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AHA 2012: New Class of Drugs Substantially Lowers “Bad” Cholesterol

Some of the biggest news to come out of AHA this year was the results from preliminary clinical trials of two new LDL cholesterol-lowering drugs that show a substantial decrease in LDL levels well below the reductions seen with statins or ezetimibe alone. The new drugs belong to a class called PCSK9

AHA 2012: Invited Experts

Several Heart Institute staffers offered their expertise in invited talks touching on a broad range of topics. Scientist Erik Suuronen, PhD, uses tissue engineering techniques to develop methods for regenerating damaged heart muscle. In his presentation, called “The Matrix: Stem Cell Delivery

AHA 2012: Stem Cells for Cardiac Repair

The use of stem cells for regenerating damaged heart tissue offers great potential, but many technical questions remain. Understanding which cell types are most beneficial and how they should be employed is a central issue. Several clinical trials involving stem cells were presented at AHA. Two were

AHA 2012: Engineering Success in Heart Failure

Successfully managing heart failure is one the looming issues for cardiovascular medicine, with prevalence expected to grow significantly over the coming decades. The plenary session “Engineering Success in Heart Failure” looked at where things are headed, from therapy to devices to delivery of care

Heart Wise Exercise Expands to Toronto

Five years ago, the University of Ottawa Heart Institute launched the Heart Wise Exercise (HWE) program in the national capital to both assist people with heart disease and prevent its onset. The program has since broadened its mandate to prevent or limit the effects of living with a chronic health

Innovative Defibrillator Alternative for Regulating Heart Rhythms

On July 26 this past summer, two cardiologists at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute implanted a defibrillator. Nothing out of the ordinary, you would think. It is something they do almost daily to provide lifesaving therapy for patients at risk of sudden cardiac death. But this was out of the

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