The Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Outpatient Program assists participants in acquiring the skills needed to achieve and maintain a heart-healthy lifestyle and getting back to everyday life after a cardiac event. Patients are eligible if they have had a cardiac event and are able to participate in managing their chronic condition.
To refer a patient to the Outpatient Program, please complete the referral form and fax it as specified.
The CardioPrevent program aims to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in those who do not yet have established disease. As a primary prevention program, CardioPrevent accepts individuals who are moderate to high risk for CVD or receiving lipid lowering therapy. Participants will be guided through a tailored lifestyle program based on their personal risk factor profile. For more information, contact the Prevention and Wellness Centre at 613-696-7071.
FrancoForme is a French language cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation program directed to the Francophone population of the Champlain region. FrancoForme accepts referrals of patients with known cardiovascular disease as well as patients with risk factors for primary prevention.
Quit Smoking Program
Quitting smoking is the single most important thing an individual can do for their health. The Quit Smoking Program is open to patients and the public.