Adult Congenital Heart Disease Clinic

The Adult Congenital Heart Disease (ACHD) Clinic at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute (UOHI) specializes in the ongoing care and treatment of adult patients with congenital heart disease.

Congenital heart disease (CHD) affects nearly one in 100 babies.

There are many types of CHD.

Whether a simple or complex defect is present, most patients with CHD require lifelong surveillance.  Some patients may require intervention or surgery.

The clinic works closely with the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO).  Several CHEO pediatric specialists are part of the ACHD Clinic team.


Referrals are accepted from physicians. Please fax a referral to 613-696-7218. Referrals must include the following information.

  • Patient demographics
  • Medical history and physical examination
  • Test reports (echocardiogram, electrocardiogram chest X-ray, treadmill, cardiopulmonary exercise, multigated acquisition scan, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography)
  • All previous heart catheterization, and/or cardiac surgery reports

What to expect

When your doctor refers you to the ACHD Clinic, timing of your consultation will be prioritized based on the severity of your symptoms, your heart condition and test results. 

A member of our clinic staff will then contact you to book any needed tests and your clinic appointment with the cardiologist.

The ACHD Clinic team provides:
Medical assessment and follow-up

  • Information about your specific congenital heart defect
  • Education on CHD and healthy lifestyle
  • Patient and family support

Patient instructions

  • Ensure that your contact information is current (phone, address, email). If your contact information changes, please let the clinic know by calling 613-696-7078.
  • Prepare your questions ahead of time.
  • Arrive 20 minutes before your appointment as you must register for your visit at Central Registration (in the main lobby).
  • Bring your health card.
  • Bring your prescription medication in their original bottles.  Include any vitamins, supplements, and over-the-counter medication.
  • If you cannot attend your appointment, please notify the clinic at 613-696-7078.

Transition of care

As anyone born with CHD, you’ve been closely monitored by your pediatric team. All the while, your family or guardian has been by your side making decisions about your care. Now, you will be transferred to the adult team. It is common for you and your family or guardians to feel anxious and stressed about transferring to adult care. You may have questions.

  • Why do I need ongoing follow-up?
  • What will the clinical visit at the UOHI be like? How much time will it take?
  • Who will take care of me?
  • Can I bring my parents with me, or should I come on my own?
  • Can I speak to a doctor alone?
  • Does the doctor know my previous medical history?

Your ACHD Clinic team at the UOHI will be there to support you and your family or guardian throughout this transition.  


Patients of the ACHD Clinic may be approached to participate in pertinent CHD studies.

Participation in research studies is completely voluntary and will not affect your medical care.

Patient resources

At the Heart Institute

External Resources

Clinic details

Contact information

Tel.: 613-696-7078
Fax.: 613-696-7218


Room H-4422 on the fourth floor of the Heart Institute

Hours of operation

8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Clinic staff



Carolynne Brousseau-Whaley

Administrative Assistant
Valerie Goodes

The ACDH team