Cet événement s’adresse aux cliniciens, aux chercheurs et aux professionnels de la santé. Veuillez noter que cet événement se déroule en anglais.
Dr Scott Millington
Scott is an intensivist at The Ottawa Hospital and an Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Ottawa. He leads the ICU point-of-care ultrasound program, teaches ultrasound around the world, and has published extensively on ultrasound-related topics with a focus on knowledge translation. From an EPIC perspective, Scott has been involved since the initial phase of vendor selection and led the ICU transition at go-live. He built and launched the ICU Virtual Critical Care program in 2023, an EPIC-based program to bring ICU consultation service to thirteen partner hospitals in Eastern Ontario.
TOH Virtual Critical Care Program - Please steal our idea!
Auditorium Foustanellas Centre (H-2367) et en ligne (Microsoft Teams).