With approachable and accessible program directors and excellent support from faculty and current fellows, the University of Ottawa Heart Institute's Adult Cardiology Postgraduate Training Programs provide an effective and receptive fellowship environment.
In 2022, the Director of the Adult Cardiology Postgraduate Training Programs, Dr. Michael Froeschl was named Director of the Year for his leadership by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC) for demonstrating a commitment to enhancing residency education as evidenced by innovation and impact beyond their program.
Application resource
Postgraduate Medical Education Applicant’s Reference Guide (PDF)
Adult Cardiology Postgraduate Training Programs:
- Adult Cardiac Electrophysiology
- Adult Cardiac Imaging
- Adult Cardiac Sarcoidosis
- Adult Echocardiography
- Adult Interventional Cardiology
- Advanced Adult Clinical Cardiology
- Advanced Heart Failure and Cardiac Transplantation
- Pulmonary Hypertension
- Rare Cardiac Conditions
- Valvular Heart Disease
Adult Cardiac Electrophysiology
Program Director
Dr. Mehrdad Golian
Fellowship description
The Adult Cardiac Electrophysiology Fellowship at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute (UOHI) is an AFC (area of focused competence) accredited program. The UOHI is a large standalone tertiary cardiac centre with a catchment area of over 1.4 million providing cardiovascular care to Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec. We perform over 900 ablations and 1,500 device implants each year in four state-of-the-art electrophysiology laboratories.
At end of the fellowship, trainee’s are expected to be proficient at all aspects of arrhythmia management. We focus on three aspects of arrhythmia specialist training: Procedural, clinical, and research and administration work.
Focussed training related to complex and standard ablations, all device implants and post operative management, supplemented with weekly dedicated intracardiac and device tracing teaching.
The focus is on clinical management of arrhythmias in both the inpatient and outpatient settings, including the inherited arrhythmia clinic, the electrophysiology clinic, the sarcoidosis clinic, the device clinc, and the electrophysiology service.
Research and administrative work
Fellows have the opportunity to be involved in research and receive dedicated research time. We have a large research team with dedicated staff who are well recognized and active in electrophysiology research.
Applicants must have completed an accredited cardiology fellowship to be eligible to participate in the fellowship.
Two years (minimum).
Application process
All physicians interested in applying to a fellowship program at the University of Ottawa are required to upload their application online.
Adult Cardiac Imaging
Program Director
Dr. Benjamin Chow
Associate Program Director
Dr. Gary Small
Fellowship description
The University of Ottawa Heart Institute is a dedicated cardiac centre with a unique advanced multimodality cardiac imaging program. Trainees work in a high-volume centre with dedicated cardiac computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission tomography and nuclear cardiology facilities and staff. They learn under the guidance of world leaders and internationally recognized cardiac imaging experts.
During the fellowship, the trainees will obtain clinical expertise in cardiac imaging. There is a strong emphasis on clinical competence and excellence. This is supplemented by a core curriculum and case correlation and image review rounds. In addition, trainees acquire research skills relevant to cardiac imaging.
Two to three years (One-year focused fellowships may also be available).
Application process
All physicians interested in applying to a fellowship program at the University of Ottawa are required to upload their application online.
Adult Cardiac Sarcoidosis
Program Director
Dr. David Birnie
Fellowship description
The cardiac sarcoidosis fellow will:
- Gain a detailed understanding of the clinical management of all aspects of cardiac sarcoidosis.
- Gain a detailed understanding of all aspects of imaging cardiac sarcoidosis.
- Learn about clinical management of other organ involvement in sarcoidosis.
- Understand all investigations used in diagnosis of cardiac sarcoidosis and sarcoidosis in general (including pathology).
- Complete at least two cardiac sarcoidosis-related research projects (basic science and/or clinical research). The expected research is expected to take 75% of the fellow’s time.
- Write one cardiac sarcoidosis review article or editorial.
- See a wide variety of in-patient and out-patient consultations related to cardiac sarcoidosis.
- Attend at least six specialty clinics in pulmonary sarcoidosis, eye sarcoidosis, and skin sarcoidosis.
- Be involved in the interpretation of 100 FDG-PET scans ordered for the assessment of possible cardiac sarcoidosis.
- Attend endobronchial ultrasonography sessions.
One year.
Application process
All physicians interested in applying to a fellowship program at the University of Ottawa are required to upload their application online.
Adult Echocardiography
Program Director
Dr. Andrew Mulloy
Fellowship description
The University of Ottawa Heart Institute is one of the largest cardiovascular institutions in Canada. The UOHI provides the full spectrum of advanced cardiovascular care with annual volumes exceeding 1,500 open-heart surgical procedures, 8,000 catheterizations and percutaneous coronary interventions, 900 electrophysiology ablations and 1,500 electrophysiology devices. The UOHI has active programs in advanced cardiac care, including for cardiac transplantation, left ventrical assist device implantation, transcatheter aortic valve implantation, Mitral valve and tricuspid repair clip procedures, percutaneous paravalvular regurgitation closures, left atrial appendage occlusion, ethanol septal ablation, complex electrophysiology ablation and adult congenital heart intervention.
The UOHI echocardiography laboratory is one of the largest and most active cardiovascular ultrasound units in Canada. Annual volumes are greater than 29,000 transthoracic echocardiograms, 1,000 transesophageal echocardiograms (not including intra-operative care) and over 800 stress echocardiograms (for example, exercise and pharmacological tests). Routine 3D and contrast imaging has been integrated into daily clinical care. The laboratory has 14 rooms dedicated for ultrasound imaging, 15 echo systems and 24 sonographers on staff. The laboratory has had ongoing accreditation with the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC) since 2008. The UOHI echocardiography unit is staffed by 13 full-time academic, level III echocardiographers (including two clinician scientists) covering a range of sub-specialty expertise. The UOHI echocardiography laboratory provides 24/7 on-call services. The UOHI echocardiography laboratory has had a very successful adult echocardiography fellowship program since 1988, which has attracted numerous national and international trainees. In 2016, the fellowship became the first accredited by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada as an echocardiography AFC (area of focused competence) program in Canada.
One to two years.
There are three internally funded positions.
Application process
Please contact Dr. Andrew Mulloy at amulloy@ottawaheart.ca at least 18 months before the anticipated start date.
All physicians interested in applying to a fellowship program at the University of Ottawa are required to upload their application online.
Adult Interventional Cardiology
Program Director
Dr. Alexander Dick
Fellowship description
The interventional cardiology program is a Royal College of Physician and Surgeon Area of Focused Competence (AFC) accredited program. We have four dedicated cardiac catheterization laboratories performing over 6,000 cardiac catheterizations and 2,700 coronary interventions yearly. In addition, there are two hybrid laboratories for structural interventions, including over 400 transcatheter aortic implantations yearly. The centre is the only tertiary referral centre for 1.3 million people. With a large volume of patients undergoing coronary interventions, our fellows have ample opportunities to be trained in basic and complex coronary procedures. We also have a world-leading program for STEMI (ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction) care with very high volumes. Our laboratiories are equipped with tools for complex diagnostic and interventional procedures, including intravascular ultrasound, optical coherence tomography, rotational athrectomy, coronary lithotrypsy, etc.
Fellows typically are enrolled for one to three years dependent on their prior experience. For core trainees with no prior percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) training, the emphasis in the first year will emcompass developing competency in coronary interventions. Based on trainee interest and abilities, the second- or third-year permits additional training in areas such as chronic total occlusion/complex high-risk indicated percutaneous coronary intervention (CHIP), TAVI, catheter-based mitral interventions and other structural procedures. Multiple didactic and interactive teaching sessions and heart team rounds take place weekly as part of the AFC program. In addition, trainees also are presented with research opportunities to develop skills as academic interventional cardiologists.
One to three years.
Application process
All physicians interested in applying to a fellowship program at the University of Ottawa are required to upload their application online.
Advanced Adult Clinical Cardiology
Program Director
Dr. Alper Aydin
Fellowship description
The University of Ottawa Heart Institute is a dedicated cardiac centre with a unique advanced clinical cardiology program. The core fellowship program will consist primarily of in-patient clinical service.
The Advanced Clinical Cardiology Fellowship Program provides experience in the overall care of cardiac patients, including the use of specific cardiac treatment modalities and the integration of cardiac treatment with the treatment of co-existing not cardiac conditions. During the fellowship, trainees will gain experience in the state-of-the-art care of congestive heart failure, acute coronary syndromes, valvular heart disease and arrhythmias, and the integration of this care with treatment of co-existing non-cardiac conditions in consultation with consultants in relevant areas. Fellows will also gain practical experience in the practice of medicine in a Canadian context. This will include the practical delivery of medical care, dealing with the issues that affect the length of stay, the planning of long-term care and working with social agencies and community services to optimize long-term outcomes.
- A Doctor of Medicine (MD) with training in internal medicine or cardiology who is eligible for an Ontario educational license.
- Successful completion of another adult cardiology fellowship program at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute.
Two years (minimum).
Application process
All physicians interested in applying to a fellowship program at the University of Ottawa are required to upload their application online.
Advanced Heart Failure and Cardiac Transplantation
Program Director
Dr. Caroline McGuinty
Fellowship description
The advanced heart failure and transplantation fellowship is a one- to two-year program offered within the Division of Cardiology at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute. It is designed to provide senior fellows the skills required in the evaluation and management of patients with advanced refractory heart failure.
The University of Ottawa Heart Institute is a large tertiary referral centre performing 20-25 heart transplants each year with an active left ventricular assist device program. Fellows will be exposed to both outpatient and in-patient settings and gain experience in complex management strategies, including advanced medical therapy, inotropic therapy, implantable cardiac device/cardiac resynchronization, high risk surgery, cardiac transplantation, mechanical circulatory support, and end of life care.
The training program will include:
- Service on an in-patient heart failure unit
- Longitudinal outpatient specialty clinics (for example, clinics focused on heart function, amyloid, and transplant care)
- Pre- and post-transplant evaluation and care
- Performing endomyocardial biopsies and right heart catheterizations
- Left ventricular assist device management
- Lectures on transplant medicine, immunology, and pathology
- Weekly transplant selection rounds
- Weekly heart failure rounds and/or journal club
Fellows will be expected to actively participate in the education of cardiology/internal medicine residents and medical students as it relates to heart failure, and to participate in research under the supervision of advanced heart failure investigators.
One to two years.
Application process
Eligible physicians must have successfully completed a residency program in adult cardiology prior to the start of the fellowship.
All physicians interested in applying to a fellowship program at the University of Ottawa are required to upload their application online.
Pulmonary Hypertension
Program Director
Dr. George Chandy
Fellowship description
The pulmonary hypertension fellow will:
- Gain an understanding of the epidemiology, etiological classification and pathophysiology of pulmonary hypertension.
- Understand the role of all investigations used in the diagnosis and management of pulmonary hypertension.
- Gain a detailed understanding of both the acute and chronic clinical management of all aspects of pulmonary hypertension.
- Understand the role and appropriateness of advanced therapies, lung transplantation and palliative care in the management of pulmonary hypertension.
- Gain a detailed understanding of major society guidelines for the diagnosis and management of patients with pulmonary hypertension (for example, The Canadian Cardiology Society, The American Heart Association, The American College of Cardiology, The American Thoracic Society, and The European Society of Cardiology).
- Participate in clinical research in the field of pulmonary hypertension.
Fellows participating in the program are required to:
- Attend outpatient clinics in pulmonary hypertension (two full days each week).
- Be involved in the interpretation for invasive hemodynamic assessment and/or pharmacologic tailoring for pulmonary hypertension.
- Be involved in the initiation of oral and intravenous vasoactive pharmacotherapies.
- Be involved in the multidisciplinary team care of patients with pulmonary hypertension, including collaboration with palliative and supportive care professionals.
- Be involved in clinical research in pulmonary hypertension.
- Participate in the in-patient pulmonary hypertension service to provide in-patient care for pulmonary hypertension patients as required.
- A Doctor of Medicine (MD) with training in internal medicine, cardiology, or respirology who is eligible for an Ontario educational license.
The estimated percentage of clinical workload is 80%.
One position is available each year.
One year.
Start date
July 1 of each year (flexible).
Rare Cardiac Conditions
Program director
Dr. David Ian Paterson
Fellowship description
This unique fellowship allows trainees the opportunity to work in established programs at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute centred on rare cardiac conditions.
These programs include adult congenital heart disease, cardiac amyloidosis, cardiac neuromuscular disorders, cardiac sarcoidosis, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and other cardiomyopathies, genetic aortopathy, inherited arrhythmias, myocardial infarction with non-obstructive coronary arteries and spontaneous coronary artery dissection.
The training program is entirely customizable with fellows choosing to train in one or several disciplines during each year of the program. They will be expected to provide inpatient and outpatient consultations, attend diagnostic testing relevant to their training objectives (for example, advanced cardiac imaging, electrophysiological testing), help develop an annual educational program and complete at least one scholarly project.
One to two years.
This fellowship opportunity is self-funded. Internal funding may also be available.
Application process
All physicians interested in applying to a fellowship program at the University of Ottawa are required to upload their application online.
Valvular Heart Disease
Program Director
Dr. David Messika-Zeitoun
Fellowship description
The objective of the fellowship is to provide advanced knowledge in the evaluation and management of patients with valvular heart diseases (VHD) and to actively participate in VHD research covering potentially all aspects related to epidemiology, pathophysiology, imaging, and therapeutic interventions. The fellow will be affiliated to the University of Ottawa Heart Institute’s Centre for Valvular Heart Disease, led by the director of the fellowship. The expected time allocation is two-thirds clinical to one-third research.
As part of the trainee’s clinical activities, on a weekly basis, the fellow will attend two half-days in a valvular heart disease clinic, and three half-days in the echocardiography laboratory performing and interpreting transthoracic, transesophageal and stress echocardiography on valve disease patients. The fellow will also attend surgical and transcatheter interventions for one to two half-days weekly. In addition, the fellow will attend weekly educational and specialized procedural rounds (echocardiography, transcatheter mitral and tricuspid interventions, transcatheter aortic valve replacement, chronic valvular heart diseases, and infective endocarditis).
One or two years.
This is a non-funded position. Applicants should show proof of their own funding according to the post-graduate medical education and University of Ottawa rules.
Application process
The candidate should first send a letter of motivation and provide at least two support letters directly to the director of the valvular heart disease fellowship. Following interview(s) with the director, the candidate will formally submit their application to the University of Ottawa. Candidates should ideally apply 12 to 15 months before the anticipated start date.
All physicians interested in applying to a fellowship program at the University of Ottawa are required to upload their application online.