The Office of Research Services provides broad-based support to all University of Ottawa Heart Institute researchers. Activities and support provided by the Research Services Office include:
- Ongoing communication for everything research related: This includes information on funding opportunities, seminars and other useful internal and external information.
- Support during the Pre-Award processes: Administrative Review for all grant applications.
- Support during the Post-Award processes: Setting up OHIRC research accounts, assistance in obtaining all ethical documentation for the timely release of funds and guidance in allowed expenditures and etc.
- Management of the UOHI Internal Grant Review Program and other reviews and competitions.
- Scientist performance management: Coordination of the annual Scientists Review and Performance Evaluation process, metrics of research and benchmarking.
- Oversight of Research Management processes: Coordinating internal committee meetings, coordinating education and discussion sessions for faculty members, facilitating collaborations through affiliation with the University and the Hospital.
- Support to trainees: Managing the UOHI travel awards process, assistance with coordination of Work In Progress rounds and linkages with the University of Ottawa.
- Support for infrastructure and core resources: Management and coordination of service contracts, repairs to institute supported equipment, statistical software licenses and organizing product seminars and training.
- Organization/liaison of annual conferences: including the Ottawa International Heart Conference, trainee Research Day and the International Toronto Ottawa Heart Summit.
Research Services Team:
Charlene Clow, MSc
Director, Research Services
613-696-7000 x18940
Alison Conley
Manager, Research Services
613-696-7000 x19939
Michelle Campbell
Advisor, Grants and Strategic Initiatives
Velislava Tzaneva, PhD
Grants Officer
Rebecca Moreno
Knowledge Translation Officer
Heather Lannon, DocSocSci
Patient Engagement and Research Quality Officer
Bo Xu, PhD
Laboratory Research Resources Officer
613-696-7000 x14468
General Inquiries
University of Ottawa Heart Institute
Suite H-2267