
FlowQuant is not free to use. It may be purchased at a fee from the University of Ottawa Heart Institute, Cardiac PET Centre. FlowQuant is protected under international copyright laws. For licensing information please see: Terms of Licensing and Purchase. For further pricing inquiries please contact the FlowQuant team at

Before downloading any of these files, review our Terms and Conditions.

FlowQuant Version 2.4: Software Download

First Time Installation:




Installation Instructions:

Copy the DICOMConvertServer_pkg file to the FlowQuant directory (typically C:\Program Files\FlowQuant) and execute it.



Tutorials and sample data

  1. Rest-Stress CFR Tutorial (zip package)
  2. 3 X Normal and 3 X Abnormal Rest-Stress Sample Data (zip package)

FlowQuant Version 2.4 : Installation Instructions

Option 1 — First Time Installation

  1. Download and save the following files:MCRInstaller.exe
  2. Run MCRInstaller.exe, which will install the required MCR. Follow the instructions on the screen.
  3. Continue to Option 2 — Update section below.

Option 2 — Update

Note: This option is suitable only if the MCR has already been installed on the host computer.

  1. Download the following files:
  2. Run C:\FlowQuant\FlowQuant_setup.exe, which will install FlowQuant.
  3. From the Start Menu run FlowQuant. The first run will complete the installation be creating the FlowQuant_MCR directory and uncompressing the FlowQuant package.

First Execution

To run FlowQuant, use the shortcut in the Start menu or execute C:\FlowQuant\FlowQuant.exe.

If a license file does not exist, or is not valid, a message will be displayed and FlowQuant will not run. To obtain a license, follow the on screen instructions, which indicate:

  1. E-mail the file C:\FlowQuant\LicenseRequest.txt to .
  2. In return a License.txt file will be sent, which must be saved to C:\Flowquant.
  3. Run FlowQuant as above.

Note: If updating from previous versions a new license request file will need to be submitted.


Missing mclmcrrt77.dll

If you receive the following message please refer to: Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package (X86) - download and install the package then re-run the FlowQuant installation.