ARCHIMEDES, (Advanced Research Collaboration for Health Integration, Medical Exploration, and Data Synthesis), is a health data platform funded through the Brain-Heart Interconnectome (BHI). Its aim is to deliver a user-friendly informatics platform with centralized access to curated and federated brain-heart health data and to provide an open-access repository and leading-edge analytic tools and resources.

Platform functionalities:

  • Facilitate collaboration and include data capture and management systems for multi-modal data
  • Built to allow secure audits and access for approved secondary data use
  • Data deposit and management using a multi-modal databasing ecosystem
  • Repository and comprehensive project management functions, with more than 50 modules to support multi-site studies
  • Advanced data analytics and high-performance computing
  • Data querying tool allows users to identify and access data cohorts for analysis

To learn more, contact

Data sharing informed consent templates

The team has developed three versions for data sharing informed consent, including Open Access, Controlled Access, and Retrospective Controlled/Open Access. These templates are in the final stages of review before being available for use. The templates include comprehensive consent for data sharing and storing for future research. These templates have undergone a rigorous review process involving national privacy experts, patient partners and caregivers, as well as legal review.

As part of the knowledge mobilization strategy, the team is hosting a 1-day workshop on March 21, 2025 to provide education for all templates. You can register here.

Meet the ARCHIMEDES team