If you are coming to be admitted to the Heart Institute, the following information will help you to prepare for your stay.
Before your admission
- Arrange for someone to manage your personal affairs if you do not have a spouse or partner to do so.
- If you work outside of the home, discuss the expected length of time that you may be off with your doctor so that you can make appropriate arrangements at work.
- Identify one family member or support individual to act as your contact person while you are at the Heart Institute.
- Ensure their correct contact information is on your file.
- Let all of your family members know this is the person to call for information about your progress.
- Arrange for a ride home from the hospital by 10:00 a.m., you may not be able to drive for a period of time after your discharge.
- Arrange for someone to stay with you during the early period after your discharge.
- If you are considering convalescent care, talk to your doctor or nurse about what options might be available.
- Remove all nail polish as well as any artificial or acrylic finger or toenails.
- If you are planning to request a private or semi-private room for your stay, contact your personal insurance company to enquire about coverage. Our room rates are as follows:
- Private room: $330/day
- Semi-private room: $275/day.
On the day of your planned admission
Call the Admitting Department at 613-696-7060 between 9:00 and 9:30 a.m. to learn when your bed will be ready. In some cases, your bed will not be available until the afternoon. When you call the Admitting Department, please indicate if you are requesting a private or semi-private room for your stay.
Ask your doctor which medications to take and whether you can eat or drink on the day of your admission.
You will be asked to register at the Admitting Department. The Admitting Department is located on the first floor of the Heart Institute. Take one of the last three elevators in the main lobby up to the first floor. Turn left off the elevators.
Do not wear any make-up or fragranced skin products.
Bring the following items with you:
- All of your medications in their original containers along with any vitamins or supplements that you take, as well as a list of any allergies and the reactions that you have.
- Once your medications have been reviewed by the nurse or doctor, they must be sent back home with a relative or friend.
- Your health card, your hospital card, and any extra insurance information
- The name and phone number for your designated contact person
- Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, soap or hand lotion, etc.)
Leave the following items at home:
- Any valuable items, including money, jewellery, tablets, laptops, or other personal electronics. The Heart Institute is not responsible for the loss or damage of such items.
- You may bring a small amount of money for any personal needs such as a newspaper
Consent to Contact
In preparation for your upcoming visit, please take the time to read the Facts and Questions (pdf) sheet. You will be asked at registration for your permission to be contacted for research purposes.
What does this mean for you?
- Heart Institute healthcare staff will ask your permission for researchers to contact you.
- Saying yes does NOT mean you are agreeing to participate in a study. It just permits the researchers to contact you.
- Deciding not to allow permission for the researcher to contact you will NOT affect the care you receive.
- If you have provided permission, researchers may contact you to discuss your potential for participation in the study.
- Research participation is completely voluntary!