Virtual Care Program

The Virtual Platform is an online system that uses best practices to help you take control of your heart health. It will help you understand your current health situation and motivate you to manage and improve the risk factors that impact your health and well-being.

The platform is available to people who are at risk for developing heart disease (due to poor lifestyle behaviours and medical risk factors) and patients who have established heart disease (virtual cardiac rehabilitation option) through our different Programs.

To learn more about the programs using this platform, please visit the CardioPrevent Program, Women@Heart Program and Cardiac Rehab Virtual Care Program pages.

Already a member?

Sign in

Interested in learning more?

Send us an email

How the Virtual Platform Works

Once you register, you will be asked to complete a series of questions about your health. Then you will be given access to the online platform and its many features.

The features in the platform include:

How Can Healthcare Providers Get Involved?

Inform your patients

The Virtual Platform encourages individuals to actively participate in the self-management of their own health and wellness with the support of their family, friends, advocates and healthcare providers.

Keeping patients informed of their condition, treatment history and “road map to health” is easy using our Circle of Care feature where patients can share their care plans with their circle of care. The conversation feature also allows for secure online communication between patients and their circle of care.

Become a partnered organization

Please note that we are no longer accepting partner organizations for the remainder or the calendar year.

We offer a “train-the-trainer” approach with the assistance of an Outreach Facilitator specialized in risk factor management and program integration from the UOHI Virtual Platform.

  • Phase 1: In-service and readiness assessment
  • Phase 2: partnership agreement (including costing services)
  • Phase 3: Training and platform implementation

To facilitate the successful implementation of the Platform, the site must:

  • Designate a representative to oversee the implementation of the Platform at your site, and to liaise with the University of Ottawa Heart Institute (program coordination and logistics),
  • Designate staff to act as health coaches, as needed. Each health coach must have a minimum of a health science background, advanced knowledge and understanding of CVD risk factors, and experience with risk factor management strategies through lifestyle modifications.
  • Access to high-speed internet to support connection to the platform.
  • Submit bi-annual program metrics to the University of Ottawa Heart institute.

Contact us

For more information or to register for the Virtual Platform, please email

University of Ottawa Heart Institute
Prevention and Wellness Centre
40 Ruskin Street, Room H2353
Ottawa, Ontario
K1Y 4W7