Appointments and affiliations
Division of Prevention and Rehabilitation
Professor, Faculty of Medicine
University of Ottawa
Andrew Pipe, MD, was formerly Chief of the Division of Prevention and Rehabilitation at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute and is a Professor in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Ottawa. Dr. Pipe continues his clinical and research activities within the Division. He received his MD from Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, in 1974.
Dr. Pipe is Canada's foremost expert on smoking cessation. He was instrumental in the development of the widely adopted Ottawa Model for Smoking Cessation at the Heart Institute.
Dr. Pipe is currently involved in clinical research assessing new approaches to smoking cessation, strategies designed to facilitate exercise adoption and novel initiatives to prevent cardiovascular disease.
He has addressed audiences in over 30 nations and is frequently consulted on issues related to tobacco use and smoking cessation, drug use in sport, and physical activity and health.
In addition to his clinical responsibilities, Dr. Pipe has been extensively involved in sports and sport medicine for many years. Dr. Pipe served as a physician at 12 Olympic Games and has been the Team Physician for Canada's National Men's Basketball Team since 1978. A member of the Canadian Olympic Hall of Fame, he served as Chair of the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport from its inception until 2003.
Dr. Pipe is the recipient of the International Olympic Committee's Award for "Sport, Health and Wellbeing" and honorary degrees from Queen's University (LLD), Brock University (DSc) and University of Guelph (DSc). He was formerly Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees at Queen's University. In 2002 he was named to the Order of Canada.
Research and clinical interests
Dr. Pipe's research interests include smoking cessation, the clinical performance of artificial heart valves, cardiovascular adaptations to exercise, and drug use in sport. He is currently involved in clinical research assessing new approaches to smoking cessation, strategies designed to facilitate exercise adoption, and novel initiatives to prevent cardiovascular disease.
See current publications list at PubMed.
- Reed JL, Birnie DH, Pipe AL. Exercise training in patients with paroxysmal, persistent and permanent atrial fibrillation. CMAJ 2014 [in press].
- Zorzoli M, Pipe A, Garnier PY, Vouillamoz M, Dvorak J. Practical experience with the implementation of an athlete’s biological profile in athletics, cycling, football, and swimming. British Journal of Sports Medicine 2014 Mar 19. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2014-093567.
- Papadakis S, Gharib M, Hambleton J, Reid R, Assi R, Pipe AL. Delivering evidence-based smoking cessation treatment in primary care practice: The experience of Ontario Family Health Teams. Canadian Family Physician [in press].
- Reid RD, McDonnell LA, Riley DL, Mark AE, Mosca L, Beaton L, Papadakis S, Blanchard CM, Mochari-Greenberger H, O'Farrell P, Wells GA, D'Angelo ME, Pipe AL. Effect of an intervention to improve the cardiovascular health of family members of patients with coronary artery disease: a randomized trial. CMAJ. 2014: 186 (1): 23-30. PMID: 24246588.
- Reed JL, Mark AE, Reid RD, Pipe AL. The Effects of Chronic Exercise Training in individuals with Permanent Atrial Fibrillation: A Systematic Review. Canadian Journal of Cardiology 2013 29(12), 1721-1728. PMID24267810.
- Reid RD, Morrin LI, Higginson LA, Wielgosz A, Blanchard C, Beaton LJ, Nelson C, McDonnell L, Oldridge N, Wells GA, Pipe AL. Motivational counseling for physical activity in patients with coronary artery disease not participating in cardiac rehabilitation. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology 2012:19(2):161-166. PMID21450579.
- Pipe A. Performance-enhancing drugs, supplements and the athlete’s heart. SAHeart: Journal of the South African Heart Association 2011;8:164-170.
- Reid RD, Morrin LI, Beaton LJ, Papadakis S, Kocourek J, McDonnell L, Slovinec D'Angelo ME, Tulloch H, Suskin N, Unsworth K, Blanchard C, Pipe AL. Randomized trial of an internet-based computer-tailored expert system for physical activity in patients with heart disease. Eur J Prev Cardiol 2012 Dec;19(6):1357-64.
- Reid RD, Mullen KA, Pipe AL. Systematic approaches to smoking cessation in the cardiac setting. Current Opinion in Cardiology 2011 Sep;26(5):443-8.
- Pipe AL, Eisenberg MJ, Gupta A, Reid RD, Suskin NG, Stone JA. Smoking Cessation and the Cardiovascular Specialist: Canadian Cardiovascular Society Position Paper. The Canadian Journal of Cardiology 2011 Mar-Apr;27(2):132-7.
- PIPE A. Tobacco and Cardiovascular Disease: Achieving Smoking Cessation in Cardiac Patients. In: Yusuf, S. (ed), Evidence-Based Cardiology, 3rd edition. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford (in press).
- PIPE A. Doping and its impact on the healthy athlete. In: Fourcroy JL. (ed) Pharmacology, Doping and Sports. Taylor & Francis Books Inc., 2008.
- REID RD, PIPE AL, RILEY DL, SORENSEN M. Sex differences in attitudes and experiences concerning smoking and cessation: Results from an international survey. Patient Education and Counseling (in press).
- PIPE A, SORENSEN M, REID R. Physician smoking status, attitudes toward smoking, and cessation advice to patients: An international survey. Patient Education and Counseling 2008 Sep 5.
- LEVINE M, CARR B, LEWANCZUK R, PIPE A, LUSSING F. Disease Management Partnerships: Creating Health Solutions. Proceedings from a Special Symposium of the 4th Annual Canadian Therapeutics Congress. Canadian Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. Halifax, 2008.
- PIPE A. Doping, sport and the community. (editorial) CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal. 2008 August 12;179(4):303.
- SUSKIN N, PIPE A, PRIOR P. Smokers paradox or not in heart failure. Just quit. European Heart Journal 2008 June 12; doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehn275.
- PIPE A. Smoking cessation: primacy in cardiovascular disease prevention. (editorial) Current Opinion in Cardiology 2008 Sep;23(5):462-464.
- TULLOCH H, REID RD, SLOVINEC D'ANGELO ME, PLOTNIKOFF RC, MORRIN LI, BEATON LJ, PAPADAKIS S, PIPE AL. Predicting Short and Long-term Exercise Intentions and Behaviour in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease: A Test of Protection Motivation Theory. Psychology and Health (in press).
- PAPADAKIS S, REID RD, COYLE D, OLDRIDGE NB, DAFOE WA, BEATON LJ, MORRIN LI, MAYHEW A, PIPE AL, ANGUS D. Cost Effectiveness of Cardiac Rehabilitation Program Delivery Models in Patients at Varying Cardiac Risk, Reason for Referral, and Gender. European J Cardiovasc Prev Rehab 2008;15(3):347-353.
- REID RD, QUINLAN B, RILEY DL, PIPE AL. Smoking cessation: lessons learned from clinical trial evidence. Current Opinion in Cardiology 2007 July;22(4):280-285.
- REID RD, PIPE AL, QUINLAN B, ODA J. Interactive voice response telephony to promote smoking cessation in patients with heart disease: A pilot study. Patient Education and Counseling 2007;66:319-326.
- REID R, TULLOCH H, KOCOUREK J, MORRIN LI, BEATON LJ, PAPADAKIS S, BLANCHARD CM, RILEY DL, PIPE AL. Who will be active? Predicting exercise stage transitions after hospitalization for coronary artery disease. Can J Physiol Pharmacol 2007;85(1):17-23.
- BLANCHARD CM, REID RD, MORRIN LI, BEATON LJ, PIPE A, COURNEYA KS, PLOTNIKOFF RC. Correlates of physical activity change in patients not attending cardiac rehabilitation. J Cardiopulm Rehabil. 2006 Nov-Dec;26(6):377-83.
- BEATON L, REID R, PIPE A, MOSCA LJ, PAPADAKIS S, MOCHARI H, SHERRARD H, O'FARRELL P. Passport to Family Heart Health Program: A Pilot Study. Current Issues in Cardiac Rehabilitation and Prevention 2006 Nov;14(2):20-21.
- REID RD, MORRIN LI, PIPE AL, DAFOE WA, HIGGINSON LA, WIELGOSZ AT, MCDONALD PW, PLOTNIKOFF RC, COURNEYA KS, OLDRIDGE NB, BEATON LJ, PAPADAKIS S, SLOVINEC D'ANGELO ME, TULLOCH HE, BLANCHARD CM. Determinants of physical activity after hospitalization for coronary artery disease: the Tracking Exercise After Cardiac Hospitalization (TEACH) Study. European J Cardiovasc Prev Rehab 2006 Aug;13(4):529-37.
- REID RD, PIPE AL, QUINLAN B. Promoting smoking cessation during hospitalization for coronary artery disease. Can J Cardiol 2006 Jul;22(9):775-780.
- HUANG S, JOHNSON K, PIPE AL. The use of dietary supplements and medications by Canadian athletes at the Atlanta and Sydney Olympic Games. Clin J Sport Med. 2006 Jan;16(1):27-33.
- JUNGE A, LANGEVOORT G, PIPE A, PEYTAVIN A, WONG F, MOUNTJOY M, BELTRAMI G, TERRELL R, HOLZGRAEFE M, CHARLES R, DVORAK J. Injuries in team sport tournaments during the 2004 Olympic Games. Am J Sports Med. 2006 Apr;34(4):565-76.
- PIPE A. "Light" and "mild" cigarettes: let's end the confusion. Now. (editorial) Canadian Journal of Public Health. 2005 May/June;96(3):165-6, 188. English, French.
- SLOVINEC-D'ANGELO ME, REID RD, HOTZ S, IRVINE J, SEGAL RW, BLANCHARD CM, PIPE AL. Is stress management training a useful addition to physician advice and nicotine replacement therapy during smoking cessation in women? Results of a randomized trial. American Journal of Health Promotion. 2005 Nov-Dec;20(2):127-34.
- MASTERS RG, HADDAD M, PIPE AL, VEINOT JP, MESANA T. Clinical Outcomes with the Hancock II Bioprosthetic Valve. Ann Thorac Surg. 2004 Sep;78(3):832-6.
- RUEL M, RUBENS FD, MASTERS RG, PIPE AL, BEDARD P, MESANA TG. Late incidence and predictors of persistent or recurrent heart failure in patients with mitral prosthetic valves. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2004 Aug;128(2):278-83.
- RUEL M, MASTERS RG, RUBENS FD, BEDARD PJ, PIPE AL, GOLDSTEIN WG, HENDRY PJ, MESANA TG. Late incidence and determinants of stroke after aortic and mitral valve replacement. Ann Thorac Surg. 2004 Jul;78(1):77-83.
- PIPE A. Efficacy and safety of ephedra and ephedrine for weight loss and athletic performance. Clin J Sport Med. 2004 May;14(3):188-89.
- RUEL M, KULIK A, RUBENS FD, BEDARD P, MASTERS RG, PIPE AL, MESANA TG. Late incidence and determinants of reoperation in patients with prosthetic heart valves. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2004 Mar;25(3):364-70.
- RUEL M, RUBENS FD, MASTERS RG, PIPE AL, BEDARD P, HENDRY PJ, LAM BK, BURWASH IG, GOLDSTEIN WG, BRAIS MP, KEON WJ, MESANA TG. Late incidence and predictors of persistent or recurrent heart failure in patients with aortic prosthetic valves. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2004 Jan;127(1):149-59.
- REID R, PIPE A, HIGGINSON L, JOHNSON K, D'ANGELO MS, COOKE D, DAFOE W. Stepped care approach to smoking cessation in patients hospitalized for coronary artery disease. J Cardiopulm Rehabil. 2003 May-Jun;23(3):176-82.
- PIPE A, BEST T. Drugs, sport, and medical practice. Clin J Sport Med. 2002 Jul;12(4):201-2.
- PIPE A, AYOTTE C. Nutritional supplements and doping. Clin J Sport Med. 2002 Jul;12(4):245-9.
- PIPE A. Get active about physical activity. Ask, advise, assist: get your patients moving (editorial). Can Fam Physician, 2002 Jan;48:13-14(Eng)21-23(Fr).
- MASTERS RG, PIPE AL, HADDAD M, KEON WJ. Are mechanical valves safe to use in older
- patients? J Heart Valve Dis. 2002 Jan;11 Suppl 1:S32-6.
- PIPE A. The adverse effects of elite competition on health and well-being. Can J Appl Physiol. 2001;26 Suppl:S192-201.
- D'ANGELO MES, REID RD, BROWN KS, PIPE AL. Gender Differences in predictors for
- long-term smoking cessation following physician advice and nicotine replacement therapy.
- Can J Public Health. 2001;92(6):418-22.
- MASTERS RG, HELOU J, PIPE AL, KEON WJ. Comparative Clinical Outcomes with the
- St. Jude Medical, Medtronic-Hall and Carbomedics Mechanical Heart Valves. J Heart Valve Dis. 2001;10(3):403-9.
- PIPE A. Structured Critical Review Effects of testosterone precursor supplementation on intensive weight training. Clin J Sport Med. 2001;11(2):126.
- PIPE AL, MEEUWISSE W. Poetry in Motion (editorial). Clin J Sport Med. 2001;11:1.
- PIPE A. Getting Active about Physical Education (editorial). Can Fam Physician. 2001;47: 235-7(Eng),243-5(Fr).
- Effects of a 21 day expedition to 619M on Human Skeletal Muscle SR CA²+ - ATPase.
- High Alt Med Biol. 2000 Winter;1(4):301-10.
- GREEN H, ROY B, GRANT S, OTTO C, PIPE A, MCKENZIE D, JOHNSON M. Human skeletal muscle exercise metabolism following an expedition to Mt. Denali. Am J Physiol Regul
- Integr Comp Physiol. 2000;279(5): R1872-9.
- JOHNSON M. Increases in submaximal cycling efficiency mediated by altitude acclimatization. J Appl Physiol. 2000;89(3):1189-97.
- PIPE A, REID R, BOUCHER K. Sustained Release Bupropion as an aid to smoking cessation. Today's Therapeutic Trends. 2000;18(1):53-70.
- PIPE A, REID R. Tobacco taxes & teenage smoking, a political issue (editorial). Paediatric Child Health. 2000;5(2):1-2.
- GREEN H, ROY B, GRANT S, BURNETT M, TUPLING R, OTTO C, PIPE A, MCKENZIE D. Down regulation in Muscle Na+ - K+ - ATPase following a 21 day expedition to 6194M.
- J Appl Physiol. 2000;88:634-640.
- PIPE A. Structured Critical Review (Anabolic Steroid-Induced Hepatotoxicity by
- Dickerman et al. Clin J Sport Med. 1999; 9: 34-39) Clin J Sport Med. 2000;10:78.
- PIPE A. Drugs, Sport and the New Millenium. Clin J Sport Med. 2000;10:7-8.
- GILL IS, MASTERS RG, PIPE AL, WALLEY VM, KEON WJ. Determinants of hospital survival following reoperative single valve replacement. Can J Cardiol. 1999;15(11):1207-10.
- PIPE A. Smoking. (Canadian Cardiovascular Society 1998 Consensus Conference on the
- Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases: The Role of the Cardiovascular Specialist) Can J Cardiol. 1999;15 (Suppl G):77G-80G.
- REID R, PIPE A. A telephone based support program for over-the-counter nicotine patch users. Can J Public Health. 1999;90(6):397-8.
- MASTERS RG, SEMELHAGO LC, PIPE AL, KEON WJ. Are older patients with mechanical heart valves at increased risk? Ann Thorac Surg. 1999;68:2169-72.
- PIPE AL. Smoking Cessation: Closing the Gap Between Guidelines & Practice. CVD Prevention. 1999;2:18-22.
- REID RD, PIPE AL, DAFOE WA. Is telephone counselling a useful addition to physician advice and nicotine replacement therapy in helping patients to stop smoking? A randomized controlled trial. CMAJ. 1999;160 (11):1577-81.
- BROWNE A, LACHANCE V, PIPE A. The ethics of blood testing as an element of doping control in sport. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1999;31(4);497-501.
- PIPE A. Reviving Ethics in Sports: Time for Physicians to Act. The Physician and Sportsmedicine. 1998 Jun;26:6:39-40.
- PIPE A. Smoking, Restaurants and Bars: The Toronto Experience. (editorial) CMAJ. 1998;158(1):68-9.
- ROCK G, TITTLEY P, PIPE AL. Coagulation Factor Changes Following Endurance Exercise. Clin J Sport Med. 1997;7:94-9.
- HART LE, PIPE AL. Enhancing Athletic Performance: When Ethics and Evidence Clash. (editorial) Clin J Sport Med. 1997;7:1-2.
- MATHESON GO, PIPE AL. 25 Years of Sport Medicine in Canada: Some Thoughts on the Road Ahead. Clin J Sport Med. 1996;6:148-51
- PIPE A. Structured Critical Review (Smoking Habits and Long-Term Decline in Physical Fitness and Lung Function in Men. by Sandvik L et al. BMJ 1995;311:715-8) Clin J Sport Med. 1996;6:139.
- PIPE A. Tobacco Addiction and Hypertension. J Hum Hypertens.1996 Feb;10 Suppl 2:S13-6.
- MELIA P, PIPE A, GREENBERG LC. The Use of Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids by Canadian Students. Clin J Sport Med. 1996;6:9-14.
- MASTERS RG, PIPE AL, WALLEY VM, KEON WJ. Comparative Results with the St. Jude Medical and Medtronic Hall Mechanical Valves. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1995 Sep;110(3):663-71.
- PIPE A. Reports of Steroid Use Needed. (letter) CMAJ. 1995;152 (4): 469.
- GILL IS, MASTERS RG, PIPE AL, WALLEY VW, KEON WJ. Determinants of Hospital Survival Following Isolated Re-operative Valve Replacement. Can J Cardiol. 1995 Aug;11: (Supp E).
- MASTERS RG, PIPE AL, WALLEY VM, KEON WJ. Comparative Results with the St. Jude Medical and Medtronic Hall Mechanical Valves. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1995;110:663-71.
- MOHTADHI NGH, HARASYN PH, PIPE A et al. Using Objective Structured Clinical Examination to Evaluate Competency in Sport Medicine. Clin J Sport Med. 1995;5:82-5.
- PIPE A. Cardiovascular Disease Prevention: Talking Occurs at all Levels - Does Understanding? Can J Cardiol. 1995 Jan;11 Suppl A:2A-3A.
- MASTERS RG, WALLEY VM, PIPE AL, KEON WJ. Long Term Experience with the Ionescu-Shiley Pericardial Valve. Ann Thorac Surg. 1995 Aug;60(2 Suppl):S288-91.
- PIPE AL. Sport, tudomány és társadalom: etika a sportorvoslásban. Testnevelés-és sporttudomány, 1994.4:191-198 (Originally published as Sport, Science & Society: Ethics in Sports Medicine. The J.B. Wolffe Memorial Lecture, Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1993;25:888-900.).
- PIPE A. Sport, Science & Society: Ethics in Sports Medicine. The J.B. Wolffe Memorial Lecture, Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1993;25:888-900.
- PIPE A. Tobacco Control: Politicking for Prevention. (editorial) Can J Public Health. 1992;83(6):397-9.
- WALLEY VM, RUBENS FD, CAMPAGNE M, PIPE AL, KEON WJ. Patterns of Failure in Hancock Pericardial Bioprostheses. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1991;102(2):187-94.
- PIPE A. Tobacco Control in Canada: The Signs of Success. (editorial) Chronic Dis Can. 1991;12(4):44-45.
- MASTERS R, PIPE A et al. Long-Term Clinical Results with the Ionescu-Shiley Pericardial Xenograft. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1991;101;81-9.
- PIPE A, WALKER J, ESDAILE D. Canadian Physicians and Tobacco. (editorial) CMAJ. 1991;144(2):137-9.
- BAO HUI Z, PIPE AL, CHAN K. The Effect of Marathon Race on the Cardiac Structure, Function and the Serum Enzymes in the Elderly. Chinese J Sport Med. 1990; 9 (2):76-79.
- O'HALLORAN C, BOWLBY M, PIPE AL. Nutrition Knowledge and Dietary Practices of Elite Male Basketball Players. J Can Dietetic Assoc. 1990 Summer; 5:1-2.
- JEAN P, HART IR, PIPE AL. A Systematic Approach to Developing a Diploma Examination in Sports Medicine. Can J Sport Sci. 1989 Dec;14(4):194-6.
- MAO Y, MORRISON H, NICHOL RD, PIPE AL, WIGLE D. The Health Consequences of Smoking Among Smokers in Canada. Can J Public Health. 1988 Sept/Oct;79(5):390-1.
- PIPE A, MELIA P. Non Sport Use of Anabolic Steroids by Young People. Report and Conclusions. Sprint Seminar on the non-sport use of banned substances. Council of Europe, Lisbon, 1999.
- MELIA P, PIPE A. Preventive Strategies for Non-Sport Use of Anabolic Steroids. The Canadian Experience. Report and Conclusions. Sprint Seminar on the non-sport use of banned substances. Council of Europe. Lisbon, 1999.
- PIPE A. Helping Teenage Women Say No to Tobacco: A Strategy to Help. Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of the Federation of Medical Women of Canada. Vancouver, 1997.
- REID RD, PIPE A. Telephone Counselling as an Adjunct to Nicotine Replacement Therapy in Smoking Cessation. Proceedings of the International Heart Health Conference. Barcelona, 1995.
- REID R, DAFOE W, PIPE A. A Comparison of Workplace Versus Community Participation in a Heart Health Promotion Programme. Proceedings of the International Heart Health Conference. Victoria, 1992.
- PIPE A. The Elite Athlete: Special Medical Requirements. Proceedings of the Second IOC World Congress of Sport Sciences. Institut Nacional d'Educacio Fisica de Catalunya, COOB, Barcelona, 1991.
- DAFOE W, REID R, PIPE A, BEANLANDS D. Coronary Risk Profile of 2000 Self-Referred Individuals at the Heart Check Centre, University of Ottawa Heart Institute. Proceedings from the International Symposium on Multiple Risk Factors in Cardiovascular Disease. Giovanni Lorenzini Medical Foundation, Houston, 1990.
- DAFOE W, REID R, PIPE A, BEANLANDS D. Relation Between Modifiable Risks and Family History of Premature Congestive Heart Disease. Proceedings from the International Symposium on Multiple Risk Factors in Cardiovascular Disease. Giovanni Lorenzini Medical Foundation, Houston, 1990.
- PIPE AL, HART IR. Evaluation of Competency in Sport Medicine: The Diploma of the Canadian Academy of Sport Medicine. In: Hermans G.P.H., Mosterd W.L. (eds) Sports, Medicine and Health, pp 1076-1080, Excerpta Medica 1990. Amsterdam, 1990
- REID RD, MORRIN L, BEATON LJ, PAPADAKIS S, TULLOCH HE, SLOVINEC D'ANGELO M, KOCOUREK J, MCDONNELL L, SUSKIN N, PIPE AL. The CardioFit Expert System to prescribe and track physical activity in patients with Coronary Artery Disease (CAD): Results from a randomized controlled trial. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation, Toronto, Ontario, October 2008. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention. September/October 2008;28(5):335.
- MULLEN KA, THOMSON J, REID RD, AITKEN D, PIPE AL. The Ottawa Model: Predictors of 6-month abstinence among smokers hospitalized in Ontario. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation, Toronto, Ontario, October 2008. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention. September/October 2008;28(5):335.
- PIPE AL. Anti-Doping: The Challenge and the Opportunity. Sixteenth FINA World Sports Medicine Congress, Manchester, UK, April 7, 2008. Journal of Sport Sciences 2008;26:16.
- REID RD, MOSCA L, PAPADAKIS S, BEATON LJ, ELIAS N, LALONDE I, KOCOUREK J, MOCHARI H, O'FARRELL P, PIPE AL. A program to screen and counsel family members of patients recently hospitalized with CHD. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Cardiovascular Society, Toronto, ON, October 27, 2007.
- REID RD, PIPE AL, MORRIN LI, BEATON LJ, BLANCHARD CM, KOCOUREK J. Predicting exercise stage transitions after hospitalization for CHD: A test of social-ecological theory. Canadian Cardiovascular Congress, Vancouver, British Columbia, October 2006. The Canadian Journal of Cardiology 2006 Oct;22(Suppl D):143D.
- DEHGHAN N, KOCOUREK J, BOSTWICK J, WIELGOSZ AT, REID RD, PIPE AL. Coronary Risk Factors and Patterns of Physical Activity in Adult Male Recreational Hockey Players. Annual Scientific Symposium of the Canadian Academy of Sport Medicine, Edmonton, Alberta, May 2006. Clin J Sport Med. 2006 Mar;16(2):184.
- AMHALHAL I, DAVIS DR, PIPE AL, JAMNIK VK, GLEDHILL N, GREEN MS. What is a "Normal" Electrocardiogram in an Elite Hockey Player? Annual Scientific Symposium of the Canadian Academy of Sport Medicine, Edmonton, Alberta, May 2006. Clin J Sport Med. 2006 Mar;16(2):184.
- JUNGE A, LANGEVOORT G, PIPE A, CHARLES R, DVORAK J. Verletzungen beim Handball, Fußball und Basketball während Olympischen Spiele 2004 in Athen. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin (2005) 56, page 263.
- PIPE A, JUNGE A, CHARLES R, DVORAK J. Basketball injuries during the 2004 Athens Olympic Games. American College of Sports Medicine (Poster Presentation). 52nd Annual Meeting. Nashville, Tennessee, USA. June 2005.
- REID R, MORRIN L, BEATON L, PAPADAKIS, S, BLANCHARD C, PIPE A. Trajectories for physical activity following hospitalization for CAD. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation, Montreal, Quebec, October 2005. J Cardiopulm Rehabil. 2005.
- PIPE A, JUNGE A, CHARLES R, DVORAK J. Basketball injuries during the 2004 Athens Olympic Games. Canadian Academy of Sport Medicine/OMA (Poster Presentation). Annual Symposium. Ottawa, Canada. February 2005.
- PIPE AL, CORRIGAN B, MOUNTJOY M. The use of medications, supplements, and ergogenic aids by elite competitors at the 2003 World Aquatic Championships. Canadian Academy of Sport Medicine/OMA, Annual Symposium, Ottawa, Canada. February 2005.
- PIPE AL. Medicines in Sport: Historical, Ethical, Moral and Legal Issues. 8th World Conference on Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Brisbane, Australia, August 2004. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology. 2004 Aug;31 Suppl 1:A4.
- QUINLAN B, REID R, DAVIDSON D, PIPE A. A consistent and cost-effective approach to the management of smoking cessation within the hospital setting. Ontario Hospital Association Conference, Toronto, Ontario. Canada. Nov. 15, 2004.
- HADDAD M, MASTERS RG, VEINOT JP, PIPE AL, MESANA T. Clinical Performance of the Hancock II Bioprosthetic Valve. 56th Annual Meeting, Canadian Cardiovascular Society, Toronto, Ontario, October 2003. The Canadian Journal of Cardiology. 2003 Oct;19 Suppl A:265A.
- RUEL M, FRASER DR, MASTERS RG, PIPE AL, BEDARD P, HENDRY PJ, GOLDSTEIN WG, BRAIS MP, BURWASH IG, KEON WJ, MESANA TG. Prosthesis Size and Mismatch are Independently Predictive of Recurrent Heart Failure After Aortic Valve Replacement. 56th Annual Meeting, Canadian Cardiovascular Society, Toronto, Ontario, October 2003. The Canadian Journal of Cardiology. 2003 Oct;19 Suppl A:239A.
- KULIK A, RUEL M, RUBENS FD, MASTERS RG, PIPE AL, BEDARD P, HENDRY PJ, GOLDSTEIN WG, BRAIS MP, KEON WJ, MESANA TG. Late Incidence and Risk Factors for Reoperation in Patients with Prosthetic Heart Valves. 56th Annual Meeting, Canadian Cardiovascular Society, Toronto, Ontario, October 2003. The Canadian Journal of Cardiology. 2003 Oct;19 Suppl A:143A.
- LAM BK, PIPE A, THOMSON M, DESAI ND, HENDRY PJ. Is Quality Of Life Acceptable After Aortic Valve Surgery in Octogenarians? 51st Annual Meeting, Canadian Cardiovascular Society, Ottawa, Ontario, October 1998. The Canadian Journal of Cardiology. 1998 Sep;14 Suppl F:IZ7F.
- HELOU J, MASTERS RG, PIPE A, KEON WJ. Comparative Clinical Outcomes with Three Mechanical Valves. 51st Annual Meeting, Canadian Cardiovascular Society Ottawa, Ontario, October 1998. The Canadian Journal of Cardiology. 1998 Sep;14 Suppl F:129.
- PIPE AL. Doping in Sport: An International Perspective. Third Annual Congress of European College of Sport Sciences, Manchester, England, July 16, 1998.
- PIPE AL. International Issues in Olympic Sports Medicine. 45th Annual Meeting, American College of Sports Medicine, Orlando, Florida, June 5, 1998. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 1998 May;30(5):S1.
- OTTO CA, PIPE AL. Autonomic Control of Heart Rate During Ascent to High Altitude. 45th Annual Meeting, American College of Sports Medicine, Orlando, Florida, June 5, 1998. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 1998 May;30(5):S216.
- SEMELHAGO LC, MASTERS RG, PIPE A, KEON WJ. Are Elderly Patients at Increased Risk with Mechanical Valves? 50th Annual Meeting, Canadian Cardiovascular Society, Winnipeg, Manitoba, October 5-9, 1997. The Canadian Journal of Cardiology. 1997 Sep;13 Suppl C:87C.
- PIPE AL, REID RD, TRACEY S, DAFOE WA. Randomized Trial of Telephone Counselling in Association with Canadian Council on Smoking and Health Guidelines for Cessation. 50th Annual Meeting, Canadian Cardiovascular Society, Winnipeg, Manitoba; October 6, 1997. The Canadian Journal of Cardiology. 1997 Sep;13 Suppl C:90C.
- REID R, PIPE A, TRACEY S, BOUCHER K. Telephone Counseling Reduces The Effectiveness of Nicotine Replacement Therapy and Physician Advice In Low Nicotine Dependent Smokers. (Poster) 4th International Conference on Preventive Cardiology Montreal, Quebec, July 2, 1997.
- TRACEY S, BOUCHER K, WELCH V, REID R, PIPE A. Stage Specific Results Comparing Smokers From An Outpatient Smoking Cessation Clinic and Those From A Randomized Clinical Trial. (Poster) 4th International Conference on Preventive Cardiology, Montreal, Quebec, July 2, 1997.
- OTTO CA, PIPE AL. Telemedicine Using Mobile Satellite Communications During High Altitude Mountaineering: The Logan Experience. (Poster Presentation) 27th Annual Scientific Symposium, Canadian Academy of Sport Medicine, Vernon, British Columbia, February 28, 1997. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine. 1997;7:233-242.
- OTTO CA, PIPE AL. Autonomic Control of Cardiac Function During High Altitude Exposure Studied by Heart Rate Variability Spectral Analysis. 27th Annual Scientific Symposium, Canadian Academy of Sport Medicine, Vernon, British Columbia, February 28, 1997. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine. 1997;7:233-242.
- PIPE AL, WADE AC. Drug Testing in Canadian Sport: 1992-1995. (Poster Presentation) 27th Annual Scientific Symposium, Canadian Academy of Sport Medicine, Vernon, British Columbia, February 28, 1997. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine. 1997;7:233-242.
- PIPE AL, WADE AC. The Pattern of Drug Use in Canadian Sport: 1992-1995. 27th Annual Scientific Symposium, Canadian Academy of Sport Medicine, Vernon, British Columbia, February 28, 1997. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine. 1997;7:233-242.
- REID R, PIPE A, TRACEY S, WELCH V. The Effect of Proactive Telephone Counselling on the Use of Processes of Change During Smoking Cessation. Tobacco Free Canada: Second National Conference on Tobacco or Health. Ottawa, Ontario. October 30 - November 2, 1996.
- REID R, PIPE A, TRACEY S, WELCH V, BOUCHER K. Pilot Study of the Cost-Effectiveness of Telephone Counselling as an Adjunct to Nicotine Replacement in Smoking Cessation. Tobacco Free Canada: Second National Conference on Tobacco or Health. Ottawa, Ontario. October 30 - November 2, 1996.
- REID R, PIPE A, TRACEY S, WELCH V. Pilot Study of the Efficacy of Physician Advice, Nicotine Replacement and Telephone Counselling in Smoking Cessation. Tobacco Free Canada: Second National Conference on Tobacco or Health. Ottawa, Ontario. October 30 - November 2, 1996.
- GILL IS, MASTERS RG, PIPE AL, WALLEY VW, KEON WJ. Determinants of Hospital Survival Following Isolated Re-operative Valve Replacement. Indian Association of Cardiovascular Thoracic Surgeons, Delhi, India, February 25-28, 1996.
- GILL IS, MASTERS RG, PIPE AL, WALLEY VW, KEON WJ. Determinants of Hospital Survival Following Isolated Re-operative Valve Replacement. 48th Annual Meeting, Canadian Cardiovascular Society, Toronto, Ontario, October 25, 1995.
- REID R, PIPE A. Telephone Counselling as an Adjunct to Nicotine Replacement Therapy in Smoking Cessation. 2nd International Heart Healthy Conference, Barcelona, Spain, June 1995.
- REID R, PIPE A, DAFOE WA, WOUTERS BM. Smoking Status of Patients Admitted to a Tertiary Care Hospital. Canadian Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation. Edmonton, Alberta, 1994.
- METIVIER G, PIPE AL et al. Predictive Value of Baseline Creatine Kinase (CK) in the Subsequent Response to Combined Simvastatin Administration and Exercise. Clinical Research. 1993 Aug;41(3):600A.
- PIPE AL. Exercise and Sport: The Cardiac Response. Abstracts of the 1992 Annual Scientific Conference in Sports Medicine, Australian Sport Medicine Federation, Perth, Australia, October 12-17, 1992.
- PIPE AL. Moving Towards the Millennium: Exercise and Health. Abstracts of the 1992 Annual Scientific Conference in Sports Medicine, Australian Sport Medicine Federation, Perth, Australia, October 12-17, 1992.
- MASTERS RG, PIPE AL, KOSHAL A, EDMONDS K, KEON WJ. Are Mechanical Valves a Good Alternative for the Elderly? Canadian Cardiovascular Society, October 16-19, 1991; The Canadian Journal of Cardiology. 1991 Aug;7 Suppl A.
- PIPE A, DAFOE W, REID R. A Sedentary Lifestyle is a Prevalent Trait Among a Cohort of Canadians Concerned About the Prevention of Cardiac Disease. (Poster Presentation) International Conference on Sports Medicine and Human Performance, Vancouver, British Columbia, April 20, 1991.
- PIPE A, CHAN K, PLESS R, ZAWALICK B, COLLINS S. Left Ventricular Performance in Female Recreational Marathoners. Sport Med '91, Ontario Medical Association, Toronto, February 1991.
- CHAN K, PIPE A, BARRIE M, HAY K, BLAKELY M. Effect of Marathon Running on Diastolic Left Ventricular Function: A Doppler Echocardiographic Study. (Poster Presentation) International Conference on Exercise, Fitness and Health Toronto, Ontario, June 2, 1988.
- CHAN K, PIPE A, DEBOLD AJ. Atrial Natriuretic Hormone in Marathon Running. (Poster Presentation) American College of Sports Medicine, Annual Meeting Dallas, Texas, USA, May 1988.
- CHAN K, PIPE AL, DE BOLD AJ. Atrial Natriuretic Hormone in Marathon Running. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 1988 Apr;20 Suppl 2:232.
- PIPE AL, CHAN K. Asymptomatic Heart Murmur - Pro Football Player. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 1988 Apr;20 Suppl 2:164.
- CHAN K, PIPE A, BARRIE M. Acute Effect of Marathon Running on Left Ventricular Function. (Poster Presentation) American College of Sports Medicine, Annual Meeting Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, May 1987.
- CHAN K, PIPE AL, BARRIE M. Acute Effect of Marathon Running on Left Ventricular Function. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 1987 Apr;19 Suppl 2:469.
- PIPE AL. Tobacco, Sport and Youth - An Unholy Trinity. Abstracts of The XXIII FIMS World Congress of Sports Medicine. 1986;213.
- PIPE AL. Drugs and Sport: A Need for Leadership. Abstracts of The XXIII FIMS World Congress of Sports Medicine. 1986;212
- PIPE A. Consulting Physician and Contributing Author: 30 Minutes a Day to a Healthy Heart: One Simple Plan to Conquer the Major Threats to Your Heart. Canadian Medical Association, 2006.
- PIPE A. Drugs and Ergogenic Aids in Sport. In: Bull RC. (ed) Handbook of Sports Injuries. McGraw-Hill, New York, Second Edition, 2004.
- PIPE A. Pre-participation Screening and the Basketball Player. In: McKeag D. (ed) Handbook of Sports Medicine & Science - Basketball. IOCMC, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, 2003.
- PIPE A. Cardiovascular Considerations in Basketball. In: McKeag D. (ed) Handbook of Sports Medicine and Science - Basketball. IOCMC, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, 2003.
- PIPE A. Reviving Ethics in Sports: Time for Physicians to Act. In: Grayson E. (ed) Ethics, Injuries and the Law in Sports Medicine. Butterworth Heinemann, 1999.
- PIPE A. Drugs and Ergogenic Aids in Sport. In: Bull RC. (ed) Handbook of Sports Injuries. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1999.
- WILSON D, WATTS K, BATTY H, LINDSAY E, PIPE A, EDELSON J, LENT B, FRECKER R. Smoking Cessation. In: Wilson L, Kahan M, Midmer D. (eds) Project CREATE Module Series for Undergraduate Education and Faculty Development. Department of Family and Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, 1999.
- PIPE A. Tobacco Control: Education is Not Enough. In: Yamamoto A. (ed) Multiple Risk Factors in Cardiovascular Disease. Churchill Livingstone Japan, Tokyo 1994.
- PIPE A. Drugs, Medication and Doping. In: Renstrom PAFH. (ed) Sports Injuries: Basic Principles of Prevention and Care. Vol IV Encyclopedia of Sports Medicine, IOCMC, Blackwell Scientific Publications, London, 1993.