Bonnie Quinlan is the director of prevention and rehabilitation at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute.
Bonnie Quinlan received her baccalaureate degree in nursing science in 1993 from the University of Ottawa and her master’s degree in nursing science in 2008 from Charles Sturt University in Australia. She joined the Heart Institute in 1988 as a clinical staff nurse in the Regional Referral Centre. In her previous role as an advanced practice nurse in smoking cessation, she played an integral part in the development of the Ottawa Model for Smoking Cessation and of the Champlain network. She has held roles within the institute as the advanced practice nurse for cardiology, as well as manager of cardiac prevention and rehabilitation.
Quinlan has extensive experience developing and providing patient education programs based on best practices related to secondary prevention strategies and interventions, as well as integrating patient engagement in quality initiatives. As director of prevention and rehabilitation, she strives to ensure patients receive the highest standard of care throughout their healthcare journey.
- Reid, R., Quinlan, B., Pipe, A. (2007). Smoking Cessation: Lessons from Clinical Trial Evidence. Current Opinion in Cardiology, April 2007. Reid, R., Pipe, A., Quinlan, B., Slovinec, M., Kocourek, J., Papadakis, S. (2007).
- Tobacco dependence treatment for hospitalized smokers: “The Ottawa Model.” Smoking Cessation Rounds. May 2007, Vol. 1 Issue 2, pp 1-6. Pipe, A., Reid, R., Quinlan, B. (2007).
- Systematic Approaches to Smoking Cessation. Smoking Cessation Rounds. March 2007, Vol. 1 Issue 1, pp. 1-6. Reid, R., Pipe, A., Quinlan, B., Oda, J. (2007).
- Interactive Voice Response Telephony to Promote Smoking Cessation in Patients with Heart Disease. Patient Education and Counseling (In Press).