Froeschl, Michael

Dr. Michael Froeschl, UOHI
Froeschl, Michael

Appointments and affiliations

Interventional Cardiologist
University of Ottawa Heart Institute

Department of Medicine
University of Ottawa

Dr. Michael Froeschl is an Interventional Cardiologist at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute and a Professor in the Department of Medicine at the University of Ottawa.


Dr. Froeschl received his bachelor’s degree from Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and his medical degree from McGill University in Montreal. His clinical training includes three years at the University of Toronto in Internal Medicine and four years at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute - three in Adult Cardiology and a fourth in Interventional Cardiology. He was admitted as a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada in Internal Medicine in 2003 and in Adult Cardiology in 2005. He joined the University of Ottawa Heart Institute in July 2006. In 2007, Dr. Froeschl won the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada Fellowship for Studies in Medical Education, and in 2011, he completed a master’s degree in Health Professions Education in the Faculty of Medicine at Maastricht University in the Netherlands.

Dr. Froeschl has served in leadership positions at the local, national and international levels, including as Director of the Adult Cardiology Residency Program at the University of Ottawa; Chair of the Canadian Cardiovascular Society Academy annual Trainee Review Course; member of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Cardiovascular Society Academy; and member of several American College of Cardiology panels and working groups. Finally, Dr. Froeschl has been recognized nationally for his medical education achievements, including the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada Program Director of the Year Award; the Canadian Association for Medical Education (CAME) Certificate of Merit Award; Resident Doctors of Canada (RDoC) Mikhail Award for Medical Education; and a Diamond Jubilee Medal for contribution to Canada (education of future cardiologists).

Research and clinical interests

Dr. Froeschl’s clinical interests include interventional cardiology, cardiac critical care, and general cardiology. His chief academic interest is medical education. 


See current publications list at PubMed.

Selected publications

  • Abdel-Razek O, Marbach JA, Simard T, Almufleh A, Di Santo P, Jung R, Parlow S, Mathew R, Hibbert B, Froeschl M. Formalized research training increases fellowship and early-career academic productivity: A five-year follow-up. Can J Cardiol 2023;39:1310-2
  • Hutson JH, Hazra S, Korley V, Sibbald M, Huitema A, Froeschl M. A pulse check on the training of adult cardiologists in Canada: The expanding role of bootcamps for training program transition. Can J Cardiol 2023;39:333-7
  • Parlow S, Di Santo P, Abdel-Razek O, Jung RG, Motazedian P, Robinson L, Feagan H, Morgan B, Wade J, Toeg H, Al-Atassi T, Ruel M, Kuhar P, Bernick J, Wells GA, Simard T, Marbach JA, Froeschl M, Mathew R, Labinaz M, Chan V, Hibbert B. Utility of a smartphone application in assessing palmar circulation before radial artery harvesting for coronary artery bypass grafting. Circulation 2023;147(15):1183-1185
  • Barker M, Mehran R, Wong GC, Nair P, Chou A, Aymong E, Butler C, Chen-Tournoux A, Coverett K, DeJong P, Essadiqi B, Froeschl M, Hazra S, Huitema A, Kass M, Kavanagh K, Khoo C, Korley V, Ly H, Moeller A, Morin J, Sibbald M, Gin K, Sathananthan J. Perspectives of female cardiology trainees on interventional cardiology training and careers: A Canadian nationwide survey. Can J Cardiol 2022;38:832-5
  • Froeschl M. Stable Angina. In CPS: Therapeutic Choices 2021. Ottawa: Canadian Pharmacists Association; 2021:234-46 In Compendium of Therapeutic Choices 2017. Ottawa: Canadian Pharmacists Association; 2017:635-46 In Compendium of Therapeutic Choices, 7th edition. Ottawa: Canadian Pharmacists Association; 2014:564-73 In Therapeutic Choices, 6th edition. Ottawa: Canadian Pharmacists Association; 2011:478-89.
  • Le May M, Osbourne C, Russo J, So D, Chong AY, Dick A, Froeschl M, Glover C, Hibbert B, Marquis J-F, De Roock S, Labinaz M, Bernick J, Marshall S, Maze R, Wells G. Effect of moderate vs mild therapeutic hypothermia on mortality and neurologic outcomes in comatose survivors of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (CAPITAL CHILL). JAMA 2021;326(15):1494-1503
  • Mathew R, Di Santo P, Jung R, Marbach J, Hutson J, Simard T, Ramirez FD, Harnett D, Merdad A, Almufleh A, Weng W, Abdel-Razek O, Fernando S, Kyeremaneng K, Bernick J, Wells G, Chan V, Froeschl M, Labinaz M, Le May M, Russo J, Hibbert B. Dobutamine versus milrinone in cardiogenic shock. N Engl J Med 2021;385(6):516-25
  • Le May M, Wells G, So D, Chong AY, Dick A, Froeschl M, Glover C, Hibbert B, Marquis J-F, Blondeau M, Osborne C, MacDougall A, Kass M, Paddock V, Quraishi A, Labinaz M. Safety and efficacy of femoral vs radial access in ST-elevation myocardial infraction: The SAFARI-STEMI randomized clinical trial. JAMA Cardiol 2020;5(2):126-34
  • Chow BJW, Alenazy A, Small G, Crean A, Yam Y, Beanlands RS, Clarkin O, Froeschl M, Ruddy TD, Hossain A. Competency-based medical education: Do the cardiac imaging training guidelines have it right? JACC Cardiovascular Imaging 2019;12:2505-13
  • Marbach JA, Almufleh A, Froeschl M, Hibbert B. The next generation of physician-scientists: Adapting to academic cardiology in the 21st century. Can J Cardiol 2018;34:1225-8
Dr. Michael Froeschl, UOHI

Froeschl, Michael

Froeschl, Michael


Appointments and affiliations

Interventional Cardiologist
University of Ottawa Heart Institute

Department of Medicine
University of Ottawa