Biomedical Engineering

Today's medical care relies heavily on sophisticated devices, technologies, and information systems. This equipment helps doctors, nurses, and clinical staff achieve remarkable things. At the same time, it is highly complex. Devices must be carefully integrated so that they function seamlessly and that the medical information health care providers require is available when they need it.

The Biomedical Engineering Department keeps the Heart lnstitute's and the Research Corporation's technology and systems working smoothly. We provide planning and support for the adoption, installation, and maintenance of all medical technology, whether it is used for diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation, or for research. The program's professional engineers, technologists, and technicians keep equipment functioning smoothly and plan and implement innovative construction and device integration projects.


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The Biomedical Engineering Department supervises and teaches aspiring biomedical and clinical engineers and biomedical technologists through cooperative education placements and internships. These placements provide students with the opportunity to gain hands-on experience and enhanced education in a health care setting.

Leacross Foundation Endowment for Biomedical Engineering

Through the Leacross Foundation Endowment, the Biomedical Engineering Department offers remunerated training internships to female undergraduate and graduate biomedical engineers. The opportunity to train in the Heart lnstitute's complex and advanced medical environment is invaluable for those looking to explore, practice, and hone their biomedical engineering skills. Interested applicants are invited to make their submissions by sending a letter of interest along with their CV between December 1 and January 31 for next year's placements.

Leacross Projects

2023Rudderham, EmilyUniversity of Ottawa (4th Year)
Biomedical Mechanical Engineering
Improving Bed Repair Turn Around Time through Parts Management
2023Grenier, SarahCarleton University (4th Year)
Biomedical Engineering
New Blood Gas Analyzer Deployment
2022Matricardi, SophiaCarleton 3rd Year BENgMechanical Circulatory Support: A Focus on Durable LVAD Technology
2022Hassan, RandaCarleton 4th Year BEngTransesophageal Echocardiography (TEE) Cost-Benefit Analysis, Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD) Battery Longevity Assessment, Biomedical Devices Active Knowledge Base 
2021Lavallee, AarynCarleton University (3rd year) BEngGroin Clamp Design and Procurement
2021Watkins, EmilyQueens University (3rd year) Biomedical EngineeringInfusion Pump Workflow Improvement


Thompson, HannahQueens University (2nd year) Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Biomechanical Sub)CCO Monitor Market Research and OHIRC Laboratory Inventory


Hadj- Moussa, FirdousCarleton University (4th year), BEng, Biomedical Mechanical EngineeringVAC Equipment Depot: Management and Set Up


Mayenburg, JessicaCarleton University (3rd year), BEng, Biomedical Mechanical EngineeringACT EPIC Integration


Frizzel, ToryUniversity of Guelph (Final Year), BEng, Biomedical EngineeringAutomated Asset Location and Record Reconciliation Program


Kaczmarek, EmilyCarleton University, (3rd year), BEng, Biomedical Mechanical EngineeringExpansion Project Auditing and Verification Program


Benitez Ferriera, SofiaUniversity of Ottawa, (4th year), Bachelor of Applied Science Biomedical MechanicalBiomedical Device Training Resources


Ng, BeckyCarleton University (3rd year),  Bachelor of Engineering, Biomedical and Mechanical EngineeringCreating Compatibility Between the PB 980 Ventilator and the VMax Encore 29 Metabolic Measurement Instrument (Leacross Intern)


Shae, KaelaUniversity of Guelph (4th year) BEng, Biomedical EngineeringUse of Constant Voltage Pulses During Autonomic Stimulation within the EP Lab


Lowden, HaileyCarleton University (2nd year) Biomedical – Electrical Engineering

Premature Loss of Capacity in Sealed Lead Acid Batteries and the Importance of Routine Testing 

(Leacross Intern)


Kah, Anna

Carleton University (3rd year)

Bachelor of Engineering, Biomedical and Electrical

Metabolic Measures for Nutritional Assessment of the Critical Care patient


Fiset, Sandra

Carleton University (4th year)

Bachelor of Engineering,

Biomedical and Mechanical

Transthoracic Impedance


Bruch, Sarah

Carleton University (3rd year)

Bachelor of Engineering, Biomedical and Electrical

Clinical Engineering


Reiche, Brittany

University of Guelph (3rd year)

Bachelor of Engineering, Biomedical Engineering

Clinical Engineering


Baykova, AleksandraCarleton University (4th year) Engineering ProgramClinical Engineering
2010Zhang, RachelUniversity of Toronto, MHSc CandidateApplication development, TEE probe utilization, heart transplant organ transport assessment

Stephanie Liddle, MHSc., P.Eng., CCE
Director, Biomedical Engineering
University of Ottawa Heart Institute
40 Ruskin Street, ON Canada K1Y 4W7
613-696-7000 ext. 19625

Clinical Engineering Internship Program

Engineering Student Internship

In collaboration with the Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Biomedical Engineering (OCIBME), the UOHI Biomedical Engineering Department will train one M.Eng student each year. Students will work closely with their supervisors and the biomedical engineering and clinical teams to define and complete a relevant project at UOHI. In addition, the students are immersed in the Biomedical Engineering Department, allowing them to learn and partake in the critical roles and responsibilities of the team.

Masters Student Projects



Jotheeswaran, Jagadeeswaran BalasundaramUniversity of Ottawa
Masters of Engineering Biomedical Engineering
Medication Cart Replacement and Process Improvement


Razavi, AidaUniversity of Ottawa, Masters of Engineering, Biomedical Engineering Directed Studies in Biomedical Engineering: Medical Technologies and Clinical Observations
1) Remote Support, and
2) Cybersecurity Roadmap


Alcala Orozco, EduardoUniversity of Ottawa,  Masters of Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Directed Studies in Biomedical Engineering:  Medical Technologies and Clinical ObservationsOHIRC Equipment Management Program


Lavallee, AarynCarleton University, 4th Year BEngFemoral Compression Assist Device Procurement


Watkins, EmilyQueens University, 4th Year BEng, Bachelor of Applied ScienceInfusion Pump Distribution and Workflow Improvement


D’Souza, EdenCarleton University, Masters of Engineering, Biomedical EngineeringDevelopment of a Remote Video Monitoring System for Vulnerable Patients at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute


Thompson, HannahQueens University (2nd yr) Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Biomechanical Sub
CCO Monitor Market Research and OHIRC Laboratory Inventory


Hadj- Moussa, FirdousCarleton University (4th year), BEng, Biomedical Mechanical EngineeringVAC Equipment Depot:  Management & Set up


Mayenburg, JessicaaCarleton University (3rd Year), BEng, Biomedical Mechanical EngineeringACT EPIC Integration




Bruch, SarahCarleton University/Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Biomedical EngineeringDirected Studies in Biomedical Engineering: Medical Technologies and Clinical Observation (co-supervised by A. Chan and T. Zakutney), P/T remuneration (May 1 to Dec. 31, 2016) UOHI


Chaugai, VarshaCarleton University, Masters in Biomedical EngineeringThoracic Impedance, (co-supervised by A. Adler, A. Chan, and T. Zakutney)


Zhang, RachelUniversity of Toronto, Masters in Health ScienceApplication development; TEE Probe Utilization; Heart Transplant Organ transport assessment (Leacross Intern)

Programs and Units

The Biomedical Engineering Department is responsible for the following services and activities.

Consultation and Project Management

  • Technology assessment, device specifications, request for proposal (RFP) specification and development, in-servicing, and technology forecasting.
  • Usability and compatibility assessments and workflow analysis.
  • Project management for equipment procurement, deployment and integration with construction and electronic health record projects.
  • Capital budgeting, strategic planning, and negotiation for acquisition.
  • Risk management and adherence to standards and regulations.

Medical Device Management

  • Corrective, preventive, and life cycle maintenance.
  • Incoming safety inspection and quality assurance monitoring.
  • Supervision and management of service agreements.
  • Inventory control, redeployment, and disposal.
  • Monitoring of medical recalls and alerts.

Technology Oversight

  • Policy and procedure development.
  • Training.
  • Failure and incident reporting to the appropriate regulatory bodies and government agencies.



Our work had been profiled in various publications over the last several years.

  • Ramirez FD, Sadek MM, Boileau I, Cleland M, Nery PB, Nair GM, Redpath CJ, Green MS, Davis DR, Charron K, Henne J, Zakutney T, Beanlands RSB, Hibbert B, Wells GA, Birnie DH. Evaluation of a novel cardioversion intervention for atrial fibrillation: the Ottawa AF cardioversion protocol. Europace. 2019 May 1;21(5):708-715. doi: 10.1093/europace/euy285. PMID: 30535367; PMCID: PMC6479509.
  • Ramirez FD, Sadek MM, Boileau I, Cleland M, Nery PB, Nair GM, Redpath CJ, Green MS, Davis DR, Charron K, Henne J, Zakutney T, Beanlands RSB, Hibbert B, Wells GA, Birnie DH. Evaluation of a novel cardioversion intervention for atrial fibrillation: the Ottawa AF cardioversion protocol. Europace 2018
  • Association between transthoracic impedance and electrical cardioversion success with biphasic defibrillators:  an analysis of 1,055 shocks for atrial fibrillation and flutter. Sadek, M., Caugai, V. Cleland, M., Zakutney, T., Birnie, D., Ramirez, F. Clinical Cardiology, 2018 (
  • Co-Supervisor, Evidence –Based Maintenance:  Optimizing the University of Ottawa Heart Institute’s Biomedical Engineering Maintenance Strategy Using Failure Codes:  Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Masters of Engineering in Biomedical Engineering with Concentration in Clinical Engineering, Sarah Bruch, 2017
  • Implementation of Evidence-Based Maintenance at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute to Optimize Biomedical Engineering Department Maintenance Strategies, Sarah Bruch, B.Eng., E.I.T., Timothy J Zakutney, MHSc, PEng, CCE, Adrian DC Chang, PhD, PEng, 2017 CMBEC40 Conference, Winnipeg, MB  May 23-26, 2017.
  • Effect of applying force to self-adhesive electrodes during electrical cardioversion for atrial fibrillation. F. Daniel Ramirez MD, Sandra L. Fiset BEng, Mark J. Cleland, Timothy J. Zakutney MHSc, Pablo B, Nery MD, Mouhannad M, Sadek MD, Girsh M. Nair MBBS, Calum J. Redpath MBBS PhD, David H. Birnie MBChB MD, 2016.
  • Sudden Power Loss in a HeartMate II Left Venticular Assist Device due to Intermittent Pin Contact with the Battery:   Case Report:   Belway D, Cleland M, Zakutney T, Grenon J, Mielniczuk LM, Hendry PJ. ASAIO J 2013 May –Jun;59(3): 317-19. Doi:  10.1097/MAT. 0b013e318288a3a8
  • Changai V, Zakutney T, Chan ADC, Adler A. Academic Programs in Clinical Engineering in Canada. CMBEC 36/APIBQ 42, May 21-24, 2013.
  • Chaugai V, Adler A, Chan ADC, Zakutney T, Grychtol B. Implementation of Finite Element Method to Examine the Electrical Activity in the Thorax During Cardioversion, Nov 2012.
  • Liddle, Stephanie, Grover, Lata, Zhang, Rachel, Khitrov, Maxim, Brown, Joan, Cobb, J, Goldman, Julian, Chou, Joseph, Yagoda, Daniel, Westover, M Brandon, Reisner, Andrew. (2012). Safety evaluation of a Medical Device Data System. Conference proceedings: ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference. 2012. 5899-902. 10.1109/EMBC.2012.6347336. 


Critical Care

Santiago Folch, C.Tech, CBET(C)
Biomedical Engineering Technologist

  • Telephone: 613-696-7000 ext. 16404
  • Email:  
  • Equipment areas of expertise: Cardiac OR, perfusion and cardiac ICU.

Josh Henne, C.E.T., CBET(C)
Biomedical Engineering Technologist

  • Telephone: 613-696-7000 ext. 13710
  • Email:
  • Equipment areas of expertise: Cardiac OR, perfusion, electrophysiology labs, catheterization labs, diagnostic cardiology and patient monitoring.

Jolene Robbins, C.E.T., CBET(C)
Biomedical Engineering Technologist

  • Telephone: 613-696-7000 ext. 16403
  • Email:
  • Equipment areas of expertise: Respiratory therapy, cardiac ICU and cardiac OR.

Diagnostic Imaging

Mark Cleland, C.Tech, CBET(C)
Senior Biomedical Engineering Technologist

  • Telephone: 613-696-7000 ext. 13826
  • Email:
  • Equipment areas of expertise: Mechanical circulatory support, cardiac diagnostic imaging and defibrillation.

Logan Satkunanathan, B.A.Sc., P.Eng.
Biomedical Engineer

  • Telephone: 613-696-7000 ext. 15075
  • Email:
  • Equipment areas of expertise: Cardiac diagnostic imaging, nuclear imaging and Cyclotron.

Hugo Nolasco, B.Eng., C.E,T. 
Radiochemistry/Cyclotron, Biomedical Engineering Technologist

  • Telephone: 613-696-7000 ext. 19100
  • Email:
  • Equipment areas of expertise: Radiochemistry, Cyclotron, Research equipment management.

Patient Care

Mohammed Mohd, C.E.T., CBET(C)
Biomedical Engineering Technologist

  • Telephone: 613-696-7000 ext. 19047
  • Email:
  • Equipment areas of expertise: Electrophysiology labs, catheterization labs, respiratory therapy, ultrasound, and pacemaker clinic.

Sarah Deschamps, C.E.T., CBET(C)
Biomedical Engineering Technologist

  • Telephone: 613-696-7000 ext. 16407
  • Email:
  • Equipment areas of expertise: Catheterization labs, electrophysiology labs, clinical services and cardiac ICU.

Aiswarya Alungal Girisan, C.E.T.
Biomedical Engineering Technologist

  • Telephone: 613-696-7000 ext. 15076
  • Email:
  • Areas of expertise: Clinical services, Prevention and Rehabilitation.

Thomas Burke
Biomedical Engineering Technologist

OHIRC Equipment Management 

Janine Sornillo
Biomedical Engineering Technologist

  • Telephone: 613-696-7000 ext. 19104
  • Email:
  • Equipment areas of expertise: Research Equipment management including corrective and preventive maintenance, equipment procurement, and service contract management.


Steph Liddle, M.H.Sc., P.Eng., CCE

  • Telephone: 613-696-7000 ext. 19625
  • Email:
  • Areas of expertise: Medical device integration, medical facility construction and service management.

Gaëtanne Heggie, M.A.Sc., P.Eng., CCE
Sr. Clinical Engineer

  • Telephone: 613-696-7000 ext. 17675
  • Email:
  • Areas of expertise: Clinical system administration, medical device procurement and implementation and project management.

Lisa Bradley
Administrative Coordinator