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Day 1: Friday, April 25, 2025

Time (EDT)TitleSpeaker NameLocation
9:00 - 9:30Welcome MessageDr. Kerri Mullen, Dr. Christine Faubert, Dr. Rob BeanlandsPlenary
9:30 -10:10Reflecting on Our Path: Women’s Heart, Brain and Vascular Health in Canada
Summarize the challenges, opportunities and lessons learned in the field of women’s heart, brain and vascular health in Canada over the last 10 years.
Dr. Shahin Jaffer, Jackie Ratz, Dr. Ariane Marelli Plenary
10:10 Break (20 mins)
10:30 - 11:10Sex, Gender, and the Social Determinants of Health and Cardiovascular Disease Outcomes 
Explain how greater marginalization of heart, brain and vascular health is present in women who are of ethnic and Indigenous origin, those who live in rural regions and have mental health and physical challenges, and strategies on how to address.
Dr. Peggy DeJong, Dr. Bernice Downey, Dr. Colleen NorrisPlenary
11:10 - 11:30Reducing heart-related complications during and after pregnancy
An update on the multidisciplinary team, research program objectives and planned activities of the Research Network of Excellence on Risk Factors: CaNCaM-Preg
Dr. Rohan D’Souza
(virtual presenter)
11:30Travel to breakout sessions

11:40 - 12:10


Innovative Approaches to the Diagnosis and Management of Microvascular Disease in Women
Outline the innovative approaches to the diagnosis and management of Microvascular Disease in women.
Dr. Laurie-Anne Boivin-Proulx Plenary
Lessons Learned: Implementing a Specialized Women’s Heart Program at your Institution
Describe key considerations for implementing a women’s heart program, identify common challenges and effective solutions, and outline strategies for long-term program sustainability.
Dr. Tara Sedlak, Dr. Wendy Wray, Dr. Sharon MulvaghBreakout Room #1
Sex and Gender Consideration and Impacts on Post-Covid
Describe the after-effects of COVID on mental health, Long-COVID, substance use and physical activity for women.
Dr. Ian PatersonBreakout Room #2
Emerging or Future Challenges: Unpacking the Problems of Big Data and Open Science 
Explore the emerging and future challenges of big data and open science in the context of women's heart, brain, and vascular health, examining their impact on research, clinical care, and health equity.
Dr. Jodi Edwards, Dr. Kelly CobeyBreakout Room #3
12:10Lunch (50 mins)
12:20 - 1:00Career Mentoring Session   
1:00 - 1:40Emerging Practices and Models of Care to Improve Cardiovascular Risk Assessment and Diagnosis for Women 
Interpret the emerging models of care to address health system access and resource limitations currently being faced in Canada. 
Dr. Paula Harvey, Dr. Shania Liu, Sandra WongPlenary
1:40 - 2:20From Pre-Hospital to the Acute Care Setting: A Woman’s Experience with Chest Pain
Explain the variety of barriers and challenges women face from the pre-hospital stage to the acute care setting.
Amber Bean, Dr. Ayesha Zia, Nicole NickersonPlenary
2:20 - 3:00Brain and Heart Connection
Describe sex and gender-related aspects that could influence the brain and heart connection.
Dr. Jodi Edwards, Dr. Natasha Rajah, Dr. Thalia FieldPlenary
3:00Break (20 mins)
3:20 - 3:45Improving stroke care, treatment and recovery for women
An update on the multidisciplinary team, research program objectives and planned activities of the Research Network of Excellence on Diagnosis and Treatment: StrokeGoRed  
Dr. Amy Yu, Jennifer MonaghanPlenary
3:45 - 4:10Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease in Women
Describe the link between breast cancer and cardiovascular disease. 
Dr. Husam Abdel-Qadir Plenary
4:10 - 4:50DEBATE: "Artificial Intelligence is positioned to solve the Gaps in Women's Cardiovascular Health."
Engage in an interactive debate between two experts, examining the advantages and challenges of integrating artificial intelligence (AI) in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of cardiovascular health in women..
Dr. Robert Avram, Dr. Monica Parry 

Moderator: Dr. Sharon Mulvagh
4:50 - 5:00Closing Remarks: Day 1 Plenary
5:00 - 6:00Research Abstracts Poster Session  Rideau Canal Atrium

Day 2: Saturday, April 26, 2025

9:00 - 9:40Integrating Patient Engagement, Community Involvement, Community Directed Apporaches to Women's Heart and Vascular Health
Distinguish between patient engagement and involvement, explain their impact on patient activation and behavior, and describe how community-driven approaches shape women's cardiovascular health outcomes.
Dr. Jillianne Code, Dr. Judy Luu, Dr. Heather FouldsPlenary
9:40 - 10:20Emerging and Under-Recognized Risk Factors for Women and Heart Disease and Stroke
Describe the impacts of climate change, the impact of social determinants (psychosocial risk factors, abuse and intimate partner violence, poor health literacy, etc.) on the cardiovascular health of women. 
Dr. Sandi Azab, Dr. Ojistoh HornPlenary
10:20 - 10:40Cardiovascular Disease and the Canadian Population: The Impact of Aging and Immigration for Women
Review the latest research around cardiovascular disease and the impacts around the immigration and aging population.
Dr. Saleema Allana Plenary
10:40Break (20 mins)
11:00 - 11:30Cardiac College for Women: Development, Pilot Testing, and Implementation of Cardiac Rehabilitation Education Resources
This session will explore the systematic development and implementation of cardiac rehabilitation education resources specifically tailored for women (Cardiac College for Women). We will discuss the unique cardiovascular challenges women face and the importance of targeted educational initiatives in improving outcomes for female patients.
Dr. Gabriela L. Melo Ghisi, Ms. Gayl McKinleyPlenary
11:30 Travel breakout sessions (10 mins)
11:40 - 12:10Obesity Through Adulthood: A Woman's Tale
Explain the impacts of obesity throughout a woman’s lifespan and how it relates to cardiovascular disease.
Speaker TBDPlenary
Health Literacy and Accessibility for Women 
Review the current barriers women from at-risk communities face with health literacy and accessibility here in Canada, along with action-oriented recommendations for improvement by healthcare providers.
Stevie Goller, Dr. Nazli ParastBreakout Room #1
Cardiovascular Risk Factor Screening Tool for Women
Interpret the Heart & Stroke risk screening tool’s objectives, target audience, content, and engagement and validation process behind its development, and identify collaboration opportunities to promote the tool among women and people in Canada.
Brianne McVeigh, Dr. Christine Faubert, Dr. Patrice LindsayBreakout Room #2
Early Origins of Women’s Cardiometabolic Disease
To explore how early childhood factors, omics signatures and exposures influence women's cardiometabolic health across the lifespan, with a focus on emerging conditions seen earlier in women than in the past such as diabetes. 
Dr. Sandi AzabBreakout Room #3
12:10Lunch (50 mins)
1:00 - 1:40The Impact of Sex Hormones and Beyond
Describe the impact and interaction of sex hormones on heart, brain and vascular mechanisms and risk factors.
Dr. Sofia AhmedPlenary
1:40 - 2:20Rapid Fire Oral Presentations
Interpret new experiences, insights, and latest research results through a series of rapid-fire oral presentations in the field of women’s heart, brain and vascular health.
Presenters TBDPlenary
2:20 - 3:10Strengthening Connections: A Collaborative Think Tank for Women’s Heart, Brain and Vascular Health 
This interactive session is designed to strengthen existing networks, share ideas, tools, resources, and deepen collaborations in women’s heart, brain and vascular health. It aims to foster connections and enhance multidisciplinary collaborations without pressure to start new projects or secure funding.
3:10 Break (20 mins)
3:30 - 4:00Global Initiatives in Women's Heart, Brain and Vascular Health 
Describe the Heart & Stroke Global Partnerships Initiative's mission, initiatives, and key learnings from the first phase of its work from the Canadian perspective.
Dr. Christine Faubert, Dr. Ryan PerryPlenary
4:00 - 4:30Ready, Set, Action: 12 Recommendations for Health-Equity for Women in Canada
Discuss the identified recommendations in the CWHHA’s ATLAS chapter 9 publication and actions needed to achieve sex- and gender- equity for women’s cardiovascular health to correct the glaring “unders” of cardiovascular disease for women in Canada: under-awareness, under-diagnosis, under-treatment, under-researched, and under-supported.
Dr. Sharon Mulvagh, Dr. Marie-Annick Clavel, Dr. Colleen NorrisPlenary
4:30 - 4:50Awards Ceremony Plenary
4:50 - 5:00Closing Remarks Plenary