Arrhythmia Clinic

The Arrhythmia Clinic is a specialized outpatient cardiac clinic designed for the care of patients with arrhythmia or symptoms that suggest a possible arrhythmia. The clinic is staffed by cardiologists who specialize in arrhythmia management (cardiac electrophysiologists). A physician referral is required.

What to Expect

Your doctor must refer you to the clinic. When your referral is received, it is reviewed by one of the electrophysiologists on staff. Based on your particular symptoms and test results, a priority, or urgency, level is assigned. The urgency level is used to determine how quickly your appointment needs to be scheduled.

Patient Instructions

Once you have been referred, expect to receive a letter from the Arrhythmia Clinic confirming your referral. This will include an estimated waiting time for your appointment.

Contact your family doctor or cardiologist immediately if your symptoms change before your schedule appointment or if you have other concerns about your condition.

Patient Resources

Research Study

Clinic details

Heart Institute

Location: Second floor of the Heart Institute

Hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Clinic days vary by physician

Phone: 613-696-7272
Fax: 613-696-7123

The Ottawa Hospital 

(Dr. Sadek)

Location: Module M, General Campus

Hours: Mondays 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Phone: 613-737-8899 x78135
Fax: 613-739-6727


Nair, Girish M.

Clinic staff

Electrophysiologist Staff:

  • D. Birnie, MD
  • D. Davis, MD
  • M. Golian, MD
  • M. Green, MD
  • S. Hansom, MD
  • A. Klein, MD
  • G. Nair, MD
  • P. Nery, MD
  • F. D. Ramirez, MD
  • C. Redpath, MD, PhD
  • M. Sadek, MD (General Campus)


Physicians should complete the Referral Form and send it together with all previous tests and documentation of arrhythmia.