This guide provides information on coronary artery disease and includes topics such as heart anatomy and disease, tests and procedures, heart healthy living and recovery.
Download the guide:
Coronary Artery Disease: A Guide for Patients and Families (PDF)
On this page
NitroAssist application
The NitroAssist application helps patients who take nitroglycerin spray when they experience chest pain. This application is strictly for patients with a prescription for nitroglycerin spray.
Coronary artery disease management tool
Video series: Coronary Artery Disease and Recovery from a Heart Attack - Care after Discharge
Videos to provide you with the information you and your family or caregivers need to manage the four to six weeks after discharge from the University of Ottawa Heart Institute.
HeartWise Webinar: Coronary Artery Disease, Recovery After Heart Attack and Life-Long Management
In this HeartWise webinar for patients, experts from the University of Ottawa Heart Institute present essential information about coronary artery disease and recovery post heart attack.
CAD Patient Guide Video Series
Your Angiogram
The Heart Institute’s educational videos were made in collaboration with the Institute’s Patient Alumni Association and seek to provide, along with the patient guides, all important information to patients and families prior to a procedure or surgery.
More information
For more information on the condition. For more about living with heart disease, visit: