In disease areas with the greatest patient burden, ORACLE 2 supports five unique Innovation Hubs. The Innovation Hubs will work with the Institute’s Heart Teams in addressing key knowledge gaps. In connection with the goals of the Canadian Women’s Heart Health Centre, the Hubs will facilitate sex and gender considerations in their research studies. The Hubs will also connect with our patient partners in identifying patient relevant outcomes. In leveraging partnership, the Hubs will work with partners to maximize the regional state-of-the-art facilities and expertise, and collaborate with the private and government sector.
Atherosclerosis and Cardiometabolic Diseases
- Understanding triggers of atherosclerosis and cardiometabolic diseases including diabetes
- Biomarkers for risk prediction and personalized pharmacogenomics
- Personalizing intervention strategies and innovative devices and tools (including imaging)
Brain and Heart
- Impact of mental illness on cardiovascular disease
- Brain and heart axis in drug use/abuse
- Microvascular disease in stroke, dementia and cognitive impairment
- Rhythm synchrony and dyssynchrony between brain and heart
- Psychological and behavioural interventions to improve mental and cardiovascular health
- Causes of atrial fibrillation and reversibility
- Early detection and accurate classification
- Risk prediction rules/devices and personalizing treatment strategies, e.g., 4D molecular imaging
- Prevention strategies including the impact of obesity and lifestyle interventions
Heart Failure
- Improved classification and understanding of major forms of heart failure
- Novel biomarkers and treatment targets
- Personalized medicine through innovative treatment strategies and molecular imaging
- Early detection and treatment of HF, including indigenous populations and new tools
- Cardiac transplant vasculopathy
Valvular Heart Disease
- How valvular diseases develop
- Screening for familial cases
- Personalized risk stratification for best disease management and outcomes
- Innovative surgical and transcatheter therapies