Appointments and affiliations
University of Ottawa Heart Institute and The Ottawa Hospital
Professor, Department of Medicine
University of Ottawa
Member, Executive Committee
Canadian Society of Echocardiography
Member, Board of Directors
American Society of Echocardiography
Dr. Kwan-Leung Chan is a Cardiologist at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute and The Ottawa Hospital. He is also Professor in the Department of Medicine at the University of Ottawa.
Dr. Chan earned a BSc, MSc and MD from the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg. After doing his internship at the Health Science Centre in Winnipeg, he did residencies in Internal Medicine at the Toronto East General Hospital and at the University of Ottawa. In 1982, he was named Chief Resident of Internal Medicine at the National Defence Medical Centre in Ottawa, and in 1984, he became Chief Resident in Cardiology at the Heart Institute.
He was certified as a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (FRCPC) in Internal Medicine in 1983 and Cardiology in 1984.
Dr. Chan sits on the Executive Committee of the Canadian Society of Echocardiography and is a member of the Board of Directors of the American Society of Echocardiography.
Research and clinical interests
Dr. Chan’s research interests include valvular heart disease, infective endocarditis and aortic diseases. He has a special interest in the application of ultrasound in the study of cardiac structure and function, and has been actively involved in continuing medical education in this area.
- Chan KL, Morin J, Veinot JP. Unusual cause of sudden death in a young patient with atrioventricular septal defect. Can J Cardiol (Images in Cardiology) 2009 Jan;25(1):e19.
- Abraham A, Chow B, Chan K, Ruddy TD, Beanlands RS. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the impact of myocardial viability by echocardiography on survival after revascularization or medical management in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy. Can J Cardiol Oct 2008;24(Suppl E):253E.
- Allan R, Hynes M, Burwash IG, Veinot JP, Chan KL. Coronary artery complications in infective endocarditis. Ann Thorac Surg 2008 Oct;86(4):1381.
- Stewart RL, Chan K, Beauchesne L, Peters GL, Ascah K, Hay KM, Burwash IG. Can BNP levels predict exercise capacity or functional impairment in patients with asymptomatic severe aortic stenosis? Can J Cardiol Oct 2008;24(Suppl E):319-320E.
- Embil JM, Chan KL. The American Heart Association 2007 endocarditis prophylaxis guidelines: a compromise between science and common sense. Can J Cardiol 2008 Sep;24(9):673-675.
- Mussivand T, Alshaer H, Haddad H, Beanlands DS, Beanlands RS, Chan KL, Higginson LA, Leenen F, Ruddy T, Messan T, Silver MA. Thermal therapy: a viable adjunct in the treatment of heart failure? Congest Heart Fail 2008;14:180-186.
- Chan K, Wiseman C. A new colonial type of N. Gonorrhoeae. Brit J Vener Dis 1975;51:251-6.
- Chan K, Wiseman G, Caird J. Cultivation of Type I N. Gonorrhoea in liquid media. Brit J Vener Dis 1975;51:382-6.
- Chan K, Davies R, Chambers J. Coronary Thrombosis and subsequent lysis after a marathon. J Am Coll Cardiol 1985;4:1322-25.
- Chan K, Cruise C. Problems in diagnosis of bilateral obstruction of bronchi by foreign bodies. Can Med Assoc 1982;127:870-6.
- Currie P, Seward J, Chan K, et al. Continuous wave Doppler determination of right ventricular pressure: a simultaneous Doppler-catheterization study in 127 patients. J Am Coll Cardiol 1985;6:750-6.
- Davies R, Koshal A, Jindal S, Walley V, Green M, Morton B, Chan K, et al. University of Ottawa Heart Institute Transplant Program. The Journal of Heart Transplantation 1986;5:1, 57:58.
- Klein A, Chan K, Walley V. A new paraspinal window in the echocardiographic diagnosis of descending aortic dissection. American Heart Journal. 1987;114(4):902-904.
- 8. Chan K, Callahan J, Seward J, Jamil A, Tajik A. Marfan syndrome diagnosed in patients 32 years of age and older. Mayo Clinic Proc 1987;62:589-594.
- 9. Chan K, Currie P, Seward J, Hagler D, Mair D, Tajik A. Comparison of three Doppler ultrasound methods in the prediction of pulmonary artery disease. The Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 1987;9:549-554.
- Chan K, Nishimura R, Tajik A. Doppler demonstration of the mechanism of mitral regurgitation mimicking aortic stenosis. The Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 1988;4(3):130 3.
- Chan K. Transesophageal echocardiography for assessing cause of hypotension after cardiac surgery. The American Journal of Cardiology. 1988; vol. 62:1142-1143.
- Chan K. Comprehensive assessment of cardiac anatomy in anesthetized patients by transesophageal echocardiography. The Canadian Journal of Cardiology. 1988;8:397-401.
- Chan K. Noninvasive assessment of prosthetic heart valves. The Canadian Journal of Cardiology. 1988;8:417-421
- Pipe A, Chan K, Rippe J. Asymptomatic heart murmur in a professional football player. The Physician and Sports medicine. 1988;16(11)November.
- Kafka H Chan K, Leach AJ. Asymptomatic aortic-left ventricular tunnel in adulthood. Am J Cardiol 1989;63(13) 897-1024.
- Tesky R, Chan K, Beanlands DS. Diverticulum of the mitral valve complicating bacterial endocarditis. American Heart Journal. 1989;118(5)(1):1063-1065.
- Dzavik V, Lemay M, Chan K. Echocardiographic diagnosis of an aortic coronary bypass graft aneurysm. A Heart J 1989;118(3):619-621.
- Zhang B, Pipe A, Chan K, The effect of marathon race on the cardiac structure, function and the serum enzymes in the elderly. Chinese Journal of Sports Medicine. 1989;9:76-79.
- Chan K, Marquis J-F, Ascah K, Morton B, Baird M. Role of transesophageal echocardiography in percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty. Echocardiography 1990;7:115-123.
- Turabian M, Chan K. Rupture of mitral chordae tendineae resulting from blunt chest trauma: Diagnosis by transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography. Can J Cardiol 1990;6(5):3-5.
- Cohen G, Chan K. Physical examination and echo Doppler study in the assessment of femoral arterial complications following cardiac catheterization. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Diagnosis 1990;1(21):137-143.
- Cohen G, Chan K, Walley V. Anatomic correlations of the long-axis views in biplane transesophageal echocardiography. Am J Card. 1990;66:1007-1012.
- Giannoccaro P, Marquis J-F, Chan K, Walley V, Chambers R. Aortic dissection presenting as upper airway obstruction. Chest, 1991;99(1):256-258.
- Cohen G, Chan K. Biplane transesophageal echocardiography: Clinical applications of the long-axis plane. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 1991;4:155-163.
- Giannoccaro P, Ascah K, Sochowski R, Chan K, Ruddy T. Spontaneous drainage of paravalvular abscess diagnosed by transesophageal echocardiography. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 1991;4:397-400.
- Pachulski R, Weinberg A, Chan K. Aortic aneurysm in functionally normal or minimally stenotic bicuspid aortic valve. Am J Cardiol 1991;67(8):781-782.
- Chan K. Usefulness of transesophageal echocardiography in the diagnosis of conditions mimicking aortic dissection. Am Heart J 1991;122:495-504.
- Dzavik V, Cohen G, Chan K. Role of transesophageal echocardiography in the diagnosis and management of prosthetic valve thrombosis. J Am Coll Cardiol 1991;18,1829-33.
- Sochowski R, Chan K, Ascah K, Bedard P. Improved accuracy of transesophageal versus transthoracic echocardiography for the detection of flail myxomatous mitral valves. Am J Cardiol. 1991;67(15):1251-1255.
- Black M, Calvin J, Chan K, Walley V. Paradoxical air embolism in the absence of an intracardiac defect. Chest 1991;99:754-55.
- Chan K, Cohen G, Sochowski R, Baird M. Complications of transesophageal echocardiography in ambulatory adult patients: Analysis of 1500 consecutive patients. J Am Soc Echocardiogr, 1991;4:577-82
- Taylor D, Chan K, Higginson L. Complementary role of two-dimensional and Doppler echocardiography in the diagnosis of left ventricular free wall rupture. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 1992;5(1):93-95.
- 33. Melendez L, Chan K, Cheung P, Sochowski R, Wong S, Austin T. Incidence of bacteremia in transesophageal echocardiography: A prospective study of 140 consecutive patients. J Amer Coll Cardiol. 1991, 18;1650-4.
- Giannoccaro P, Ascah K, Chan K. Left atrial mass produced by extensive mitral annular calcification. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 1991;4:619-22.
- Chan K. Impact of Transesophageal echocardiography on the management of patients with aortic dissection. Chest 1991;101(2):406-410.
- Cohen G, Klein A, Chan K, Stewart W, Salcedo E. Transesophageal echocardiographic diagnosis of right-sided cardiac masses in patients with central lines. Am J Cardiol 1992;70:925-929.
- Rattes M, Sochowski R, Baird M, Chan K. Intraoperative transesophageal echocardiographic demonstration of mitral leaflet tear following resection of a subaortic membrane. Can J Cardiol 1992;8(8):785-787.
- Sochowski R, Chan K. Implication of negative results on a monoplane transesophageal echocardiographic study in patients with suspected infective endocarditis. J Am Coll Cardiol, 1993 21(1):216-21.
- Pachulski R, Chan K. Progression of aortic valvular dysfunction in 51 adult patients with congenital bicuspid aortic valve: assessment and followup by Doppler echocardiography. British Heart Journal 1993;69(3):237-240.
- Giannoccaro P, Sochowski R, Morton B, Chan K. Complementary role of transesophageal echocardiography in the assessment of coronary artery anomalies. British Heart Journal 1993 (70):70-4.
- Yvorchuk K, Chan K. Application of transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography in the diagnosis and management of infective endocarditis. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 1994;7(3 Part 1):294-308.
- Antecol D. Chan K. Congenitally bicuspid aortic valve: Diagnosis, Complications, and progression of aortic valvular dysfunction. Primary Cardiology 1994;20(3):15-18.
- Antecol D, Walley V, Chan K. Massive acute thrombosis of the descending thoracic aorta in heparin-associated thrombocytopenia and thrombosis. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 1994;7:550-2.
- Walley V, Chan K, Antecol D. Congenitally bicuspid aortic valves: A study of an atypical variant with fenestrated raphe. Can J Cardiol 1994;10(5):535-542.
- Yvorchuk K, Davies RA, Chan K. Measurement of left ventricular ejection fraction by acoustic quantification and comparison with radionuclide angiography. Am J Cardiol 1994;74:1052-1056.
- Yvorchuk K, Sochowski R, Chan K. A prospective comparison of the multiplane probe with the biplane probe in structure visualization and Doppler examination during transesophageal echocardiography. J Am Soc Echocardiog 1995;8:111-20.
- Taskforce (Chan K, Chairman) Guidelines from the Canadian Cardiovascular Society and the Canadian Hypertension Society on the echocardiographic determination of left ventricular mass. Can J Cardiol 1995;11(5):391-5.
- 48. Cohen JL, Chan K, Jaarsma W, Bach DS, Muller DWM, Starling MR, Armstrong WF. Arbutamine echocardiography: Efficacy and Safety of a new pharmacological stress agent to induce myocardial ischemia and detect coronary artery disease. Am Col Cardiol 1995;26(5):1168-75.
- Gilchrist D, Chan K, Marfan Syndrome: Experience of the Multiplicinary Canadian Marfan Association national Clinic. Annals RCPSC 1995;28(6):348-52.
- Sochowski RA, Yvorchuk KJ, Yang Y, Rattes MF, Chan K. Dobutamine and Dipyridamole stress echocardiography is patients with a low incidence of severe coronary artery disease. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 1995;8:482-7.
- 51. Cohen G, White M, Sochowski RA, Klein AL, Patrick D, Bridge MS, Stewart WJ, Chan K. Reference Values for Normal Adult Transesophageal Echocardiographic Measurements. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 1995;8:221-30.
- Dumesnil JG, Dion D, Yvorchuk K, Davies RA, Chan K. A New, simple and accurate method for determining ejection fraction by Doppler echocardiography. Can J Cardiol 1995;11(11):1007-14.
- 53. Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation Investigators, (Chan K, Co-Investigator. Risk Factors for Thromboembolism During Aspirin Therapy in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation: The stroke prevention in Atrial Fibrillation Study. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 1996;5:147-57.
- Yvorchuk K, Sochowski R, Chan K. Sonicated albumin in exercise echocardiography: Technique and Feasibility to enhance endocardial visualization. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 1996;9(4):462-9.
- Echocardiography Subcommittee of the Canadian Cardiovascular Society Committee on Standards (Chan K, Chair). Standards for adult echocardiographic training. Can J Cardiol 1996;12(5):473-6.
- Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation Investigators, Committee on Echocardiography (Chan K, Co-investigation): Transesophageal echocardiography in atrial fibrillation: Standards for acquisition and interpretation and assessment of inter-observer variability. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 1996;9:556-66.
- Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation Investigators: Chan K, (Co-Investigator). Superiority of adjusted-dose Warfarin over low-intensity, fixed-dose Warfarin plus aspirin for high-risk patients with atrial fibrillation: The Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation III randomized clinical trial. Lancet 1996;348:633-8.
- Tam JW. Chan K. Unmasking the origin of a pseudo-left atrial mass. Circulation. (letter) 1996;94(11)2990-1.
- Rakowski H, Appleton C, Chan K, Dumesnil JG, Honos G, Jue J, Koilpillai C, Lepage S, Martin RP, Mercier LA, O’Kelly B, Prieur T, Sanfilippo A, Sasson Z, Alvarez N, Pruitt R, Tompson C, Tomlinson C. Canadian consensus recommendations for the measurement and reporting of diastolic dysfunction by echocardiography. J Am Soc Echocardiog 1996;9(5):736-60.
- Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation Investigators, (Chan K, Co-investigator): The Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation III study: Rationale design and patient features. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 1997;6:1-4.
- Tam JW, Chan K. Feasibility and complications of single-plane and biplane versus multiplane transesophageal imaging: A review of 2947 consecutive studies. Can J of Cardiol 1997;13(1):81-4.
- Huntington K, Hunter Alasdair GW, Chan K. A prospective study to assess the frequency of familial clustering of congenital bicuspid aortic valve. J Am Coll Cardiol 1997;30(7):1809-12 .
- The Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation Investigators Committee on Echocardiography, Chan K Chairman Writing Committee. Transesophageal echocardiographic correlates of thromboembolism in high-risk patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation. Annals 1998;128(8):639-47.
- Chan K, Burwash I. Unusual structural abnormality in a biplane transesophageal transducer with normal imaging function. Am Soc Echocardiog 1998;11(3):310-2.
- Tam J, Masters R, K Chan. Late sequelae of traumatic aortic rupture. Circulation 1998;97:932-3.
- Tam J, Masters R, Burwash I, Mayhew A, Chan K. Management of patients with mild aortic stenosis undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery. Annals Thoracic Surgery 1998;65:1215-9.
- Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation Investigators, Chan K (Co-investigator). Identifying AF Patients at Low Risk for Stroke. JAMA 1998;279:1273-7.
- Chan K, Halperin J. Transesophageal Echocardiography in High-Risk Patients with Atrial Fibrillation. Annals 1998;129(9):748, Letter.
- Chan K, Stinson, WA, Veinot JP. Reliability of Transthoracic Echocardiography In The Assessment of Aortic Valve Morphology: Pathological Correlation In 178 Patients. Can J Cardiol 1999;15(1):48-52.
- Tam JW, Antecol D, Kim HH, Yvorchuk KJ, Chan K. Low Dose Dobutamine Echocardiography In The Assessment Of Contractile Reserve To Predict The Outcome Of Valve Replacement For Chronic Aortic Regurgitation. Can J Cardiol 1999;15(1):73-9.
- Hynes MS, Tam JL, Burwash IG, Chan K. Predictive value of pulmonary venous flow patterns in detecting mitral regurgitation and left ventricular abnormalities. Can J Cardiol 1999;15(6):665-70.
- Fagan SM, Chan K. Pericardiocentesis–Blind No More! (Editorial). Chest 1999;116(2):275-6.
- Kim HH, Tam JW, Chan K. A prospective transesophageal echocardiographic study to assess a new type of left atrial spontaneous contrast at rest and during respiratory manoeuvres. Can J Cardiol 1999;15(11):1217-22.
- Chan K, Abdulla A. Giant coronary sinus and absent right superior vena cava. Heart 2000;83:704.
- Chan K. Mitral valve aneurysm in endocarditis. (Letter) Circulation 2000;102:e102.
- Chan K. A continuous murmur after surgery for dissecting ascending aortic aneurysm. Ann Thorac Surg 2000;69:1929-31.
- Fagan SM, Chan K. TEE risk factors for stroke in nonvalvular atrial fibrillation. Echocardiography 2000;17:365-72.
- Fagan SM, Veinot JP, Chan K. Residual sinus venous atrial septal defect following surgical closure of atrial septal defect. J Am Soc Echocardiog 2001;14:738-41.
- Burwash IG, Dickinson A, Teskey RJ, Tam JW, Chan KL. Aortic valve area discrepancy by Gorlin equation and Doppler echocardiography continuity equation: Relationship to flow in patients with valvular aortic stenosis. Can J Cardiol 2000;16:985-92.
- Chan K, Veinot J, Leach A, Bedard P, Smith S, Marquis J-F. Diagnosis of left atrial sarcoma by transvenous endocardial biopsy. Can J Cardiol 2001;17(2):206-8.
- Isotalo PA, Chan KL, Rubens F, Beanlands DS, Auclair F, Veinot JP. Prosthetic valve fungal endocarditis due to histoplasmosis. Can J Cardiol 2001;17(3):297-303.
- Chan K, Ghani M, Woodend K, Burwash I. Case-controlled study to assess risk factors for aortic stenosis in congenitally bicuspid aortic valve. Am J Cardiol; Sept 2001;88:690-692.
- Chan K. Early clinical course and long-term outcome of patients with infective endocarditis complicated by perivalvular abscess. CMAJ 2002;167(1):19-24.
- Hynes MS, Veinot JP, Chan KL. Occurrence of a second primary papillary fibroelastoma. Can J Cardiol 2002;18(7):753-756.
- Burwash IG, Hay K, Chan K, Hemodynamic stability of valve area, valve resistance, and stroke work loss in aortic stenosis: a comparative analysis. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2002 Aug;15(8):814-22.
- Chan K, Tang ASL, Achilli A, et al. Functional and echocardiographic improvement following multi-site biventricular pacing for congestive heart failure. Can J Cardiol. 2003 Mar 31;19(4):387-90.
- Chan K. Echocardiography in right sided endocarditis (Editorial) Clin Invest Med. 2002 Aug;25(4):134-6.
- Tardif JC, Dore A, Chan KL, Fagan S, Honos G, Marcotte F, Yu E, Siu S, Dumesnil J, Arsenault M, Koilpillai C, D'onofrio F. Economic impact of contrast stress echocardiography on the diagnosis and initial treatment of patients with suspected coronary artery disease. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2002 Nov;15(11):1335-45.
- Campbell JALJ, Higginson LAJ, Chan KL, Woulfe JM, Veinot JP. Acute myocardial infarction in a young man with dilated cardiomyopathy: clinicopathological correlation. Can J Cardiol. 2003 March 15;19, No 3. 287-292.
- Chow B, Tang ASL, Chan K, et al. Prevalence and significance of lead-related thrombi in patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillators. Am J Cardiol 2003 Jan;91:88-90.
- Campbell N, Rosaeg OP, Chan KL. Anaesthesia management of a parturient with pulmonary stenosis and aortic incompetence for caesarean section. Br K Anaesth 2003 Feb;90(2):241-3.
- Chan KL, Tang ASL, Achilli A, Sassara M, Bocchiardo M, Gaita F, Cavaglia S, Hilpisch K, Hill M, Gras D. Functional and echocardiographic improvement following multisite biventricular pacing for CHF. Can J Cardiol 2003;19(4):387-390.
- Beauchesne LM, Veinot JP, Brais MP, Burwash IG, Chan KL. Acute aortic intimal tear without a mobile flap mimicking an intramural hematoma. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2003 Mar;16(3):285-8.
- Chan KL. Is aortic stenosis a preventable disease? J Am Coll Cardiol. 2003 Aug 20;42(4):593-9.
- Beauchesne LM, Dekemp R, Chan KL, Burwash IG. Temporal variations in effective orifice area during ejection in patients with valvular aortic stenosis. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2003 Sep;16(9):958-64.
- Chan KL, Dumesnil JG, Cujec B, Sanfilippo AJ, Jue J, Turek MA, Robinson TI, Moher D; Investigators of the Multicenter Aspirin Study in Infective Endocarditis A randomized trial of aspirin on the risk of embolic events in patients with infective endocarditis..J Am Coll Cardiol. 2003 Sep 3;42(5):775-80.
- Chan KL, Scott N, Veinot JP. Symptoms in Cardiac Myxoma. (Commentary) Chest 2003;123:2408.
- Kinsara A, Ramadan F, Chan KL. Prevalence and significance of increased intraventricular velocities in healthy elderly subjects. Can J Cardiol 2004 Feb;20(2):201-3.
- Kurdi M, Beanlands DS, Chan KL, Veinot JP. Nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis presenting as aortic stenosis with suspected infective endocarditis: Clinicopathological correlation. Can J Cardiol. 2004 Apr;20(5):549-52.
- Chan KL et al. A randomized trial of aspirin on the risk of embolic events in patients with infective endocarditis: Reply. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2004 Mar 17;43(6):1134-1135.
- Chan KL, Liu X, Ascah KJ, Beauchesne LM, Burwash IG. Comparison of real-time 3-dimensional echocardiography with conventional 2-dimensional echocardiography in the assessment of structural heart disease. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2004;17:976-80.
- Kinsara A, Chan KL. Noninvasive imaging modalities in coarctation of the aorta. Chest 2004 Oct. 126(4): 1016 – 8
- Salehian O, Chan KL. Should brain natriuretic peptides be measured in patients with aortic valve disease? Eur Heart J. 2005 Mar 21; Eur Heart J. 2005 May;26(10):951-2
- Salehian O, Chan KL. Impact of three-dimensional echocardiography in valvular heart disease. Curr Opin Cardiol. 2005 Mar;20(2):122-6.
- Al-Faleh H, Marquis JF, Chan K. Device closure of a patent foramen ovale in a patient with lipomatous hypertrophy of the atrial septum. Can J Cardiol 2005 July;21(9):789-790.
- Sanfilippo AJ, Bewick D, Chan KL, Cujec B, Dumesnil JG, Honos G, Munt B,
- Sasson Z, Tam J, Tomlinson C, Aboguddah A, Ahmed S, Ali M, Arsenault M, Ascah K,
- Ashton T, Baird M, Basmadjian A, Beique F, Blakeley M, Blais MJ, Burggraf G,
- Burwash I, Cochrane J, Fagan S, Giannoccaro P, Hughes W, Jones A, Jue J,
- Koilpillai C, Leblanc MH, Londry C, Morgan D, O'reilly M, Sawchuk C, Siu S,
- Sochowski R, Tremblay G, Welikovitch L, Yu E. Guidelines for the provision of echocardiography in Canada: Recommendations of a joint Canadian Cardiovascular Society/Canadian Society of Echocardiography Consensus Panel. Can J Cardiol. 2005 Jul;21(9):763-80.
- Wolfsohn AL, So DY, Chan KL, Burwash IG, Hendry P, Veinot JP, Labinaz M. Thrombus of the ascending aorta A rare cause of myocardial infarction. Cardiovasc Pathol. 2005 Jul-Aug;14(4):214-8.
- Sylvius N, Bilinska ZT, Veinot JP, Fidzianska A, Bolongo PM, Poon S, McKeown
- P, Davies RA, Chan KL, Tang AS, Dyack S, Grzybowski J, Ruzyllo W, McBride H,
- Tesson F. In vivo and in vitro examination of the functional significances of novel lamin
- gene mutations in heart failure patients. J Med Genet. 2005 Aug;42(8):639-47.
- Chan KL, Teo K. Lipid-lowering therapy in calcific aortic stenosis. N Engl J Med. 2005 Sep 8;353(10):1066-7; author reply 1066-7.
- Dore A, Houde C, Chan KL, Ducharme A, Khairy P, Juneau M, Marcotte F, Mercier LA. Angiotensin receptor blockade and exercise capacity in adults with systemic right ventricles: a multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Circulation. 2005 Oct 18;112(16):2411-6. Epub 2005 Oct 10.
- Al-Shehri F, Chan KL, Dennie C, Veinot JP. Tuberculous Pericarditis. Current Cardiology Reviews, 2005, I, 165-169.
- Ruel M, Al-Faleh H, Kulik A, Chan KL, Mesana T, Burwash IG. Prosthesis-patient mismatch after aortic valve replacement predominantly affects patients with pre-existing left ventricular dysfunction: Effect on survival, freedom from heart failure, and left ventricular mass regression. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2006 May;131(5):1036-44.
- Mahmoud S, Beanlands RS, deKemp R, Chan KL, Beauchesne LM. Native anomalous left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery in an adult: Evidence of impaired coronary flow reserve by rubidium-82 positron emission tomography quantification. Can J Cardiol. 2006 Oct;22(12):1069-70.
- Little SH, Chan KL, Burwash IG. Impact of Blood Pressure on the Doppler Echocardiographic Assessment of Aortic Stenosis Severity. Heart. 2006 Nov 29;
- Law A, Chan KL. Surgical referral in symptomatic mitral regurgitation: greater compliance with guidelines is needed. Eur Heart J. 2007 Jun;28(11):1281-2.
- Chan KL, Teo K, Tam J, Dumesnil JG; Astronomer Investigators. Rationale, design, and baseline characteristics of a randomized trial to assess the effect of cholesterol lowering on the progression of aortic stenosis: the Aortic Stenosis Progression Observation: Measuring Effects of Rosuvastatin (ASTRONOMER) trial. Am Heart J. 2007 Jun;153(6):925-31.
- Salehian O, Burwash IG, Chan KL, Beauchesne LM. Tricuspid Annular Systolic Velocity Predicts Maximal Oxygen Consumption During Exercise in Adult Patients with Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2008 Apr;21(4):342-346.
- Chan KL, Tam J, Dumesnil JG, Cujec B, Sanfilippo AJ, Jue J, Turek M, Robinson T, Williams K. Effect of long-term aspirin use on embolic events in infective endocarditis. Clin Infect Dis. 2008 Jan 1;46(1):37-41.
- Jassal DS, Tam JW, Dumesnil JG, Giannoccaro PJ, Jue J, Pandey AS, Joyner CD, Teo KK, Chan KL. Clinical Usefulness of Tissue Doppler Imaging in Patients with Mild to Moderate Aortic Stenosis: A Substudy of the Aortic Stenosis Progression Observation Measuring Effects of Rosuvastatin Study. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2008 Apr 10; [Epub ahead of print
- Jassal DS, Tam JW, Bhagirath KM, Gaboury I, Sochowski RA, Dumesnil JG, Giannoccaro PJ, Jue J, Pandey AS, Joyner CD, Teo KK, Chan KL. Association of mitral annular calcification and aortic valve morphology: a substudy of the aortic stenosis progression observation measuring effects of rosuvastatin (ASTRONOMER) study. Eur Heart J. 2008 Jun;29(12):1542-7.
- Cunningham KS, Chan KL, Veinot JP. Pathology of isolated atrial infarction: case report and review of literature. Cardiovasc Pathol. 2008;(17):183-185.
- Mussivand T, Alshaer H, Haddad H, Beanlands DS, Beanlands RS, Chan KL, Higginson LA, Leenen F, Ruddy T, Messan T, Silver MA. Thermal therapy: a viable adjunct in the treatment of heart failure? Congest Heart Fail. 2008;14:180-186.
- Embil JM, Chan KL. The American Heart Association 2007 endocarditis prophylaxis guidelines: A compromise between science and common sense. Can J Cardiol. 2008 Sep;24(9):673-5.
- Allan R, Hynes M, Burwash IG, Veinot JP, Chan KL. Coronary artery complications in infective endocarditis. Ann Thorac Surg. 2008 Oct;86(4):1381.
- Chan KL, Morin J, Veinot JP. Unusual cause of sudden death in a young patient with atrioventricular septal defect. Can J Cardiol (Images in Cardiology). 2009 Jan;25(1):e19.
- Abraham A, Chow B, Chan K, Ruddy TD, Beanlands RS. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the impact of myocardial viability by echocardiography on survival after revascularization or medical management in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy. Can J Cardiol. Oct 2008;24(Suppl E):253E.
- Stewart RL, Chan K, Beauchesne L, Peters GL, Ascah K, Hay KM, Burwash IG. Can BNP levels predict exercise capacity or functional impairment in patients with asymptomatic severe aortic stenosis. Can J Cardiol. Oct 2008;24(Suppl E):319-320E.
- Chan K, Callahan J, Gordon H, et al. Prognosis of patients with the Marfan's syndrome diagnosed after age 32. American College of Cardiology (1986).
- Chan K, Tajik. Effect of aortic regurgitation on the Doppler-derived mitral pressure halftime. American College of Cardiology (1986).
- Chan K, Currie P, Sewart J, et al. Comparison of three Doppler methods in the prediction of pulmonary artery pressure. American College of Cardiology. (1986).
- Chan K, Davies R, Barrie M, Keon W. Incidence of valvular Aortic involvement in ankylosing spondylitis: An echo-Doppler study. Clinical and Investigative Medicine. 1987:10(4) Abst R516;B127.
- Chan K, Barrie M, Hay K, Andrews J. Color flow Doppler improves the accuracy of mitral area measurement by planimetry. Clinical and Investigative Medicine. 1987;10(5)Abst 120;C58.
- Chan K, Niznick J, Laramee L, Andrews J, Baird M. Echocardiographic diagnosis of left ventricular thrombus: Importance of the short axis apical view. Clinical and Investigative Medicine. 1987:10(4)Abst C45;B54.
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- Kim HH, Tam JW. Chan K. UFO in atria and pulmonary veins: Is it a real phenomenon? Circulation 1995;92(8);2569:1-538.
- Chan K for the SPAF Investigators. Transesophageal echocardiographic risk factors for stroke are related to gender and age: Observations from the SPAF III study. Circulation 1995;92(8);1346:1-283.
- Tam JW, Kim HH, Chan K, Antecol D, Yvorchuk K. Low dose Dobutamine echocardiography in predicting outcome of valve surgery for aortic or mitral regurgitation. Circulation 1995;92(8):1971:1-393.
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- Kim HH, Tam JW, Chan K. UFO in atrial and pulmonary veins: Is it a real phenomenon? Can J Cardiol 1995;11(Suppl E)103:87E.
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- Huntington K, Chan K. Is there an inheritance pattern in bicuspid aortic valve? J Am Coll Cardiol. 1996;27(2)(Supple A);1034-112:397A.
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- Huntington, Chan K. A prospective echocardiographic study to assess familial clustering of congenital bicuspid aortic valve. Clin and Invest Med 1996:19(4):S55(405)
- Chan K, for the SPAF Investigators. A prospective study to assess transesophageal echocardiographic (TEE) findings in the prediction of stroke in high risk patients with atrial fibrillation. Can J Cardiol 1996;12(Suppl E):121E (169)
- Tam JW, Masters R, Burwash I, Kim H. Chan K. Is there a need for concomitant aortic valve replacement in patients with mild aortic stenosis undergoing CABG? Can J Cardiol 1996:12(Suppl E):92E(55).
- Hynes MS, Tam JW, Burwash IG, Chan K. What is the significance of blunted pulmonary venous flow in the detection of mitral regurgitation or left ventricular abnormalities in ambulatory patients? Can J Cardiol 1996;12(Suppl E):79E(3).
- Burwash IG, Tam JW, Teskey RJ, Dickinson A, Chan K. Discrepancy between gorlin equation and continuity equation aortic valve area relates to transvalvular flow in patients with valvular aortic stenosis. Can J Cardiol 1996;12(Suppl E):80E(6).
- Burwash IG, Francis MI, Bryson CM, McNutt BJ, Raymond R, Chan K. Effect of inotropic stimulation on Doppler-echo indices of stenosis severity in patients with valvular aortic stenosis. Can J Cardiol 1996;12(Suppl E):80E(4).
- Chan K for the SPAF Investigators. A prospective study to assess transesophageal echocardiographic (TEE) findings in the prediction of stroke in high risk patients with atrial fibrillation. Circulation 1996;94(8)(Suppl 1):1-216.
- Tam JW, Masters R, Burwash I, Kim H, Chan K. Is there a need for concomitant aortic valve replacement in patients with mild aortic stenosis undergoing CABG? Circulation 1996;94(8)(Suppl 1):1-292.
- Burwash IG, Francis MI, Bryson CM, McNutt BJ, Raymond R, Chan K. Effect of inotropic stimulation on Doppler-echo indices of stenosis severity in patients with valvular aortic stenosis. Circulation 1996;94(8)(suppl 1):1-30.
- Tam JW, Burwash IG, Ascah KJ, Baird MG, Chan KL. Multiplane transesophageal imaging: What is the price for improved spatial orientation? A review of 2916 consecutive studies. J Am Coll Cardiol. 1997;29:338A.
- Chan K, Cujec B, Dumesnil J, Sanflippo A, Jue J, Turek M, Robinson T. Clinical characteristics and outcome of infective endocarditis with no vegetation on echocardiography. Can J Cardiol 1997;13:99C.
- Chan K, Veinot J. How good is echocardiography in the detection of congenital bicuspid aortic valve? Clinical Investigative Medicine 1997;20(4):S6.
- Chan K, for MATIE Investigators. Comparison of culture negative with culture positive endocarditis: Presentation, echocardiographic findings and outcome. Clinical Investigative Medicine 1997;20(4):S56.
- Burwash I, Hay K, Chan K, Are flow-mediated changes in doppler-echo aortic valve area due to changes in left ventricular outflow tract spatial velocity profiles? Can J Cardiol 1997 13;C:99C.
- Huq N, Chan K, Mayhew A, Ascah K, Baird M, Burwash I Optimal Doppler Assessment of Aortic Stenosis: Where to interrogate and for how long? Can J Cardiol 1997 13;C:100C.
- Chan K, Cujec B, Dumesnil J, Sanfilippo A, Jue J, Turek M, Robinson T, Dufour C, Wang D, Embolism in infective endocarditis: risk factors, clinical characteristics and outcome. Can J Cardiol 1997 13;C:120C.
- Ghani M, Burwash I, Chan K, Are atherosclerosis risk factors relevant in the development of aortic stenosis in congenital bicuspid aortic valve? Can J Cardiol 1997 13;C:121C.
- Chan K, Cujec B, Dumesnil J, Sanfilippo A, Jue J, Turek M, Robinson T. Embolism in infective endocarditis – risk factors, clinical characteristics and outcome. Circulation 1997;96:I-317.
- Chan K, Cujec B, Dumesnil J, Sanfilippo A, Jue J, Turek M, Robinson T. Clinical characteristics and outcome of infective endocarditis with no vegetation on echocardiography. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 1998;11:559.
- Aggarwal SG, Tang ASL, Chan K. Biventricular pacing reduces mitral regurgitation in patients with heart failure and bundle branch block. Can J Cardiol 1998;14 (Suppl F):125F.
- Ramadan, Masters RG, Chan K. Surgical management and long term outcome in patients with dilated aortic root and surgical aortic valve disease. Can J Cardiol 1998;14 (Suppl F):126F.
- Ghani M, Burwash I, Chan K. Cholesterol and triglyceride levels in congenital bicuspid aortic valve: risk factors for the development of aortic stenosis. Can J Cardiol 1998;14 (Suppl F):132F.
- Ghani M, Huq N, Burwash I, Chan K. Comparison between digital and videotape recordings of echocardiograms in anatomic visualization and diagnostic performance. Can J Cardiol 1998;14 (Suppl F):134F.
- Aggarwal SG, Huq NM, Chan K, Burwash I. A practical model for doppler assessment of aortic stenosis severity: accuracy of a limited window approach. Can J Cardiol 1998;14 (Suppl F):106F.
- Burwash IG, Hay KM, Chan K. Does valve morphology affect flow dependence of aortic valve area in valvular aortic stenosis? Can J Cardiol 1998;14 (Suppl F):106F.
- Burwash IG, Hay KM, Chan K. Symptomatic status in valvular aortic stenosis: relationship to measures of stenosis severity, systolic function, diastolic function and left ventricular remodelling. Can J Cardiol 1998;14 (Suppl F):125F.
- Fagan SM, Chan K, Tang ASL. Echocardiographic assessment of the effect of multisite pacing on myocardial performance and contraction asynchrony in heart failure patients with conduction delay. Can J Cardiol 1999;15(Suppl D):120D.
- Beauchesne LM, Chan K, Burwash IG. Temporal variations in effective orifice area during ejection in patients with valvular aortic stenosis. Can J Cardiol 1999;15(Suppl D):120D.
- Chan K, Berger PB, Blackshear J, Pearce L, Halperin J. Significance of homocysteine in patients with atrial fibrillation: findings from the stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation (SPAF III). Can J Cardiol 1999;15(Suppl D):183D.
- Aggarwal SG, Huq NM, Chan K, Burwash IG. A practical model for Doppler assessment of aortic stenosis severity: accuracy of a limited window approach. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 1999;12(5):353.
- Burwash IG, Hay KM, Chan KL. Symptomatic status in valvular aortic stenosis: relationship to measures of stenosis severity, systolic function, diastolic function and left ventricular remodelling. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 1999;12(5):369.
- Chan KL. Long term outcome of surgical versus medical treatment in endocarditis complicated by perivalvular abscess. J Am Coll Cardiol 2000;35(Suppl A):529A.
- Beauchesne LM, Chan KL, Burwash IG. Temporal variations in effective orifice area during ejection: relationship to hemodynamic severity in patients with valvular aortic stenosis. J Am Coll Cardiol 2000;35(Suppl A):535A.
- Chan KL for the MATIE Investigators. Gender differences in predisposing factors for endocarditis: Findings of the multicentre aspirin study in infective endocarditis (MATIE) study. Can J Cardiol 2000;16(Suppl B):61B.
- Chan KL, Dumesnil J, Cujec B, Sanfilippo A, Jue J, Turek M, Robinson T for the MATIE Investigators. A prospective study to assess the effect of aspirin on outcome of endocarditis. Can J Cardiol 2000;16(Suppl F):131F.
- Burwash IG, Hay KM, Chan KL. Does symptomatic status relate to valve compliance in valvular aortic stenosis? Can J Cardiol 2000;16(Suppl F):160F.
- Beauchesne LM, Chan KL, Burwash IG. Temporal variations in effective orifice area during ejection in patients with aortic stenosis: relationship to symptomatic status. Can J Cardiol 2000;16(Suppl F):160F.
- Tardif JC, Dore A, Chan KL, Fagan S, Honos G, Marcotte F, Yu E, Siu S, Dumesnil J, Arsenault M, Koilpillai C, D’Onofrio F. Evaluation of Levovist-enhanced stress echocardiography in patients with suspected coronary artery disease: results of a Canadian multicentre study. Can J Cardiol 2000;16(Suppl F):200F.
- Chan KL, Dumesnil J, Cujec B, Sanfilippo A, Jue J, Turek, Robinson T for the MATIE Investigators. Predictors of mortality in 560 patients with infective endocarditis. Can J Cardiol 2000;16(Suppl F):205F.
- Chan KL, Dumesnil J, Cujec B, Sanfilippo A, Jue J, Turek M, Robinson T for the MATIE Investigators. Gender differences in predisposing factors for endocarditis: findings of the multicentre aspirin study in infective endocarditis (MATIE) study. Can J Cardiol 2000;16(Suppl F):232F.
- Beauchesne L, Chan KL, Ascah K, Burwash I. Implications of symptomatic hemodynamic, and EKG changes during exercise testing in patients with aortic stenosis:relationship to coronary artery disease. JACC Feb 2001;37(Suppl A):158A.
- Chan KL, Dumesnil J, Cujec B, Sanfillipo A, Jue J, Robinson T. Predictors of Mortality in 560 Patients with infective endocarditis: Findings of the multicentre Aspirin trial in infective endocarditis (MATIE) study. JACC Feb 2001;37(Suppl A):474A.
- Chan KL, Dumesnil JG, Cujec B, Sanfilippo AJ, Jue J, Turek MA, Robinson TI. Effect of Aspirin on the progression of vegetation in infective endocarditis. Can J Cardiol Sept 2001;17 (Suppl C)150C.
- Burwash, IG, Beauchesne LM, Hay KM, Chan KL. Can dynamic changes in aortic valve area during ejection predict valve area response to dobutamine testing in valvular aortic stenosis? Can J Cardiol 2001;17(Suppl C):151C.
- Ramadan F, Chan KL, Can echocardiographic features predict progression in adult patients with discrete subaortic stenosis? Can J Cardiol, Sept 2001; 17(Suppl C):224C
- Chan KL, Prevalence and clinical correlates of increased intraventricular velocities in ambulatory elderly subjects. Can J Cardiol, Sept 2001; 17(Suppl C):224C
- Kinsara A, Chan KL, Ramadan F, Malcolm. Prevalence and clinical correlates of increased intraventricular velocities in ambulatory elderly subjects. JACC April 2002; 39(Suppl B):371B.
- Chan KL, Bulman D, Hunter A. Is endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene associated with congenital bicuspid aortic valve in human? JACC April 2002, 39 (Suppl B):387B.
- Chan KL, Dumesnil JG, Cujec B, Sanfilippo AJ, Jue J, Turek MA, Robinson TI. A prospective survey to assess the impact of echocardiography on the management of infective endocarditis. CJC Sept 2002;18 (Suppl B):146B.
- Chan KL, Scoggan KA, Zou R, Hunter AGW, Bulman D. Is endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene associated with congenital bicuspid aortic valve in human? CJC Sept 2002;18 (Suppl B):229B.
- Tesson F, Bilinska Z, Veinot, JP, Chan KL, et al. Contrasted molecular mechanisms associated with lamin A/C mutations in end-stage dilated cardiomyopathy patients. Circulation Oct 2003;108:IV-83.
- Mercier LA, Houde C, Chan KL, Ducharme A, Juneau M, Dore A. Losartan does not improve exercise capacity in asymptomatic adults with a systemic morphologic right ventricle. Circulation Oct 2003;108:IV-642.
- Chan KL, Lui X, Ascah K, Beauchesne L, Burwash I. Comparison of real-time 3-D echocardiography with conventional 2-D echocardiography in the assessment of structural heart disease. Can J Cardiol Oct 2003;19 (suppl A):174A.
- Little SH, Chan KL, Burwash IG. Effect of blood pressure on the doppler-echo assessment of stenosis severity in patients with valvular aortic stenosis. Can J Cardiol Oct 2004;20 (suppl D):144D.
- Al-Faleh H, Ruel M, Chan KL, Beauchesne LM, Lam BK, Mesana T, Burwash IG. Effect of prosthetic-patient mismatch after aortic valve replacement on left ventricular remodelling in patients with normal and impaired preoperative left ventricular function. Can J Cardiol Oct 2004;20 (suppl D):164D.
- Al-Faleh H, Burwash IG, Chan KL, Masters RG, Mesana TG, Ruel M. Prosthesis-patient mismatch after aortic valve replacement: impact of preoperative left ventricular function on clinical outcomes. Can J Cardiol Oct 2004;20 (suppl D):200-201D.
- Al-Faleh H, Ruel M, Chan KL, Beauchesne LM, Lam BK, Mesana T, Burwash IG. Effect of prosthetic-patient mismatch after aortic valve replacement on left ventricular remodelling in patients with normal and impaired preoperative left ventricular function. Circulation Oct 26 2004;100(17):III-549.
- Al-Faleh H, Burwash IG, Chan KL, Masters RG, Mesana TG, Ruel M. Prosthesis-patient mismatch after aortic valve replacement: impact of preoperative left ventricular function on clinical outcomes. Circulation Oct 26 2004;100(17):III-709.
- Salehian O, Chan KL, Ascah K, Burwash IG, Beauchesne LM. Systolic velocity of the tricuspid annulus predicts peak oxygen consumption in patients with repaired Tetralogy of fallot. A tissue doppler imaging study. Can J Cardiol Oct 2005;21(Supple C):834.
- Chan KL, Tam J, Sochowski R, Dumesnil J, Jue J, Honos G, Joyner C, Koilpillai C, Teo K. A randomized study to assess effect of cholesterol lowering on progression of aortic stenosis: rationale, design and baseline characteristics of the first 100 subjects. Can J Cardiol Oct 2005;21(Supple C):253C.
- Salehian O, Chan KL, Beauchesne LM. Left ventricular myocardial performance index is abnormal in patients with repaired tetralogy of fallot. Can J Cardiol Oct 2005; 21(Supple C):248C.
- Salehian, O, Chan KL, Burwash IG, Beauchesne LM. Left ventricular myocardial performance index is abnormal in patients with repaired Tetralogy of Fallot. JACC Feb 21, 2006; 47 (4) (Suppl A): 248A.
- Salehian O, Dennie C, Morin J, Chan KL, Burwash IG, Beauchesne L. REF : 4629 Right Ventricular Tissue Doppler Indices in Patients with Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot. Comparison to Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
- Salehian O, Dennie CJ, Morin J, Chan KL, Burwash IG, Beauchesne LM. Right ventricular tissue doppler indices in patients with repaired Tetralogy of fallot. Comparison to cardiac magnetic resonance imaging. Can J Cardiol. Oct 2006;22 (Suppl D):48D.
- Chan KL, Tam J, Sochowski R, Dumesnil JG, Giannoccaro P, Jue J, Pandey S, Joyner C, Teo K. Influence of gender on left ventricular and left atrial adaptation to aortic stenosis: the ASTRONOMER study. Can J Cardiol. Oct 2006;22(Suppl D):218D.
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- Jassal DS, Tam JW, Sochowski RA, Dumesnil JG, Giannoccaro PJ, Jue J, Pandey AS, Joyner CD, Teo KK, Chan KL. Clinical usefulness of tissue doppler imaging in patients with mild to moderate aortic stenosis: a substudy of the aortic stenosis progression observation measuring effects of rosuvastatin (Astronomer) study. Can J Cardiol. Oct 2007;23(Suppl C):250-51C.
- Tam JW, Jassal DS, Sochowski RA, Dumesnil JG, Giannoccaro PJ, Jue J, Pandey AS, Joyner CD, Teo KK, Chan KL. Effect of aortic valve morphology on aortic valvular calcification and mitral annular calcification in patients with mild to moderate aortic stenosis. Can J Cardiol. Oct 2007;23(Suppl C):251-52C.
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- Bhagirath KM, Jassal DS, Tam JW, Sochowski R, Dumesnil J, Giannoccaro P, Jue J, Pandey AS, Joyner CD, Teo KK, Chan KL. Can bicuspid valve morphology predict the pattern of aortic root dilatation? A substudy of the aortic stenosis progression observation measuring effects of rosuvastatin (ASTRONOMER) study. Can J Cardiol. Oct 2008;24(Suppl E):188E.
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