Board committees


The Heart Institute Board of Directors has standing committees that meet regularly between board meetings. These committees include:

Comité des services en français

Chair: Micheline Pion
Purpose: To advise on the delivery and maintenance of French language health services at the Heart Institute and ensure the continued availability, permanence and quality of these services.

Governance Committee

Chair: Jacqueline Gauthier
Purpose: To oversee and enhance governance of the Heart Institute. This includes board member orientation and development, board committee structure and performance, member selection and nominations to committees, and CEO performance.

Joint Finance and Audit Committee (UOHI/OHIRC)

Chair: Andrea Roy
Purpose: To provide advice on operational and financial matters relating to the institute. This is a standing committee of the Boards of Directors of the Heart Institute and OHIRC.

Quality of Care Committee

Chair: Kathryn Butler Malette
Purpose: To oversee the quality of cardiac patient care within the Heart Institute and the cardiology service at the General Campus on behalf of the Quality Committee of the Board at The Ottawa Hospital. The Committee ensures that the quality of patient care is an integral component of the governance and management of the Heart Institute.

IT Committee (UOHI/OHIRC)

Chair: Matt Davies
Purpose: To provide overall oversight governance, responsibility and accountability for the implementation and organizational management of enterprise-wide information technology at the Institute to enhance patient care, improve services and access for patients, share and expand knowledge, enrich communication, strengthen outcomes, and augment quality and efficiency for patients and the Institute.