Centre for Valvular Heart Disease Mobile Screening Program

Decorative image.

Valvular heart diseases are dysfunctions of the "doors" that direct blood flow within the heart. These diseases affect hundreds of thousands of people in Canada. Heart valve problems are often undetected, and late detection may have severe consequences. Our mobile screening program offers early detection, diagnosis, and treatment of valvular heart disease. 

We welcome anyone who is 65 years of age and older with no known heart issues to participate in this free mobile heart valve screening program.

Your participation will be a 30 to 60-minute appointment and involve:

  • A mini ultrasound of your heart done by the sonographer
  • An evaluation with the nurse who will measure your blood pressure, and a rapid finger poke blood tests to evaluate your cardiovascular risk factors (cholesterol and diabetes)
  • Your results will be reviewed by the cardiologist
  • Recommendations will be provided at the end of your visit

Space is limited. Register for an appointment today.

Follow the instructions below to register for a heart valve screening appointment

  • Have your health card ready.
  • Complete the registration form. All the information you provide is encrypted and kept strictly confidential.
  • Answer all the questions in the form until you see “COMPLETE.”
  • Please complete the form only once.

Register for an appointment

If you don’t feel comfortable completing the form or are experiencing issues, please contact us by phone or email with the following information:

  • Your full name
  • Your phone number
  • Your preferred appointment location in Ottawa (East, West, South, or downtown)

You can reach us at CVHD-MSP@ottawaheart.ca or 613-696-7412.

Learn more about our mobile screening program

Remote video URL