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All in for Heart Month

February is the shortest and coldest month of the year, but also the most important one for our heart health. That’s because February is Heart Month, a time to reflect on the importance of our cardiovascular health and to learn about how we can manage our risk factors for heart disease. The

Our top stories of 2020

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Grab a mug of hot chocolate and gather ‘round the fireplace. These are our top stories from the past year.

How an Ottawa cardiologist is transforming care for patients with incurable heart disease

Dr. Caroline McGuinty is one of the newer faces around the University of Ottawa Heart Institute (UOHI). Thanks to an unrelenting coronavirus pandemic, the early-career cardiologist has yet to meet some of her colleagues in person. Despite these challenges, however, McGuinty is making strides. In the

The Beat Interviews: Dr. Caroline McGuinty

The Beat started this special column to introduce you to the brilliant minds and compassionate hearts who work at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute. This week’s feature shines a light on one of the most recent additions to the institute’s team of cardiologists. In less than one year, Dr

Five things learned at this year’s (virtual) heart congress

COVID-19 wasn’t about to shut down Canada’s largest gathering of cardiovascular specialists and allied health professionals. Last month, as public health officials introduced restrictions to prevent mass get-togethers in regions across the country, heart-focused members of the medical community were

“Last ditch effort” may give critically ill patients hope and a “fighting chance”

Cardiogenic shock patients with severe mitral regurgitation (MR) are among the most critically ill receiving care at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute (UOHI). Most frequently occurring in patients who have suffered a severe heart attack, those with cardiogenic shock have difficulty pumping

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Experts at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute are stepping into the world of podcasting.

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