Appointments and affiliations
Cardiac Surgeon
Director of the Mechanical Circulatory Devices Program
University of Ottawa Heart Institute
Professor of Cardiac Surgery
Assistant Dean for Continuing Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine
University of Ottawa
Dr. Paul Hendry is a Cardiac Surgeon and Director of the Mechanical Circulatory Devices Program at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute, and he is Professor of Cardiac Surgery at the University of Ottawa.
Dr. Hendry earned his MD from the University of Ottawa in 1981, where he completed his Residency Training in Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery. During that time, he earned an MSc in Physiology. A year later, he was certified as a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (FRCPC) in General Surgery. In 1989, he received further certification in Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, and is a Diplomat of the American Board of Surgery. Following his residency, he undertook a research fellowship at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, for two years. He returned to Ottawa as a Staff Surgeon at the Heart Institute in 1990.
Dr. Hendry is one of only a few Canadian surgeons specializing in the use of the Thoratec and Novacor assist devices . He has received numerous research grants and has authored and co-authored over 90 manuscripts.
Research and clinical interests
Dr. Hendry’s research interests and publications are in the areas of myocardial preservation, electrophysiology and surgery for heart failure, including the use of ventricular assist devices , left ventricular remodelling and transplantation.
- Meirovich YF, Veinot JP, Kuroski de Bold ML, Haddad H, Davies RA, Masters RG, Hendry PJ, de Bold AJ. Relationship between natriuretic peptides and inflammation: proteomic evidence obtained during acute cellular cardiac allograft rejection in humans. J Heart Lung Transplant 2008;27:31-37.
- Kulik A, Al-Saigh M, Chan V, Masters R, Bédard P, Lam BK, Rubens FD, Hendry PJ, Mesana TG, Ruel M. Enlargement of the small aortic root during aortic valve replacement: is there a benefit? Ann Thorac Surg 2008;85:94-101.
- Hendry P. Invited commentary: late-onset driveline infections: the Achilles’ heel of prolonged left ventricular assist device support. Ann Thorac Surg 2007;84:520-521.
- Ruel M, Chan V, Bedard P, Kulik A, Ressler L, Lam BK, Rubens F, Goldstein W, Hendry P, Masters R, Mesana T. Very long-term survival implications of heart valve replacement with tissue versus mechanical prostheses in adults < 60 years of age. Circulation 2007;116(11 Suppl):1294-1300.
- Chan V, Lam BK, Hendry P, Ruel M, Masters R, Bedard P, Goldstein B, Rubens F, Ressler L, Mesana TG. Bileaflet mechanical mitral valve replacement: can one size fit all? Journal of Heart Valve Disease 2007 Jun.
- Biro GP, Beresford-Kroeger D, Hendry PJ. Resuscitation of hemorrhage with Fluosol-DA: Effects on hemodynamics and myocardial O2 supply. In: Proceedings of the IV International Symposium on Perfluorochemical Blood Substitutes, Kyoto, 1978. Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica Publ 1979:417-38
- Biro GP, Beresford-Kroeger D, Hendry PJ. Early deleterious hemorheologic changes following acute experimental coronary occlusion and salutary antihyperviscosity effect of hemodilution with stroma-free hemoglobin. Am Heart J 103:870-78,1982
- Koshal A, Hendry PJ, Raman S, Keon WJ. Should obese patients not undergo cardiac surgery? Can J Surg 28:331-34, 1985
- Hendry PJ, Crepeau A, Beatty D. Benign bronchoesophageal fistulas. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 90:789-91, 1985
- Hendry PJ, Akyurekli Y, McIntyre R, Quarrington A, Keon WJ. Bronchopleural complications of flexible nasogastric feeding tubes. Crit Care Med 14:892-94, 1986
- Menkis AH, Hendry PJ, Taichman GC, Keon WJ. The direct effects of autotransfused blood on myocardial muscle mechanics in man. Can J Surg 30:93-95, 1987
- Taichman GC, Hendry PJ, Keon WJ. The use of cardiogreen for the visualization of coronary circulation intraoperatively: An evaluation of myocardial toxicity. Tex Heart Inst Bull 14:133-38, 1987
- Hendry PJ, Taichman GC, Keon WJ. The myocardial contractile responses to protamine sulfate and heparin. Ann Thorac Surg 44:263-68, 1987
- Keon WJ, Masters RG, Koshal A, Hendry PJ, Farrell EM. Coronary endarterectomy. An adjunct to coronary artery bypass grafting. Surg Clin North America 68:669-78, 1988
- Hendry PJ, Taichman GC, Taichman SJ, Keon WJ. Human myocardial responses to antibiotics: gentamicin, tobramycin, cephalothin. Can J Cardiol 4:219-22, 1988
- Keon WJ, Hendry PJ, Taichman GC, Mainwood GW. Cardiac transplantation: The ideal myocardial temperature for graft transport. Ann Thorac Surg 46:337-41, 1988
- Lowe JE, Hendry PJ, Packer D, Tang A. The surgical management of chronic ectopic atrial tachycardia. Seminars in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 1:58-66, 1989
- Hendry PJ, Taichman GC, Filion L, Keon WJ. The effects of activated complement on myocardial performance. J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino) 30:351-58,1989
- Hendry PJ, Walley VM, Koshal A, Masters RG, Keon WJ. Are temperatures attained by donor hearts during transport too cold? J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 98:517-22,1989
- Anstadt MP, Hendry PJ, Plunkett MD, Menius JA, Pacifico AD, Lowe JE. Comparison of direct mechanical ventricular actuation and cardiopulmonary bypass. Trans Am Soc Art Org 35:464-467,1989
- Hendry PJ, Packer D, Anstadt MP, Plunkett MD, Lowe JE. The surgical treatment of automatic atrial tachycardias. Ann Thorac Surg 49:253-60,1990
- Anstadt MP, Hendry PJ, Plunkett MD, Menius JA, Pacifico AD, Lowe JE. The hemodynamic effects of DMVA compared to CPB. Surgery 108:442-451,1990
- Anstadt MP, Hendry PJ, Plunkett MD, Menius JA, Pacifico AD, Lowe JE. Mechanical myocardial actuation during ventricular fibrillation improves tolerance to ischemia compared to cardiopulmonary bypass. Circulation 82(SuppIV) IV-284--IV-290, 1990
- Hendry PJ, Anstadt MP, Plunkett MD, Pacifico AD, Menius JE, Lowe JE. The optimal temperature for donor heart preservation. Circulation 82(SuppIV) IV-306--IV312, 1990
- Hendry PJ, Labow RS, Barry Y, Keon WJ. An assessment of crystalloid solutions for donor heart preservation. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 101:833-8,1991
- Lowe JE, Hendry PJ, Hendrickson S, Wells R. Intraoperative identification of cardiac patients at risk to develop postoperative atrial fibrillation. Ann Surg 213(5):388-392,1991
- Keon WJ, Labow RS, Hendry PJ, Barry Y. The human atrial trabecula: Effects of calcium and temperature. J Mol Cell Cardiol 23(3):357-364,1991
- Anstadt MP, Taber JE, Hendry PJ, Plunkett MD, Tedder M, Menius JA, Lowe JE. Myocardial tolerance to ischemia following resuscitation: direct mechanical ventricular actuation vs cardiopulmonary bypass. Trans Am Soc Art Int Org 37(3):M518-M519,1991
- Amato MT, Hendry PJ, Anstadt MP, Plunkett MD, Taber JE, Lowe JE. Effects of amrinone versus dobutamine on subsequent tolerance to global myocardial ischemia. Surg Forum 42:253-254,1991
- Koshal A, Masters RG, Hendry PJ, Keon WJ. Mechanical bridge to cardiac transplant: Where do we stand in 1990? Can J Surg 34:578-580,1991
- Lowe JE, Anstadt MP, Van Tright P, Smith PK, Hendry PJ, Plunkett MD, Anstadt GL. First successful bridge to cardiac transplantation using direct mechanical ventricular actuation. Ann Thorac Surg 52:1237-45,1991
- Keon WJ, Masters RG, Koshal A, Hendry PJ. Use of circulatory-assist devices in the failing heart. J Saudi Arabia Heart Assoc 4:5-8,1992
- Mussivand T, Masters R, Hendry P, Rajagopalan K, Walley V, Hicks A, Stinson W, Nahon D, Koshal A, Keon W. Critical anatomical dimensions for intrathoracic circulatory devices. Artif Organs 16:281-285,1992
- Hendry PJ, Anstadt MP, Plunkett MD, Amato MT, Menius JA, Lowe JE. Improved donor myocardial recovery using a new lipid anti-peroxidant: U74006F. J Heart Lung Transplant 11:636-645,1992
- Hendry PJ, Keon WJ. Temperatures attained by donor hearts stored in ice during transport are not too cold. (Invited reply to letter) J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 104:840,1992
- Hendry PJ, Mikat EM, Anstadt MP, Plunkett MD, Lowe JE. Argon beam coagulation for the creation of canine ventricular endocardial lesions. Ann Thorac Surg 55:135-9,1993
- Hendry PJ, Labow RS, Keon WJ. A comparison of intracellular crystalloid solutions for donor heart preservation. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 105:667-73,1993
- Walley VM, Masters RG, Boone SA, Wolfsohn AL, Davies RA, Hendry PJ, Keon WJ. Analysis of deaths following cardiac transplantation: The University of Ottawa Heart Institute experience. J Heart Lung Transplant 12:790-801,1993
- Labow RS, Hendry PJ, Meek E, Keon WJ. Temperature affects human cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum energy-mediated calcium transport. J Moll Cell Cardiol 25:1161-1170,1993
- Mussivand T, Miller JA, Santerre PJ, Belanger G, Rajagopalan KC, Hendry PJ, Masters RG, Holmes KS, Robichaud R, Keaney M, Walley WM, Keon WJ. Transcutaneous energy transfer system performance evaluation. Artif Organs 17:940-947,1993
- Hendry PJ, Ascah K, Rajagapolan K, Calvin JE. Does septal position affect right ventricular function during left ventricular assist in an experimental porcine model? Circulation 90(supplII):II-353-II358,1994
- Hendry PJ, Masters RG, Haspect A. Is there a place for cold crystalloid cardioplegia in the 1990's? Ann Thorac Surg 58:1690-1694,1994
- Najm HK, Leddy D, Hendry PJ, Marquis JF, Keon WJ. Post-operative internal thoracic artery stenosis and successful treatment with PTCA. Ann Thorac Surg 59:323-327,1995
- Ibrahim M, Masters RG, Hendry PJ, Davies RA, Smith S, Walley VM, Struthers C, Keon WJ. Determinants of early survival following cardiac transplantation. Ann Thorac Surg 59:604-608,1995
- Mussivand T, Menzies S, Affeld K, Chiu R, Ciarkowski A, Dhillon B, Fiddian-Green RG, Freeland WJW, Hendry PJ, Higginson LAJ, Hirsh J, Hurley DA, Keon WJ, Koshal A, Lowy FH, Marshall TD, Nose Y, Ramsay JG, Snaterre JP, Wynands JE. Cardiovascular Technology Symposium . Can J Cardiol 11:251-261,1995
- Venance SL, Walley VM, Burns BF, Veinot JP, Hendry P, Smith S. CD30 positive (Ki-1) large cell lymphoma presenting with pericardial constriction. Cardiovasc Pathol 4:141-145,1995
- Lareau S, Boyle AJ, Stewart LC, Deslauriers R, Hendry P, Keon WJ, Labow RS. The role of magnesium in myocardial preservation. Magnesium Research 8:85-97,1995
- Mussivand T, Hum A, Diguer M, Holmes KS, Vecchio G, Masters RG, Hendry PJ, Keon WJ. A transcutaneous energy and information transfer system for implanted medical devices. ASAIO J 41:M253-M258,1995
- Labow, RS, Hendry PJ, Meek E, Waghray G, Keon WJ. Preservation of cell organelles during storage of human atrial tissue in the University of Wisconsin solution. J Cardiovasc Surg 36:533-540,1995
- Mussivand TV, Masters RG, Hendry PJ, Keon WJ. Totally implantable intrathoracic ventricular assist device. Ann Thorac Surg 61:444-447,1996
- Hendry PJ, Nathan H, Rajagopalan K. Right ventricular blood flow during left ventricular support in an experimental porcine model. Ann Thorac Surg 61:1199-1204,1996
- Masters RG, Hendry PJ, Davies RA, Smith S, Struthers C, Walley VM, Keon WJ. Cardiac transplantation after mechanical circulatory support: A Canadian perspective. Ann Thorac Surg 61:1734-1739,1996
- Tang ASL, Hendry P, Goldstein W, Green MS, Luce M. Nonthoracotomy implantation of cardioverter defibrillators: Preliminary experience with a defibrillation lead placed at the right ventricular outflow tract. PACE 19:960-964,1996
- Plunkett MD, Hendry PJ, Anstadt MP, Camporesi EM, Amato MT, St. Louis JD, Lowe JE. Chronic hypoxia induces adaptive metabolic changes in neonate myocardium. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 112:8-13,1996
- Hendry PJ, Masters RG, Keaney M, Bourke M, Mussivand T, Keon WJ and the EVAD team: Evolution of an electro-hydraulic VAD through in vivo testing. ASAIO J 42:M350-M354,1996
- Mussivand T, Hendry PJ, Masters RG, Holmes KS, Hum A, Rajagopalan K, Keon WJ. A remotely controlled and powered artificial heart pump. Artif Organs 20:1314-1319,1996
- Farrar DJ, Hill JD, Pennington DG, McBride LR, Holman W, Kormos R, Esmore D, Gray LA, Seifert PE, Schoettle GP, Moore C, Hendry P, Bhayana J. Preoperative and postoperative comparison of patients with uni- and bi-ventricular Thoratec VAD support as a bridge to cardiac transplantation. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 113:202-209,1997
- Mussivand TV, Hendry PJ, Masters RG, Keon WJ. Multi-purpose mechanical circulatory device. Int J Artif Organs 20:217-221,1997
- Mussivand TV, Hendry PJ, Masters RG, Keon WJ. Evaluation of a totally implantable intrathoracic ventricular assist device. Cor Europaeum 6:110-114,1997
- Hendry PJ. Hypothermic storage with University of Wisconsin solution preserves endothelial and vascular smooth-muscle function - Editorial Comment. Circulation 96:II302-II303,1997
- Beanlands RSB, Hendry PJ, Masters RG, deKemp RA, Woodend K, Ruddy TD. Delay in revascularization is associated with increased mortality in patients with severe LV dysfunction and viable myocardium on Fluorine 18-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography imaging. Circulation 98:II-51-II-56,1998
- Hendry PJ. Anticoagulation is unnecessary after biologic aortic valve replacement - Editorial Comment. Circulation 98:II-98-II99,1998
- Moore MA, Phillips RE, McIlroy BK, Walley VM, Hendry PJ. Evaluation of porcine valves prepared by dye-mediated photooxidation. Ann Thorac Surg 66:S245-8,1998
- Mussivand T, Hendry PJ, Masters RG, Keon WJ. Development of a ventricular assist device for out-of-hospital use. J Heart Lung Transplant 18:166-171, 1999
- Hendry P, Masters R, Ibrahim M, Bourke M, Keaney M, Kilborn S, Keon W, Mussivand T. In vivo evaluation of an intrathoracic ventricular assist device. ASAIO J 45:123-126,1999
- Masters RG, Davies RA, Veinot JP, Hendry PJ, Smith SJ, deBold AJ. Discoordinate modulation of natriuretic peptides during acute cardiac allograft rejection in humans. Circulation 100:287-291,1999
- Mussivand T, Hendry PJ, Masters RG, King M, Holmes KS, Keon WJ. Progress with the HeartSaver ventricular assist device. Ann Thorac Surg 68:785-789,1999
- Hendry PJ, Masters RG, Mussivand TV, Smith S, Davies RA, Finlay S, Keon WJ. Circulatory support for cardiogenic shock due to acute myocardial infarction. Can J Cardiol 15:1090-1094,1999
- Mussivand T, Hendry PJ, Masters RG, Keon WJ. HeartSaver VAD: A totally implantable ventricular assist device. Results of in vivo studies. J Extra Corpor Technol 32:184-189, 2000
- Hendry PJ, Mussivand T, Masters RG, Bourke M, Guiraudon G, Holmes KS, Day KD, Keon WJ. The HeartSaver Ventricular Assist Device: An Update. Ann Thorac Surg 71:S166-70,2001
- Vega JD, Ochsner JL, Jeevanandam V, McGiffin DC, McCurry KR, Mentzer RM, Menkis AH, Staples ED, Modry DL, Emery RW, Piccione W, Carrier M, Hendry PJ, Aziz S, Furukawa S, Pham SM. A multicenter, randomized, controlled trial of Celsior for flush and hypothermic storage of cardiac allografts. Ann Thorac Surg 71:1442-1447,2001
- Mussivand T, Hendry PJ, Masters RG, Keon WJ. A totally implantable VAD with remote patient monitoring and control. J Congestive Heart Failure and Circulatory Support 1: 371-377,2001
- Farrar DJ, Holman WR, McBride LR, Kormos RL, Icenogle TB, Hendry PJ, Moore CH, Loisance DY, El-Banayosy A, Frazier H. Long-term follow-up of Thoratec Ventricular Assist Device bridge-to-recovery patients successfully removed from support after recovery of ventricular function. J Heart Lung Transplant 21:516-521, 2002
- Davies RA, Veinot J, Smith S, Struthers C, Hendry PJ and Masters RG. Giant Cell Myocarditis: Clinical Presentation, Bridge to Transplantation with Mechanical Circulatory Support, and Long term Outcome. J Heart Lung Transplant 21:674-79, 2002
- Beanlands RSB, Nichol G, deKemp R, Ruddy TD, Iwanochko RM, Coates G, Freeman M, Nahmias C, Hendry P, Burns R, Lamy A, Mickleborough L, Kostuk W, Fallen E and the PARR Investigators. PET and recovery following revascularization (PARR-1): The importance of scar and the development of a prediction rule for the degree of recovery of LV function. J Am Coll Cardiol. 40:1735 1743,2002
- Hendry PJ, Masters RG, Day K, Jahangiri B, Mussivand T, Keon WJ. Implantation technique for the HeartSaver Left Ventricular Assist Device. Operative Techniques in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 7:152-157,2003
- Hendry PJ, Masters RG, Davies RA, Struthers C, Mussivand T, Keon WJ: Mechanical circulatory support of adolescent patients: The Ottawa Heart Institute experience. Can J Cardiol 19:409 412,2003
- Ross H, Hendry P, Dipchand A, Giannetti N, Hirsch G, Isaac D, Singh N, West L, White M. 2001 Canadian Cardiovascular Society consensus conference on cardiac transplantation. Can J Cardiol 19:620-654,2003
- Haddad M, Veinot JP, Masters RG, Hendry PJ. Essential thrombocytosis causing a massive myocardial infarction. Cardiovasc Pathol 12:216-218,2003
- Mussivand T, Harasaki H, Litwak K, Slaughter MS, Gray Jr LA, Dowling RD, Mueller R, Masters RG, Hendry PJ, Beck-da-Silva LN, Davies R, Haddad H, Mesana TG, Keon WJ. In vivo evaluation of the biocompatibility of a totally implantable VAD (HeartSaver VAD). ASAIO J 49:459-462,2003
- Ibrahim M, Hendry P. Ventricular assist devices as a 'Bridge to recovery': Questions looking for answers. Cardiac Surgery Today 1:68-70, 2003
- Charbonneau E, Hendry PJ, Rubens FD, Collart F, Gariboldi V, Mesana TG. A strategy of hypothermic circulatory arrest for difficult heart transplant postventricular assist device. Ann Thorac Surg 76:611 4, 2003
- Ross H, Hendry P, Dipchand A, Giannetti N, Hirsch G, Isaac D, Singh N, West L, White M, Ignaszewski A, Chung AM, Straatman L, Modry D, Tymchak W, Burton J, Warnica W, Azevedo JE, Kostuk W, Menkis A, Pflugfelder P, Quantz M, Davies R, Haddad H, Masters R, Cusimano R, Delgado D, Feindel C, Rao V, Cantarovich M, Cecere R, Carrier M, Pellerin Rubens F.D. The influence of PMEA-coated bypass circuits on perioperative inflammatory response (commentary). Ann Thorac Surg; 75:917-918, 2003.
- Beanlands R, Nichol G, Ruddy TG, deKemp RA, Hendry P, Humen D, Racine N, Ross H, Benard F, Coates G, Iwanochko RM, Fallen E, Wells G. Evaluation of outcome and cost-effectiveness using an FDG PET-guided approach to management of patients with coronary disease and severe LV dysfunction. (PARR - 2): Rationale, design and methods. Controlled Clinical Trials 24:776-794, 2004
- Haddad M, Hendry PJ, Masters RG, Mesana T, Haddad H, Davies RA, Mussivand TV, Struthers C, Keon WJ. Ventricular assist devices as a bridge to cardiac transplantation: The Ottawa experience. Artif Int Organs 28:136-141,2004
- Haddad M, Masters RG, Hendry PJ, Mesana T, Haddad H, Davies RA, Mussivand TV, Struthers C, Keon WJ. Improved early survival with the total artificial heart. Artif Int Organs 28:161-165,2004
- Davies RA, Badovinac K, Haddad H, Hendry PJ, Masters RG, Struthers C, Veinot JP, Smith S, Mussivand TV, Mesana T, Keon WJ. Heart transplantation at the Ottawa Heart Institute: Comparison with Canadian and International results. Artif Int Organs 28:166-170,2004
- Mielniczuk L, Mussivand T, Davies R, Mesana TG, Masters RG, Hendry PJ, Keon WJ, Haddad HA. Patient selection for left ventricular assist devices. Artif Int Organs 28:152-157, 2004
- Mussivand T, Carrier M, Chiu R C-J, Davies RA, Delgado DH, Deng MC, Haddad H, Hendry PJ, Keon WJ, Koshal A, Master RG, Mesana T, Rao V. Under-utilization of mechanical circulatory support devices in Canada: Why and what can be done? Artif Int Organs 28: 278-286, 2004
- Ruel M, Rubens FD, Masters RG, Pipe AL, Bedard P, Hendry PJ, Lam BK, Burwash IG, Goldstein WG, Brais MP, Keon WJ, Mesana TG. Late incidence and predictors of persistent or recurrent heart failure in patients with aortic prosthetic valves. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 127:149-159, 2004
- Hendry PJ. Developments in mechanical support as a bridge to cardiac transplant. Can J Cardiol 20:443-446, 2004
- Nathan HJ, Parlea L, Dupuis JY, Hendry P, Williams KA, Rubens FD, Wells GA. Safety of deliberate intraoperative and postoperative hypothermia for patients undergoing coronary artery surgery: A randomized trial. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 127:1270-1275, 2004
- Ibrahim M, Hendry P. Ventricular assist devices as a "bridge to recovery": Where do we stand? Can J Cardiol 20:722-724,2004
- Warriner RK, Laberge M, Haddad M, Hendry PJ, Mussivand T. Virtual anatomical 3-D fit trial for intra-thoracically implanted medical devices. ASAIO J 50:354-359,2004
- Ruel M, Masters RG, Rubens FD, Pipe AL, Bedard P, Hendry PJ, Goldstein WG, Brais MP, Keon WJ, Mesana TG. Late incidence and determinants of stroke after aortic and mitral valve replacement. Ann Thorac Surg 78:77-84,2004
- Haddad M, Masters RG, Hendry PJ, Kawai A, Veinot JP, Lavallee G, Mussivand TV. Intercontinental LVAS patient transport. Ann Thorac Surg 78:1818-20,2004
- Lam BK, Hendry PJ. Patients over 80 years: quality of life after aortic valve replacement. Age Ageing 33:307 9,2004
- Haddad M, K Lam, Hendry P, Mesana T, Davies RF. Left ventricular assist devices for the treatment of congestive heart failure. Current Treatment Options in Cardiovascular Medicine 7:47-54,2005
- Wolfson AL, So DSF, Chan K, Burwash I, Hendry P, Veinot JP, Labinaz M. Thrombus of the ascending aorta. A rare cause of myocardial infarction. Cardiovascular Pathology 14:214-218, 2005
- Ogawa T, Veinot JP, Davies RA, Haddad H, Smith SJ, Masters RG, Hendry PJ, Starling R, Kuroski-deBold M, Ponce A, Ma K, deBold AJ. Neuroendocrine Profiling of Humans Receiving Cardiac Allografts. J Heart Lung Transplant: 24:1046-1054, 2005
- Lam BK, Boodhwani M, Veinot JP, Hendry PJ, Mesana T. Surgical treatment of atrial fibrillation with diathermy: an in-vitro study. Eur J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 27:456-461,2005
- Ruel M, Kulik A, Lam BK, Rubens FD, Hendry PJ, Master RG, Bedard P, Mesana TG. Long-term outcomes of valve replacement with modern prostheses in young adults. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 27:425-433,2005
- Haddad H, Elabbassi W, Moustafa S, Davies R, Mesana T, Hendry P, Masters R, Mussivand T. Left ventricular assist devices as bridge to heart transplantation in congestive heart failure with pulmonary hypertension. ASAIO J 51:456-460,2005
- Mesana TG, Kulik A, Ruel M, Hendry P, Masters R, Rubens FD, Bedard P, Lam BK. Combined atrial fibrillation ablation with mitral valve surgery. J Heart Valve Dis. 15:515 520,2006
- Kulik A, Bedard P, Lam BK, Rubens FD, Hendry PJ, Masters RG, Mesana TG, Ruel M. Mechanical versus bioprosthetic valve replacement in middle aged patients. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 30:485 491, 2006
- Boodhwani M, Rubens FD, Wozny D, Rodriguez R, Alsefaou A, Hendry PJ, Nathan HJ. Predictors of early neurocognitive deficits in low risk patients undergoing on pump coronary artery bypass surgery. Circulation 114(1 Suppl):I461 I466, 2006
- Boodhwani M, Veinot JP, Hendry PJ. Surgical approach to cardiac papillary fibroelastomas. Can J Surgery 23:301-2, 2007
- Lam BK, Chan V, Hendry P, Ruel M, Masters R, Bedard P, Goldstein W, Rubens F, Mesana T. The impact of patient-prosthesis mismatch on late outcomes after mitral valve replacement. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surge 133:1464-73, 2007
- Hendry P. Invited commentary: Medically refractory pulmonary hypertension: Treatment with nonpulsatile left ventricular assist devices. Ann Thorac Surg 83:1705-6,2007
- Davies RA, Veinot JP, Williams K, Haddad H, Baker A, Donaldson J, Pugliese C, Struthers C, Masters RG, Hendry PJ, Mesana T. Assessment of cyclosporine pharmacokinetic parameters to facilitate conversion from c0 to c2 monitoring in heart transplant recipients. Transplant Proc 39:3334-9, 2007
- Hendry P. Invited commentary: Late-onset driveline infections: The Achilles’heel of prolonged left ventricular assist device support. Ann Thorac Surg 84:520-1, 2007
- Ruel M, Chan V, Bedard P, Kulik A, Ressler L, Lam BK, Rubens F, Goldstein W, Hendry P, Masters R, Mesana T. Very long-term survival implications of heart valve replacement with tissue versus mechanical prostheses in adults <60 years of age. Circulation. 116(11 Suppl):I294-300,2007
- Vincent Chan MD, B-Khanh Lam MD, Paul Hendry MD, Marc Ruel MD MPH, Roy Masters MD, Pierre Bedard MD, Bill Goldstein MD, Fraser Rubens MD MSc, Ladislaus Ressler MD, Thierry G. Mesana MD PhD. Bileaflet Mechanical Mitral Valve Replacement: Can One Size Fit All? Journal of Heart Valve Disease. Jun 2007
- Meirovich YF, Veinot JP, Kuroski de Bold ML, Haddad H, Davies RA, Masters RG, Hendry PJ, de Bold AJ. Relationship between natriuretic peptides and inflammation: Proteomic evidence obtained during acute cellular cardiac allograft rejection in humans. J Heart Lung Transplant 27:31-37,2008
- Kulik A, Al-Saigh M, Chan V, Masters R, Bédard P, Lam BK, Rubens FD, Hendry PJ, Mesana TG, Ruel M. Enlargement of the Small Aortic Root During Aortic Valve Replacement: Is There a Benefit? Ann Thorac Surg 85:94 –101,2008
- Keon WJ, Hendry PJ. Is there a place for coronary endarterectomy in coronary revascularization? Proceedings of the International Symposium for Cardiovascular Disease, 1986
- Koshal A, Hendry PJ, Keon WJ. Is coronary artery surgery safe in obese patients? Obesity Update, April, 1986
- Hendry PJ. MSc Thesis: The effects of activated complement on myocardial function. University of Ottawa, Ottawa, 1986
- Koshal A, Hendry PJ, Keon WJ. Should obese patients not undergo coronary artery surgery? In: Proceedings of the World Conference on Open Heart Surgery, Sheety KR, Parulkar GB, eds. Tata McGraw-Hill Publ Co Ltd., New Delhi: 562-68, 1987
- Keon WJ, Hendry PJ, Farrell EM, Boyd WD. Longterm followup of coronary endarterectomy. International Symposium in Antwerp, June, 1987
- Blanchard SM, Hendry PJ, Kabas JS, Smith PK, Lowe JE, Smith WM. Local and distant components of bipolar cardiac electrograms. Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 11th Ann Int Conf:220-221,1989
- Labow RS, Meek E, Hendry PJ, Keon WJ. Hypothermia inhibits human sarcoplasmic reticulum. Proc Can Fed Biol Soc, p58, 1991
- Masters RG, Hendry PJ, Davies RA, Mussivand T, Struthers C, Keon WJ. Influence of priority status on outcome of cardiac transplantation. Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress of ISCTS, Jan 1993
- Gill IS, Hendry PJ, Masters RG, Laramee L, Haspect A, Gordon J, Keon WJ. Trends of emergency bypass for failed angioplasty (1981-1991). Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress of ISCTS, Jan 1993
- Mussivand T, Masters RG, Hum A, Holmes KS, Rajagopalan K, Hendry PJ, Keon WJ. Pulsatile flow artificial heart. Proceedings of the 15th Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics (CANCAM '95)
- Keon WJ, Hendry PJ, Boyd WD, Walley VM. Longterm followup of coronary endarterectomy. In : Walter PJ, ed. Treatment of End-Stage Coronary Artery Disease. Adv Cardiol, Basel, Krager, 1988, vol 36, pp19-26
- Hendry PJ, Lowe JE. Aortic valvuloplasty - A surgeon's perspective. In: Bashore TM, Davidson CJ eds., Percutaneous balloon valvuloplasty and related techniques. Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, 1991, pp 124-140
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