audio: Drs. Bob Reid and Peter Liu talk COVID-19 vaccines

Heart Institute scientist says “get vaccinated as soon as possible” In April, The Beat interviewed Dr. Peter Liu, the University of Ottawa Heart Institute’s chief scientific officer, about coronavirus variants and how they are changing the pandemic landscape in Canada. Dr. Liu then appeared on an

The Heart Institute turns 45

It was 45 years ago today, on May 11, 1976, the University of Ottawa Heart Institute (UOHI) opened its doors. In recognition of this milestone anniversary, The Beat is looking back at some of the UOHI’s most notable moments of the last four-and-a-half decades. Scroll through the timeline below to

COVID-19 variants are changing the pandemic landscape in Canada

With case numbers, hospitalizations, and ICU admissions all up, Canada’s third wave is proving more dangerous than at any other point since the pandemic began more than a year ago. It’s beginning to feel as though it’s the twelfth round of a boxing match and COVID-19 is bounce-stepping on fresh legs

The Beat Interviews Dr. F. Daniel Ramirez

Dr. F. Daniel Ramirez is a cardiac electrophysiologist and clinician-scientist in the Division of Cardiology at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute (UOHI). He bounced around between Kingston and Ottawa while completing his early medical training, and later studied in Bordeaux, France, before

Health podcast helps listeners be “heart-wise”

Today, the University of Ottawa Heart Institute (UOHI) is releasing the first ten episodes of The Heartwise Podcast, a cardiac prevention and rehabilitation prototype that offers practical and pragmatic advice to the health conscious to help them live healthier and happier lives. Dr. Bob Reid, the

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