Appointments and affiliations
Cardiac anesthesiologist, Division of Cardiac Anesthesiology
University of Ottawa Heart Institute
Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology
University of Ottawa
Active Attending Staff
The Ottawa Hospital (Civic Campus)
Dr. James Robblee is a cardiac anesthesiologist at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute, Assistant Professor in the Department of Anesthesiology at the University of Ottawa and a member of Active Attending Staff at The Ottawa Hospital (Civic Campus).
Dr. Robblee received his Medical Degree from the University of Alberta in 1970, and he was admitted as a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (FRCPC) in 1976.
After several years in practice, he accepted a position as an Assistant Professor at the University of Ottawa in 1978, while working at the Ottawa General Hospital. In 1979, he moved to The Ottawa Hospital (Civic Campus) and remained there until 1981, when he joined the staff of the Heart Institute. He was appointed Division Head of Cardiac Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine in 1996.
Active and with many interests, Dr. Robblee has served on several national committees, including the National Blood Services Committee and the Canadian Blood Agency Scientific Advisory Committee. He completed a Masters of Business Administration in 2000. Dr Robblee is Chair of the Board of Governors of Algonquin College, a large community college located in Ottawa, Perth and Pembroke, Ontario. He completed the Directors Education program offered by Rotman School of Business and achieved the ICD.D designation of the Institute of Corporate Directors in 2009.
Dr. Robblee is a Surveyor for Accreditation Canada and serves as the Chair of the Physician Advisory Committee. He has surveyed over 50 hospitals in Canada and in Saudi Arabia.
Research and clinical interests
Dr. Robblee’s interests include antifibrinolytics and blood transfusion in high-risk cardiac surgical patients, readmission to the critical care unit, prospective analysis and FMEA in acute care hospitals in Canada, and patient safety and battery-operated medical devices.
- Cleland MJ, Robblee J, Zakutney T. Monitoring Infusion pump performance through battery capacity measurement. World Congress of the World Society of Cardiothoracic Surgeons, August 2006.
- Cleland MJ, Robblee J, Zakutney T. A novel approach to anesthetic delivery during cardiopulmonary bypass. World Congress of the World Society of Cardiothoracic Surgeons, August 2006.
- Robblee JA, Heidemann EG. Hospital accreditation and the surgeon: the Canadian experience. Surgeon 2004 Dec;2(6):321-326, Review.
- Cheng DC, Mazer CD, Martineau R, Ralph-Edwards A, Karski J, Robblee J, Finegan B, Hall RI, Latimer R, Vuylsteke A. A phase II dose-response study of hemoglobin raffiner (Hemolink) in elective coronary artery bypass surgery. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2004 Jan;127(1):79-86.
- Nicklin WL, McLellan T, Robblee JA. Aim for excellence: integrating accreditation standards into the continuous quality improvement framework. Health Q 2004;7(4):44-48, 2.
- Patenaude, B., Robblee, J.A., Watson, A.G.: "The Value of Pancuronium in Prolonged Intraocular Operations" Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology, Vol. 12: No. 4:265-267, 1978
- Miller, D., Robblee, J.A.: "Perioperative Management of a Patient with a Malignant Pheochromocytoma" Canadian Anaesthetists' Society Journal Vol. 32: No. 3 (Part I):278-282, May 1985
- Crosby E.T., Robblee J.A.: "Cyclosporine-Pancuronium Interaction in a Patient with a Renal Allograft" Can J Anaesth 1988; 35:300-02
- Robblee J.A., Crosby E., Keon W.J.: "Hypoxemia following intraluminal oxygen line obstruction during cardiopulmonary bypass". Ann Thor Surg 1989;48:575-6
- Robblee J.A.: "Blood Harvested Before Cardiopulmonary Bypass Decreases Intraoperative Blood Loss". J Cardiothorac Anaes. 4:519-521, 1990.
- Robblee J.A., Crosby E. Transfusion Medicine Issues in the Practice of Anesthesiology. Transfusion Medicine Reviews, Vol IX, No 1 (January), 1995:60-78
- Rubens FD, Labow RS, Waghray G, Robblee J: The Importance of Sampling Site in the Measurement of Whole-Blood Platelet Flow Cytometry. Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anaesthesia, Vol. 12, No. 3 (June) 1998:1-6.
- Rubens FD, Labow RS, Lavalee G, Watson M, Waghray G, Macdonald A, Robblee J, Voorhees M, Nathan H.: Hematologic evaluation of extra-corporeal circuits prepared with a novel block co-polymer for cardiopulmonary bypass. Ann Thorac Surg, (Accepted for publication, March 1999).
- Rubens FD, Ruel M, Lavalee G, Watson M, Robblee J, Wozny D, Nathan H. Hemodynamic changes related to circuits with surface modifying additive for clinical cardiopulmonary bypass. Eur J Cardiothor Surg, (Accepted for publication 1999)
- Dupuis J-Y, Bart B, Bryson G, Robblee J. Transfusion practices among patients who did and did not predonate autologous blood before elective cardiac surgery. CMAJ Apr 6, 1999;160(7):997.
- Rubens FD, Dupuis JY, Robblee J, Rock G, Bryson GL, Wells PS. Feasibility of blinding in a randomized controlled trial comparing preoperative autologous blood donation and acute normovolemic hemodilution in adult cardiac surgery. Transfusion 2000;40:1058-1062.
- Ruel MA, Wang F, Bourke ME, Dupuis JY, Robblee JA, Keon WJ, Rubens FD.: Is tranexamic acid safe in patients undergoing coronary endarterectomy? Annals of Thoracic Surgery. 71(5):1508-11, May 2001
- Robblee JA, Nicklin WL: Views of practicing physicians and the public on medical errors. Comment on N Engl J Med 2002 Dec 12;347(24):1933-40 N Engl J Med 2003 Mar 20;348(12):1184-5.
- Cheng DC, Mazer CD, Martineau R, Ralph-Edwards A, Karski J, Robblee J, Finegan B, Hall RI, Latimer R, Vuylsteke A: A phase II dose-response study of hemoglobin raffiner (Hemolink) in elective coronary artery bypass surgery. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2004 Jan;127(1):79-86.
- Nicklin, WL, McLellan, T, Robblee, JA. Aim for excellence: integrating accreditation standards into the continuous quality improvement framework. Health Q. 2004;7(4):44-8, 2.
- Robblee, JA, Heidemann, EG. Hospital accreditation and the surgeon: the Canadian experience. Surgeon. 2004 Dec;2(6):321-6. Review.
- M.J Cleland, J Robblee, T. Zakutney. Monitoring Infusion pump performance through battery capacity measurement. World Congress of the World Society of Cardiothoracic Surgeons. August 2006.
- M.J. Cleland, J Robblee, T. Zakutney. A novel approach to anesthetic delivery during cardiopulmonary bypass. World Congress of the World Society of Cardiothoracic Surgeons. August 2006.
- Nadeau, S.G., Robblee, J.A.: "Effect of Premedication on Arterial Blood Gases in Cardiac Surgical Patients" (ABS) Anesthesia and Analgesia, February 1986 S:110
- Nathan, H., Robblee, J.A. et al: "A Continuous Intravenous Nifedipine Infusion for the Control of Hypertension Following Coronary Artery Surgery: Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics" (ABS)
- Nadeau, S.G., Robblee, J.A.: "Divided Doses of Thiopentone Attenuate Heart Rate Changes After Intubation" (ABS) Canadian Anaesthetists Society Journal Vol. 33, No. 3 (Part II), May 1986, S83
- Keon W.J., Masters R.G., Koshal A., Farrell E.M., Robblee J.A.: "The Total Artificial Heart as a Bridge to Transplantation in Cardiogenic Shock". Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Abstract, Sept. 1987
- Keon W.J., Masters R.G., Koshal A., Farrell E.M., Robblee J.A.: "The Total Artificial Heart as a Bridge to Transplantation in Cardiogenic Shock". Abstract Canadian Cardiovascular Society Annual Meeting, Oct. 1987.
- Nathan H.J., Robblee J.A.: "The Treatment of Hypertension Following Coronary Artery Surgery: A Comparison of Intravenous Nifedipine and Sodium Nitroprusside" Proceedings of the 10th Scientific Sessions of the Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists, 1988.
- Nathan H.J., Robblee J.A.: "The treatment of hypertension following coronary artery surgery: a comparison of intravenous nifedipine and sodium nitroprusside". Can J Anaesth. 35(II):568, 1988.
- Robblee J.A., Wynands J.E.: "An Unusual Case of Pericardial Tamponade and Myocardial Ischemia" (Abs) Proceedings of SCA 12th Annual Meeting, p139, 1990.
- Tang T., Robblee J.A., Nathan H., et al: "The Pericardium and Left Ventricular Diastolic Pressure-Volume Relation and Filling: An Intraoperative Study". (Abs) Proceedings of SCA 13th Annual Meeting, 1991.
- Robblee J.A., Labow R.: "The Effect of Desmopressin (DDAVP) on Human In Vitro Atrial Trabecular Preparation". (Abs), Proceedings of SCA Annual Meeting, 1991.
- Bondy R., Robblee J.A.: "A Case of Right Ventricular Dysfunction in a Patient with Left Ventricular Hypertrophy". (Abs) SCA 13th Annual Meeting, Spring, 1991.
- Tang T, Robblee JA, Nathan H, et al: "The Pericardium and Left Ventricular Diastolic Pressure-Volume Relation and Filling: An Intraoperative Study". (Abs) CASJ:38(II):A39, 1991.
- Robblee J.A., Labow R.: "The Effect of Desmopressin (DDAVP) on Human In Vitro Atrial Trabecular Preparation". (Abs) CASJ 38(II):A166, 1991.
- Robblee, J.A., Nathan H.J.: "Tranexamic acid reduces blood utilization in cardiac surgical reoperation procedures" (Abs) Anesth Analg 1995;80,SCA1-SCA141.
- Robblee, J.A.: "Graft occlusion following administration of tranexamic acid" (Abs) Anesth Analg 1995;SCA1-SCA141.
- Robblee, J.A.: "Tranexamic acid reduces blood and blood product utilization in cardiac surgery reoperations" (Abs) Proceedings of the CSTM/CRCS Joint Conference, May 1995, Edmonton, AB.
- Robblee, J.A., Nathan H.J.: "Reduction of blood utilization with tranexamic acid in valve and CABG Reoperations" (Abs) CASJ 42:II:A5b
- Robblee, J.A.: "The effects of colloid plasma volume expanders added to cardiopulmonary bypass circuit prime" (Abs) Presented at the CSTM Scientific Conference, May 23-26, 1996, Toronto, Ontario. CSTM Bulletin:9;22, May 1996.
- Robblee, J.A. and Berger, R: "Autologous predonation in cardiac surgical patients" (Abs) Presented at the CSTM Scientific Conference, May 23-26, 1996, Toronto, Ontario. CSTM Bulletin:9;23, May 1996.
- Rubens FD, Labow RS, Robble JA: "Hematologic effects of the Davol autotransfusion device in re-operative cardiac surgery" (Abs) June, 1996.
- Bart B, Grimes S, Dupuis J-Y, Bryson G, Robblee JA: An analysis of transfusion decision making in cardiac surgery. (Abs) Anesthesia and Analgesia 84:SCA38,1997.
- Robblee JA: The effects of preoperative aspirin therapy and tranexamic acid on blood utilization in cardiac surgical reoperations. (Abs) Anesthesia and Analgesia 84:SCA 116, 1997.
- Robblee JA, Labow RS, Rubens FD: Hematologic effects of an ultra filtration autotransfusion device. (Abs) Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia 44:A50,1997.
- Robblee JA, Labow RS, Rubens FD: The importance of sampling site in the measurement of whole blood platelet flow cytometry. (Abs) Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia 44:A62,1997.
- Robblee JA, Rivet C, Growe G: The introduction of Pentaspan as an alternative to albumin into hospitals in Canada. (Abs) Transfusion Medicine 7(3): Sep 1997.
- F.D. Rubens, A. MacDonald, R. Labow, Gl Waghray, D. Wozny, J. Robblee, M. Voorhees, H. Nathan. Evaluation of COBE biocompatible extracorporeal circuits in cardiopulmonary bypass. (Abs) Annual Meeting of the Canadian Cardiovascular Society Oct. 20-24, 1998.
- F.D. Rubens, G. Lavallee, M. Watson, J. Robblee, D. Wozny, H. Nathan. Hemodynamic changes related to cardiopulmonary bypass with surface modifying additive. (Abs) Annual Meeting of the Canadian Cardiovascular Society Oct. 20-24, 1998.
- F.D. Rubens, G. Lavallee, M. Watson, J. Robblee, D. Wozny, H. Nathan. Circuits with surface modifying additive alter the hemodynamic response to cardiopulmonary bypass in cardiac surgical patients. (Abs) Annual meeting of the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, Sept. 20-23, 1998, Brussels, Belgium.
- JA Robblee, HJ Nathan. Does anemia delay the recovery from cardiac surgery in older patients? (Abs) Presented at the Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting, April 2002.