Our goal at the clinic is to:
- Look after aspects of patients’ health associated with their device
- Provide ongoing follow-up of the device
- Provide patient and family education about the device
Doctors and nurses with specialized training in the treatment and care of patients with an implantable rhythm device work in the clinic.
What to expect
At each clinic visit you will see a nurse, or a nurse and a doctor.
The nurse will interrogate your device to obtain information about how it is functioning. This information will be reviewed and any necessary changes will be made.
The clinic staff will be available to answer any questions you or your family might have about your device.
Patient instructions
Please bring any prescribed or over-the-counter medications or supplements you take with you for review at the appointment.
Come to your clinic visit with your questions written down so we can make sure all of your concerns are addressed.
Clinic visits are by appointment only. If you are not feeling well or have other issues, you must call the clinic to be seen.
Referrals may be faxed to 613-696-7158.
Patient resources
Clinic details
Contact information
Telephone: 613-696-7076
Fax: 613-696-7158
Email: pdc@ottawaheart.ca
Room H-1268 on the 1st floor of the Heart Institute
Hours of operation
Monday to Friday: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Closed on statutory holidays